After the death of Queen Zhang and her son, the two elders of the Zhang family sadly lost their beloved daughter and grandson. The wife fell ill and passed away before the late emperor ascended the throne. The old Mrs. Zhang was also lingering on the sickbed. Although there were children and grandchildren to support her, the relationship between her daughter and her grandson was still there. Things have also become a problem for him.

So after the late emperor proclaimed himself emperor, Mrs. Zhang was determined to seek justice for his daughter and grandson, and he also questioned whether there was something fishy in the death of Queen Zhang.

After learning about Xiao Yu's identity, Xiao Yu and Zhao Luoyang both inquired about the Zhang family and learned about some events from that year, but some details were not so clear.

Ruichun started from the Zhang family to prove her identity to Zhao Luoyang.

Ruichun continued: "Old King Yu and the late Emperor had shared life and death, so the late Emperor naturally did not want to doubt Old King Yu. Besides, at that time, everyone thought that Old King Yu's child had also been killed. How could he put himself in order to kill other people's mother and child? His own flesh and blood were also involved? Tiger poison does not eat its own children, so with this layer in the way, the old man did not investigate further."

"But the old man was determined not to let go of the soldiers who had hunted down Empress Xian Zhang. He used the connections of the Zhang family to draw up a list and asked the late emperor to send those people to pay for the lives of Empress Xian Zhang and her son."

"That list involves several royal family members. They did lead troops to hunt down the late emperor and Queen Xian Zhang. The problem is that later they saw that the situation was not good and turned to support the late emperor. How many of them could the late emperor successfully ascend the throne? Because of their merits, these people cannot move.”

"The old man rushed into the palace excitedly, but was poured cold water on him. However, the late emperor wanted to reward him with a third-grade official position as compensation, but the old man refused. From then on, the old man requested to enter the palace every day to meet the emperor. , and even bribed officials privately to help investigate the criminal evidence of those clans."

"The old man gathered enough evidence, and he and the two officials impeached the clan members in the court. The result was that two of the clan members could not escape the blame and were deprived of their status as clan members. One of them was forced to return the favor under pressure. He committed suicide in his house."

Zhao Luoyang knew that this was the reason for the anger among Zhang family prisoners.

A father tried his best to avenge his daughter and grandson. This was originally what her husband, the father of her child, should do.

No matter what it is, as long as it touches the throne, it will be different.

Because of this, the emperor could forgive those who killed his wife and children. Anyway, he could expand the harem, establish more queens, and give birth to children one after another.

The Zhang family was just a chess piece, discarded after use. Unfortunately, the Zhang family pressed hard in the end. The emperor had no choice but to deal with those clan members. He would never feel the satisfaction of revenge for his wife and children, but only disliked the Zhang family. .

Ruichun said: "The princess must have known what happened later. Those clans had a grudge and secretly harmed my eldest son. They charged the Zhang family with more than a dozen crimes and forced the late emperor to punish the Zhang family. The late emperor intended to delay the matter, but However, the clan pressed forward step by step, and eventually the Zhang family ended up being exterminated."

One of the charges against the Zhang family was rebellion. Those who planned this wanted to bury all the Zhang family members. I heard that when the imperial court arrested the Zhang family, the Zhang family resisted with weapons, causing numerous deaths and injuries.

Who knows whether it was armed resistance or not?

Only one person can find out, but that person has no choice but to sacrifice the Zhang family in order to secure his position, for the sake of the so-called political situation and the people of Daqi. In fact, the late emperor was using the lives of the Zhang family to show his favor to the clan. This incident could also be used by the late emperor to control the clan. The Zhang family's grievances became an excuse for him to punish the clan at any time. Facts have also proven that this is how the late emperor later managed the clan obediently, leaving only those who watched. The seemingly timid and cowardly King Xiang, and the King Yu who followed him wholeheartedly, and the rest of the clan were no longer of concern in terms of bloodline or status.

Ruichun came to the key point: "After all, the Zhang family is a big family, but some people still escaped. The eldest son of the third master of the clan saved his life with the help of the clan. After the third master escaped, he secretly tried to save us. Servants. When the Zhang family was exterminated, we were still young. Later, when we grew up and returned to the capital, we would naturally not be recognized by anyone, so we tried to sneak into various mansions to deliver news to the third master."

Zhao Luoyang looked at Ruichun: "The Zhang family has been destroyed. How can the third master of the Zhang family find the ability to save you people? How can he return to the capital and place you in various mansions? I have been chatting with the female family members of the clan these days. Knowing that most of the slaves serving them are from the same family, even if there is not enough manpower, they still choose people from Zhuangzi and let them sell the death contract. If you say that Mr. Zhang San tried his best to let you go to the Duke of Jiaguo's mansion, I still think so. I can still believe it, but if you are all properly arranged, it will definitely not be possible without anyone’s help.”

Ruichun swallowed. She just wanted to try to hide it, but she was exposed by Princess Yu all of a sudden. She didn't dare to think about anything else and stammered: "It was the Prime Minister who found the Third Master." , secretly helped the third master and us escape."

"Prince Xiang saved us because he wanted us to help him," Ruichun said. "The third master has been in charge of Zhuangzi and its business since he was a child. He has some connections in the community. The old master can get the evidence to bring down the clan because he relies on the third master. "

This makes sense. The Prime Minister has been thinking about the throne for a long time, so he won over Mr. Zhang San. Mr. Zhang San was resentful of the late emperor and others, so he was naturally willing to help the Prime Minister. This was the only way they could choose, otherwise the Prime Minister would We will definitely get rid of them, once and for all.

Ruichun said: "The third master also agreed to the Prime Minister for the sake of our survival. During the years when we helped the Prime Minister, we did see the culprits being convicted one after another. Later, only..."

Zhao Luoyang said: "The late emperor and the Feng family."

Ruichun nodded: "The third master said that inheriting the throne from King Xiang's lineage is the greatest punishment for the late emperor. The late emperor harmed our Zhang family for the throne, and we live to make him lose everything."

"But later, the identity of Prince Yu was revealed to the court. Only then did the Third Master and us find out that Queen Zhang still had an heir alive."

Zhao Luoyang said: "In this case, your purpose and that of King Xiang will be different."

Ruichun responded: "The third master wants to support the prince to ascend the throne, and the prime minister also said that since Queen Zhang has an heir, she should naturally inherit the throne."

"But those are all lies," Ruichun said with a sad look on his face, "How could the Prime Minister give up these things? The third master also knew it very well. While he was dealing with the Prime Minister, he also wanted to have someone send a message to the northwest. We were going to take us to the feudal territory, but the night before departure, the news reached King Xiang, who arrested the third master."

Ruichun could no longer hold back and sobbed and cried.

"The Prime Minister threatened the third master's life to ask us to serve him. I came to the northwest out of necessity. We really... didn't want to harm you and the prince."

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