Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 601 Happy Event

When the spy saw the Prime Minister's face gloomy, he thought that the Prime Minister was worried about the Lord of Ningfu County, so he quickly added: "The County Lord should be fine at the moment."

"We did not find out about the death of the county owner."

After saying this, the spy felt that the Prime Minister's expression became even worse, as if he was very dissatisfied.

King Xiang said: "How do you know?"

The spy swallowed: "There are some rumors that he has met the Ningfu County Lord in Taozhou, but our spies and informants cannot get too close to Taozhou, so the truth has not been confirmed yet."

The Prime Minister waved his hand: "There is no need to inquire anymore. Just treat the county owner as gone. For the sake of the overall situation...even if it is our flesh and blood, I cannot put the soldiers who follow me in danger for her."

The spy secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but did not dare to show it. The deputy general next to him took the lead in saluting the Prime Minister: "Your Majesty treats me like this, and I am willing to serve you with all my heart and soul."

The Prime Minister helped the deputy general up with his own hands. He believed that today's words would spread quickly, which would not only help him gain military morale, but also dispel everyone's worries, lest they be tied up because of the county leader.

This is also the last use of his concubine.

Naturally, the Prime Minister didn't care about concubines. He had many sons, including four concubines. Why could his youngest daughter be made the county head? She should have paid for what she got. If she knew what he was doing, she would happily seek death. He would naturally treat her brother well. If he cheated on her, he would chop her with his own hands.

After thinking about this, the Prime Minister looked towards the feudal land.

Let's get messy, the messier the better.


Taozhou, Fengxia Village.

The atmosphere was different from usual, and the village was bustling.

Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji were running back and forth with the boys in the village.

"Grandma Xu," Zhao Yuanrang walked over and said, "My grandma said that everyone should put the flowers in place."

Grandma Xu still has two big teeth left, and her mouth is full of wrinkles when she smiles, but she looks particularly kind.

"Do you really want to wear it?"

"That's still fake." Shi Dajiang's wife took out the ready-made cloth flower hairpin and put it on Xu A's nipple.

Grandma Xu marveled: "I didn't wear it when I was young. How come I'm so old and have a hairpin and can't go out and make people laugh?"

Shi Dajiang's wife smiled and said: "The whole village is wearing them, who is the joke?"

Grandma Xu nodded repeatedly: "That's the reason. Alas, this also makes them happy."

As she spoke, Grandma Xu looked at Shi Dajiang's wife again: "How nice would it be to have Shi Ping's happy event together?"

Shi Dajiang's wife's smile deepened: "Don't worry, it will be held next year. The princess said it will be held next year, but it will be held only for people in the military."

Shi Ping had rescued an Orion daughter before. The girl was very courageous and chased her to Fengxia Village. She has been helping with the work in the weaving mill. Luo Zhenniang and Ge Shi left the dyeing job to her two days ago. At the beginning, Shi Ping was not interested, but after getting along for a long time, the two of them actually became more and more enthusiastic.

In fact, Shi Dajiang's wife liked Zhang Erya more. Zhang Erya studied under Mr. Song and knew a lot about cotton. He helped the princess with some things and became more and more clever.

But Zhang Erya seems to be closer to Niu Xing.

She couldn't force things about the children.

Xu A'nai looked envious: "Shi Ping is a member of the Wuwei Army. Naturally, it would be more suitable for him to be with someone from the army."

Shi Dajiang's wife nodded repeatedly, yes, what else could she ask for? Whether it was the daughter of the Orion family or Zhang Erya, both of them were good children. She would not have dared to think about this in the past. How could she still be picky now?

Shi Dajiang's wife made up her mind that she would listen to Shi Ping. No matter which girl entered her house, she would treat them well.

How could she figure it out? This time, the princess arranged a marriage for Widow Xie and the others, and the surrounding villages joined in. Although there were a few matchmakers coming and going, most of them were attracted by themselves first. A few men mustered up the courage to go to the prince first, and then After finding the princess, the princess took the initiative and found an opportunity to ask both parties if they were happy. It was so simple, and suddenly there were thirteen pairs.

The village began to help organize weddings.

After word of the happy news spread, another person came to the door. Within three days, sixteen more couples came.

In addition, the matchmaker ran back and forth, and now it is said that there are eight pairs.

Today we are planning a happy event for thirty-seven couples.

No one has ever seen so many people getting married together before.

The wedding hall was located in the palace, so the rules of getting married were also changed, and the newlyweds all worshiped in the palace.

I wonder if everyone is happy?

Wouldn’t everyone be extremely happy? Who can get married in the palace? The relatives of the female family members ate at the palace, while the male family members naturally went to their respective homes to take care of things.

They were very happy. Of course, there were rumors outside that this was King Yu and Princess Yu's way of winning people's hearts.

This is not the first time such rumors have arisen. Everyone is not surprised and pretends they have not heard anything. They do whatever they should.

"Auntie," Cao Zheng's wife rushed over, "Are you all ready? It's almost time, we have to go to the palace."

Just like this, on this day, the official road to Taozhou City was filled with donkey carts, mule carts and people on their way. Everyone was beaming with joy. The female family members, old and young, all wore red flowers on their heads. The red flowers were woven from cotton. Made of cloth, it looks particularly bright.

Mrs. Cao opened the curtain and looked outside. There were people in front and behind her as far as the eye could see, just like the situation when they came to the northwest in response to the eviction order.

At that time, people were dying every day. Some people had time to bury them, and some were simply thrown on the roadside. As a result, the epidemic was also spread. These events seemed very far away, and it seemed like they happened yesterday.

Now that everyone is back together again, they are all happy.

The door of the palace is open today, but no matter how big the palace is, it cannot allow everyone to come in and out. Women can come and go at will as long as they have red flowers on their heads, while men have to look at the red ribbons and posts on their heads.

After everyone entered the door, they were welcomed to the flower hall.

Mrs. Cao was dumbfounded: "Why are there so many people?"

Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji found the seats of the people from Fengxia Village and immediately brought Mrs. Cao, Grandma Xu and others there.

The advantage of having a large number of people is that you don’t have to wait impatiently. Everyone just talks to each other and the auspicious time arrives before you know it. The sound of joy came from outside the door, and the sedan chairs stopped outside Prince Yu's Mansion one after another.

Widow Xie was first helped down from the sedan chair by Xi Niang.

Widow Xie nervously held the handkerchief in her hand and took a deep breath. Even though it was her second marriage, it was her first time to ride in a sedan chair. When she married Sister Xiang's son's father, she rode a donkey. When I entered, the money to rent the donkey was collected from my family. Every time she saw someone marrying happily, she felt envious, but she never thought that this day would come to her.

A tall figure walked over impatiently, but Xiniang reached out to stop her: "Oh, it's not time yet, why are you in a hurry?"

The man couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Widow Xie was both funny and had a sour nose.

Xi Niang helped Widow Xie enter the house: "When you get married in the palace, there are no rules for entering. You have to wait until your husband's family carries you into the house before you salute."

Widow Xie responded: "I understand."

Xi Niang had never heard of it before, and she could get married on the palace's property. When she was found by the palace, she was not only surprised, but she might have made a mistake.

Xi Niang said: "You are really lucky."

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