Zhao Luoyang sat on the bed and counted his charm points.

It mainly depends on the high charm points. The head of Anhe County is the eldest daughter of the royal family of Guangping County. She was given 32 points of charm points. Zhao Luoyang talked to her the most, and most of the charm points were attributed to Zhao Luoyang. She mentioned female celebrities, talked about Northwest specialties, and gossiped about Princess Changle.

Judging from Zhao Luoyang's ability to judge people, it seems that Anhe County Lord has other thoughts.

What concerned her was the Ningfu County Lord. Ningfu County Lord was the youngest daughter of the Prime Minister. She was in her 30s and had a very shy temperament. She seldom spoke in front of others. After coming to the northwest, she only met her politely. Just like this, he just gave her 36 points of charm, which was more than An He, the county leader.

Why is that?
Does the head of Ningfu County have such mood swings because he likes her or dislikes her?

Zhao Luoyang was just trying to find out more about Ningfu County Lord in his mind when he heard noises coming from the cubicle. Xiao Yu washed himself up, put on a blue robe and walked out, with water on his hair. The collar is slightly loose, and the whole person looks a bit more lazy than usual, and even a pair of eyes seems to have a bit of steaming mist.

Zhao Luoyang took a look and felt that Xiao Yu was different from usual, and subconsciously pursed his lips.

"What are you thinking about?" Xiao Yu was sitting beside the bed. There was a faint fragrance on his body, which was composed of soap locust wrapped in a hint of rosin.

Zhao Luoyang said: "Looking at the charm, there are some..." Before she could finish her words, her waist tightened, and Xiao Yu stretched out his arms to pull her into his arms.

He lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "What is it?"

The breath he blew when he spoke burned on her ears, causing her to lower her head and dodge.

"Don't talk like that," Zhao Luoyang said, "It's itchy."

He seemed to laugh softly, then moved down and pressed a kiss on her ear.

Just when she felt a panic in her heart, her body went limp and was placed between the mattresses.

Strong arms tore off the curtain, and no one bothered him again this time.

"I can't care about that right now," Xiao Yu said, "Do the important things first."

Zhao Luoyang didn't react for a moment. What was the important thing? When he came back to his senses, her lips softened again. This time was different from usual. He no longer had to restrain himself or worry. From now on She was his from the beginning, no one could question it anymore, and no one could separate them.

He returned to the system several times this year, and it felt so good to be with her all the time. In a place where no one knew, they were together, never separated for a moment.

Xiao Huanhui once asked him, after entering the system, would he feel imprisoned?
He never responded.

Xiao Yu said at this time: "There's nothing wrong with it." If it wasn't that the body couldn't bear it, it would be good to go back and forth through the body and system like this.

Zhao Luoyang didn't understand what Xiao Yu was talking about for a while.

Xiao Yu continued: "I don't have this feeling with anyone." There will never be anyone as close as them.

"Actually, before we get married, we are not allowed to meet each other according to the rules. I also thought about going back to the system to find you."

Zhao Luoyang felt Xiao Yu's hand reach into the hem of her clothes and move up her waist.

"I held back," Xiao Yu said, "This is our big day, there can't be any mistakes."

Zhao Luoyang roughly understood it, but she was caught in a fever and could not continue to think about what he said.

Xiao Yu whispered in her ear again: "You have to pay me back."

"What?" Zhao Luoyang's cheeks were red and his eyes were a little confused, "Why return it? Do you want to enter the system?" At this time?
"No." Xiao Yu simply refused.

Zhao Luoyang didn't understand why Xiao Yu mentioned this at this time.


Xiao Yu said: "Just use another way to repay."

Zhao Luoyang didn't figure out what it meant to repay in another way, and his hands were clasped tightly. The clothes slipped down and the curtains swayed. After a while, a slender arm stretched out from the middle of the curtains, trying to struggle but hanging down weakly.

The first snow of the year fell outside the window.

At dawn, the curtains were opened. Zhao Luoyang took a look outside. The window was covered with crystal white. At first, she thought she was dazzled. After all, she had been tossing and turning all night, so nothing she saw was surprising.

After a while, she was sure that it was really snowing.

"This year's cotton-padded clothes should sell well." Zhao Luoyang muttered something and fell asleep.

When Zhao Luoyang woke up again, it was already past noon.

The bedding on the bed had been changed long ago, and she also put on clean middle clothes. The sweet fragrance came from the curtains, making her not want to get up.

Hearing the noise, Xiao Yu opened the curtain.

Looking at each other, Zhao Luoyang thought of what happened last night... He couldn't help but take a deep breath, closed his eyes, and didn't want to pay attention to the person in front of him.

Knowing that last night was too much for Meng Lang, Xiao Yu spoke softer: "I was wrong."

If you are wrong, but don’t change it, you will dare to do it next time.

If anyone wanted to believe his lies, Zhao Luoyang stretched out his foot to kick him. Just as he was happy because he succeeded, his ankle was grabbed again.

Xiao Yu's hands gently kneaded: "Eat something first before going to sleep."

Zhao Luoyang turned his head: "Aren't you going out?"

Even if there is no need to rush to hold a recognition banquet in the mansion, there are still many people waiting for Xiao Yu to deal with.

"I'm not going," Xiao Yu said, "I'll just stay with you in the house. We'll go back to Fengxia Village together tomorrow."

There are no elders in the house, so they can't do this without any scruples.

Zhao Luoyang said: "You go out, I want to change clothes."

Xiao Yu wanted to tease his little pussy, but he was afraid that she would get angry with him again when she was tired and hungry, so he had to get up obediently, but waited outside the curtain, asking her from time to time: "Do you want to help? "

Zhao Luoyang didn't need it at first, but when he was putting it on, he found that something was missing.



"Xiao Yu, what else did you take...Give me the shoes."

Xiao Yu helped her put on her shoes with his own hands, and reached out to lift her out of bed. She tried to dodge, but instead he seized the opportunity and pecked her twice on the forehead.

Two moments passed like this.

When Zhao Luoyang opened the door and saw Mother Chen and others waiting outside, her cheeks burned again.

I don’t know if she was heard outside when she was having trouble with Xiao Yu.
"Go and offer incense to mother first," Zhao Luoyang looked at Xiao Yu, "It's not too late to have dinner when you come back."

She knew that Xiao Yu had set up a memorial tablet for Queen Xianzhang so that she could worship at her residence. Yesterday, she wanted to go there early in the morning, but she didn't know she would get up so late.

Mother Chen smiled and said, "The fruits are all ready, I'll go get them right away."

Lighting the incense, Zhao Luoyang saluted Queen Zhang, and then whispered: "Don't worry, mother, from now on your husband will be with me, and I will take good care of him. I don't ask for wealth and success every year, I just want to be with you for a long time." Follow along."

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