After a busy day and sending all the guests away, the Zhao family rested one after another.

Zhao Xueli smelled of alcohol and was lying on the kang, feeling dizzy and talking nonsense.

"He is just a child after all," Zhao Xueli said, "he is almost drunk after just two bowls of wine."

Zhao Xueli was talking about Xiao Yu.

Luo Zhenniang didn't know what to say. She was just proud of being able to drink more than others? Why not compare it to others?

Zhao Xuejing helped Zhao Xueli in. He also stood aside and smiled: "How do I see that Brother Yu is not drunk?"

Mrs. Tao wanted to cover Zhao Xuejing's mouth. After all, it was the wine that made him bold. He didn't dare to call Prince Yu like this before, but now he spoke so familiarly.

"I'm not drunk," Luo Zhenniang said, "I'm just letting you guys do it." She was afraid that they were not serious enough to get Xiao Yu drunk, so she asked specifically why Xiao Yu didn't hide it from her. The reason why I couldn't drink enough was because I was afraid that Zhao Xueli and Zhao Xuejing drank too much.

When Luo Zhenniang thought about it, she felt that the child was considerate.

Zhao Xueli naturally didn't believe it: "I saw it all, and my ears turned red."

Luo Zhenniang had no choice but to think about it and left Zhao Xuejing and Zhao Xueyi together, letting the three brothers sleep together. They were all drunk anyway, so no one should dislike the other.

The three sisters-in-law were huddled together talking.

"What to do with those things?" Mrs. Tao was a little worried. There were too many things sent by the palace, and they were all so valuable. There were so many people coming and going in the village. If someone slipped in and took away...

The more Tao thought about it, the more he felt uneasy: "I'll go out and have a look."

"It's so cold outside," Luo Zhenniang grabbed Mrs. Tao, "Besides, no one dares. You Huai Zheng and the others are here."

Only then did Tao remember that there was a military guard in the village.

"Let them raise the wall tomorrow and leave our gate open."

Tao is a worried person, and all these things are on his mind.

Just as Luo Zhenniang was about to say something with a smile, she heard a "crash" outside. Several people immediately sat up and put on their clothes to see what was going on.

It turned out that Zhao Xueli was going to go to the convenience store and accidentally bumped into the box.

Mrs. Yang and Zhao Luoyang also stood up to take a look. Zhao Xueli waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay. There are so many things. I'd better ask Brother Yu to come over quickly tomorrow. Once he's here, I won't worry anymore."

It took Mrs. Yang a while to figure out what her son meant. It seemed that he was not going for a convenience, but thought that there were many things piled up at home and felt uneasy, so he got up to take a look. So he agreed to Xiao because he was afraid of losing things. Yu moved to Fengxia Village?

"Go back and have a rest." Old Mrs. Yang turned around and took two steps, then thought for a moment, stopped and pointed at Zhao Xueli, "If you dare to come out and make trouble again, don't blame your mother for not saving face for you."

Zhao Xueli was still drunk. He swayed but did not go into the room. He only pursed his lips twice and his eyes suddenly became fixed.

Luo Zhenniang next to her looked at her, and her heart sank. She knew something bad was going to happen, and she wanted to take Zhao Xueli back to the house immediately. However, she was a little far away. Before she could reach her, Zhao Xueli had already opened her mouth to speak: "Mom, how many of us are there?" In fact, we all know it.”

Old Mrs. Yang stopped.

Zhao Xueli continued: "If you think you can do it, we won't stop you. Your life will not be easy. Your children and grandchildren have grown up. We just want you to be happy."

Zhao Xuejing's alcoholic breath seemed to have dissipated for the most part, and his eyes widened involuntarily.

Mrs. Yang turned her head.

Zhao Xueli simply said: "We get along well with the eldest brothers of the Song family. They are all kind-hearted people, so what I want to say is... As long as you are willing, we will agree to this matter." Hey, Zhao Xuejing wants to leave His second brother was farther away, so he might get beaten less, but his second brother's reaction was obviously faster than his. His body sank and he fainted completely. He also looked like he was about to vomit, and he looked like a drunkard.

Old Mrs. Yang said nothing and walked into the house, but when she came out, she had a wooden stick in her hand, so all three drunkards were beaten.

Zhao Xueyi really drank too much. He didn't know how to hide and kept laughing "haha". Upon seeing this, Old Mrs. Yang stopped hitting him and greeted Zhao Xueli vigorously.

Zhao Luoyang waited until her mother was out of breath, then stepped forward to stop her, and helped her back to the house to rest. Before leaving, she even winked at her father.

Returning to the house again, Zhao Xueli covered his spanked buttocks and looked at his two younger brothers sadly: "Didn't we agree that we should do this together?"

Zhao Xuejing responded: "We were also beaten, and Sister Luo also stopped us."

Zhao Xueli was a little confused and nodded as he listened, as if that was the case.

After everyone had rested, in the silence, Zhao Xueli sat up again: "Why do I feel like something is wrong?" It was clear that he was the one who said the words, and he was the one who received the most beatings.

What responded to him was the snoring of Zhao Xuejing and Zhao Xueyi.


The next day, at dawn, a man and a horse rushed into Taozhou City to deliver a message.

When the Queen Mother died, the whole country went into mourning. The soldiers, civilians and women wore plain clothes. Gold, silver, pearls and jade were not allowed in jewelry. Marriages were stopped on the 49th.

After the official who announced the funeral came out of the government office, he discovered that many houses in Taozhou City were hanging red lanterns. After inquiring, they found out that King Yu wanted to go to Beijing, but was intercepted and injured on the way, so he had to return to Taozhou to recuperate. Princess Changle learned about this and felt that since she had to recuperate, she might as well make a marriage arrangement with the Zhao family.

So yesterday Prince Yu took people to Fengxia Village to receive some gifts.

The official wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was a coincidence. If it were one day later, the matter would have to be postponed. What he has to do now is wait for the news to spread, watch the people replace the red lanterns with white lanterns, and then pick up King Yu and go to Beijing together for the funeral.

With this thought in mind, the official went to the house where King Yu temporarily lived in the city, but he was soon stopped by the armed guards at the door, and it took him an hour to see King Yu.

King Yu was leaning on the couch to handle paperwork when the doctor took away a basin of blood-stained cloth.

"I am not planning to leave the northwest," Xiao Yu raised his head and looked at the officials, "I wrote a memorial to the emperor, and I will stay in the northwest to recuperate during this period."

It was the worst outcome officials could have imagined.

The official said tremblingly: "Then... when will the prince plan to go to Beijing?"

King Yu said: "Wait until the injury is healed and we no longer encounter assassins on the road."

The official wanted to say something, but he was taken away from the house by the armed guards. From then on, he never saw Prince Yu again and had to follow Da Zongzheng and others back to the capital.

Xiao Min, who was in the capital, received the memorial from King Yu, with a look of disappointment on his face. However, his mood soon improved, because there was a letter that accompanied the memorial to the capital. It was the first time Xiao Yu had given it to him. Xiao Min wrote a letter. The letter contained some unimportant trivial matters, such as how much food he ate and how many soldiers he had trained. He also talked about how he went to Zhao's house to make a decision.

Xiao Min read it several times attentively and was very happy about Xiao Yu's letter, which made him feel that the person who wrote the letter was not King Yu but his brother.

Xiao Yu also sent pens and inkstones to the palace.

Later, Xiao Min found the old palace man: "Brother asked me to wait."

The old palace man asked: "Is this a message sent by Prince Yu?"

Xiao Min shook his head: "Brother said that the inkstone must be ground slowly and the pen must be made patiently, so that it can be used." He believed that King Yu and his brother would definitely come.

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