Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 618 Comfort

The assassin who was being held on the ground kept his eyes fixed on the figure of Princess Yu.

When the carriage disappeared, a smile suddenly appeared on the assassin's face.

Then the smile got deeper and deeper, and finally he laughed wildly.

When Princess Yu left just now, she clearly frowned and staggered a little. If you look carefully, you can see that Princess Yu bent over. If she hadn't been supported by a maid, it would be difficult for her to walk on her own. Going back to the carriage, it can be seen that what he did was not in vain.

The Wuweijun kicked the assassin, and the assassin shut his mouth in pain. He raised his head and looked at the Wuweijun standing around. Each of their faces had a frightening gloom. It was obvious that what he had just done had angered him. got them.

The assassin shuddered as he thought about the possible results he might end up with.

On the carriage.

"" Huaiqing finally couldn't help but say, "But are you frightened?"

When he was in the village, Huaiqing wanted to ask, but was stopped by Zhao Luoyang's look. He had endured it until now and could no longer delay.

He had already asked someone to report the assassination to the prince, and also invited a doctor. However, if the princess felt uncomfortable, that would be another matter. Let alone inviting a doctor, the entire vassal would change its color, and they would not know what to do. How to face the prince.

Zhao Luoyang glanced at the tiredness on his face and said softly: "It's okay."

Naturally, Huaiqing would not believe it easily: "But just now... you..."

"I did it on purpose," Zhao Luoyang said. "You can ask the people guarding Sunjia Village later. What did the assassin do when he saw that I looked strange?"

Huaiqing responded and immediately ordered people to inquire.

Before the carriage returned to the city, Huaiqing had already received the news. When the carriage stopped, Huaiqing stepped forward and reported it to Zhao Luoyang.

Zhao Luoyang nodded and led Huaiqing and others into the courtyard. Mother Chen had been waiting there anxiously. She stepped forward and looked at Zhao Luoyang carefully: "How is the princess? Is she injured? where?"

Zhao Luoyang said: "No..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the steward report: "The prince is back."

Zhao Luoyang simply stopped and stood there waiting for Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu strode in, and the servants serving in the mansion subconsciously dodged because there was an overwhelming murderous aura in Xiao Yu at this moment.

Although he was not wearing armor, his anger could be felt from his furrowed eyebrows, sunken face and tight lips.

When he saw Zhao Luoyang, he restrained his murderous intent. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed her, while his other arm protected her waist.

Xiao Yu asked in a deep voice: "What's wrong with you?"

He really shouldn't let her go out, at least he should follow her...

Zhao Luoyang interrupted Xiao Yu's thinking, and she said: "I am pregnant in ten months. I can't stay in the house all the time. Even if I am in the house, when the time of delivery comes, outsiders will have to come into the house."

"Besides, if someone is thinking about us, they will also look for opportunities to attack us after I give birth. The most important thing right now is to find out who is the person who arranged this, right?"

Zhao Luoyang held Xiao Yu's hand: "I'm fine. Huaiqing and the others have always been cautious. The assassin was discovered by Huaiqing just as he was about to take action. Today's incident just proves that there is no problem with our arrangement, even if the assassin is mixed up If you come to us, you won’t be able to hurt me at all.”

"I stumbled in front of people on purpose just now, pretending to be upset, just to test the assassin."

Hearing this, Huaiqing breathed a sigh of relief, but he still had some doubts in his heart. Was the princess saying this because she was afraid that they would be blamed by the prince?

And Xiao Yu seemed to have heard the words "stomach upset".

"Did the doctor invite you?" Xiao Yu asked Huaiqing.

"Please," Huaiqing said, "We should be here soon."

Zhao Luoyang felt the tension in Xiao Yu's body and sighed, "I'm not lying to you. I just wanted to test whether the assassin knew I was pregnant." Xiao Yu wouldn't believe it unless he said it clearly.

Zhao Luoyang said: "We only caught one assassin. The assassin knew that I was protected by a family guard, but he only took a crossbow arrow to attack. He should have expected that it would be difficult to hurt me. Maybe his purpose was not to kill me." I, or rather, can't kill me, just let me be frightened, and then he will have achieved his goal."

"So I suspected that the assassin might know something."

Xiao Yu was confused by concern, and now he calmed down to think about Zhao Luoyang's words: "You mean, they know you are pregnant."

Zhao Luoyang's pregnancy was not disclosed to the outside world, and not many people knew about it. Apart from family members, they were Xiao Yu and a few generals and stewards.

Who revealed this news? How can one hide someone so deeply?

The assassin can be killed, but can he be found now?

Especially looking among so many people close to me.

"Let's go inside first."

Xiao Yu said, bending down to pick up Zhao Luoyang, carefully carrying her into the house and placing her on a soft bed. Then he checked her body from head to toe for any injuries, and tentatively touched her belly.

"Is it really okay?"

Xiao Yu squatted on the ground and raised his head to look at her. She could easily see caution and caution in his eyes.

Zhao Luoyang shook his head firmly: "I will not make fun of our children. I was not scared. In fact, before the man was arrested, I didn't even see clearly what he was holding, so Huaiqing firmly held it I stood behind you."

This was a fact. She saw the crossbow arrow only after the assassin was taken down.

Xiao Yu thought carefully: "The assassin this time is coming for the child in your belly."

Zhao Luoyang nodded.

Cut through the fog outside and this is the truth. The news of her pregnancy was revealed, and those people didn't want to see Xiao Yu have a child.

Xiao Yu and Zhao Luoyang looked at each other, and they both saw a possibility in each other's eyes.

Could it be him who drove the assassin?


News of the defeat of King Xiang's army reached the capital.

The people in Beijing were extremely happy, and some people ran around shouting and telling each other.

It was difficult for the people to know the strangeness of the whole thing. The news they got was that King Xiang led his troops to rebel, and now he was severely damaged by King Yu and his armed guards. Isn't it good news?

Maybe they don't need to worry, King Yu will soon restore peace to Daqi, and no one wants to face the world of war and chaos.

The war came to an end, and an official in the court finally stood up and suggested that the court send troops to work with King Yu to suppress the rebels. This was the first time since King Xiang left the capital that he had made a different voice.

In the end, the Grand Master could not suppress these officials.

Someone in the Ministry of War also recommended that General Liu, who guarded northern Xinjiang, could take on this important task. Although it was impossible to actually send troops for a while, the imperial court officially began to discuss sending troops to the northwest.

Xiao Min couldn't fully control the changes in the court, but he could understand most of them, and couldn't help but feel secretly happy. After going to court, he returned to the palace happily, and was about to share his joy with Chamberlain Cao and Aunt Meng. When he avoided people and saw Aunt Meng, he saw Aunt Meng's face was sad.

"What's going on?" Xiao Min couldn't help but ask.

"Your Majesty," Aunt Meng hesitated for a moment and raised her head, "I have received news from the northwest... Princess Yu is pregnant."

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