Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 569 Marriage

The vassal land of King Yu, Minzhou City.

Several caravans left the city at dawn. They wanted to go all the way south to sell their full loads of goods. They would have to wait until next year to return to the northwest.

The reason why they stayed so long was to watch King Yu's wedding.

Yes, although Taozhou City has already restricted travel because of this, it is still good to experience the excitement in Minzhou. Moreover, he can also congratulate King Yu.

Of course King Yu didn't know this.

When everyone was resting on the road, they would inevitably talk about this matter in the tea shed on Guan Road. After all, today is the official day of Prince Yu's wedding.

"That shopkeeper Wang from Ningzhou entered Taozhou City a while ago."

"Ah? Wasn't it forbidden to enter a long time ago?" The merchant next to him couldn't help but envy him.

"Shopkeeper Wang is different. He has been friends with our Princess Yu for a long time. At that time, Princess Yu was just an ordinary immigrant."

This is just good luck. All the merchants present felt that if they met Princess Yu, they would definitely be like Shopkeeper Wang. Why? The things Princess Yu did were different from ordinary people.

"It doesn't matter whether we enter Taozhou or not," another merchant said. "The trading houses in the sixteen states can help spread the word. We just need to sincerely celebrate. What we will do in the future depends on how much effort we can make."

"Yes, yes." Someone immediately agreed.

Mentioning this, everyone feels that they are lucky. They made the decision early to come to the northwest to buy and sell goods, and they can make a lot of money right before their eyes.

Especially this year's leather goods and cotton fabrics, you don't have to worry about not being able to sell them, they can be sold out in a blink of an eye as long as they are shipped out.

As for why it is said that it is to contribute to the domain, it is because there are fewer merchants in the first year. Those who stand up first will naturally be praised by the merchants. After all, no one knows whether they can really make money. It depends on their own vision. and trust in Prince Yu and northwest goods.

I have to say that I was a little nervous at first, but now I am really lucky. In the past few months, more merchants have come to the domain. Sometimes even the inns are full, and the official road has never been deserted. It is conceivable that next year it will be What does it look like.

In addition to the increased number of merchants coming and going, several schools were also built in the vassal territory. In short, the atmosphere looked unusual.

After drinking tea, everyone didn't stop too much and prepared to continue on their way. After all, there were still people with other thoughts. What if they could make another trip in time? It’s okay to earn less.

Everyone had just organized the caravan and before it set off, they saw someone riding a horse on the official road.

"How many is this?"

"The third."

People who are on the way can see that they are chamberlains. Those who are escorted by the chamberlain in person are usually rewards from the court. They are to clear the way for the king of Yu before he can get married.

Such a scene can only be tolerated during the emperor's wedding.

Some businessmen began to regret: "I said I would leave a day later so that I could still join in the fun."

"Taozhou has not even entered, so we can only watch from the sidelines. Besides, I don't know how many people are going out tomorrow. They may not be able to walk on the official road, and there is no place to stay."


Everyone was talking and moving forward with the goods.

Soon they welcomed the fourth chamberlain who delivered rewards. The imperial court sent twelve chamberlains and twelve rewards, all of which were delivered to King Yu in time for the wedding.

Moreover, the emperor has an oral instruction that King Yu does not need to perform a grand ceremony when receiving rewards.

The chamberlains from the palace also respectfully joined King Yu's procession to welcome the bride.

The Wuwei army, wearing red lacquer armor, red cloaks and red tassels, led the way, and the mighty team headed all the way to Fengxia Village.

Fengxia Village has experienced the battles of King Yu Xiaoding. Seeing that a yard was built next to Fengxia Village, the items in the yard were moved one after another for half a year. Everyone has gained a lot of experience, and this time it will not be too difficult to deal with the wedding. It was too busy, but I was really shocked when I saw the wedding team from a distance.

There are so many people, much more than when I was in Xiaoding.

The Zhao family has been busy since three months ago. For this reason, Mrs. Yang and Luo Zhenniang no longer care about the outside work. Everything is taken care of by Ge and Tao. The two of them concentrate on making needlework for Zhao Luoyang. The Ge family, Tao family, and Xu family would come to help when they had time. They made several large boxes of female celebrities and finished all the things at hand. Only then did Luo Zhenniang come to her senses. Her daughter was getting married.

"Second sister-in-law, don't worry," Mrs. Tao advised from the side, "Didn't we agree that we would move back in a few days?"

The yard next to the Zhao family has been tidied up, and it is reserved for Xiao Yu and Zhao Luoyang to live permanently. Xiao Yu promised not to separate after they get married, and this is what he meant.

Luo Zhenniang nodded: "I know that's the truth." But in such an atmosphere, it is inevitable that there will be some sadness, of course, it is more of joy. Her Luo Yang has grown up and found a good husband.

The person who is sitting most comfortably right now is undoubtedly Zhao Luoyang.

After getting up in the morning and busy bathing and changing clothes, she followed Xi Niang's arrangements and did whatever she was told. She even took time to read a book in the system in the middle of the day.

She didn't need to worry about what was happening outside, she could just wait for Zhang Erya and the others to send her the news.

Zhao Luoyang yawned, and Xi Niang next to her smiled and reminded: "My uncle is coming soon, just wait a little longer." She was really afraid that the bride would fall asleep without waiting. After so many years of being a bride, she yawned. Xi Niang, all she saw were worried and scared newlyweds, she was the first one to be so carefree.

When Xiniang thought of this, she heard a burst of ritual music outside. It was obvious that the wedding party had arrived in the village.

Only at this moment did Zhao Luoyang feel nervous. She knew how many doors Xiao Yu had to pass before finally entering the Zhao family's courtyard. After entering, he had to pay all kinds of courtesy to the elders before he could finally welcome her to the sedan chair. It took about two moments. She didn't need to make any preparations in advance.

With this thought in mind, she still looked at her clothes, shoes and socks, and the fan prepared beside her. There were female family members in the room all the time. Chen Erya and the others were talking and laughing, but she seemed unable to hear what they were saying until the door was pushed open and Zhao Luoyang's eyes fell on Xiao Yu who walked in.

The bright red dress made him look special, and his whole person was enveloped in a cloud of joy. It was only a few steps away, but he seemed to be walking very slowly, so slowly that she could pass through her mind the scenes they had together. Again.

"But fan, but fan."

Zhao Luoyang was reminded several times by Xi Niang before he came back to his senses and reached out to hold the handle of the fan.

Contrary to what Xiniang said in advance, Xiao Yu walked directly to her and took her hand.

Her hand was a little cold, but it was wrapped in his warm palm, and she never let go.

He took her hand and moved forward, walking out of the house amidst the noise.

The etiquette of getting married is very complicated, but fortunately it is not difficult to do. In addition, Xiao Yu is always by his side. Every time he does something, he will remind him in advance. Xiniang who is following him has no use. .

After saying goodbye to his elders, he got on the wedding sedan and went to Prince Yu's Mansion to salute. By the time Zhao Luoyang came to his senses, he had already been sent into the main room of Prince Yu's Mansion.

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