Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 624 How is it possible?

Chamberlain Zhao was really not involved in the feudal affairs. When he was arrested, he felt more wronged than afraid. He even thought about releasing him after the trial failed to produce a result. He would cry in front of the emperor and the grand master every day. We must punish King Yu and give him justice.

With this warm blood in his chest, he finally came to the interrogation, but the first sentence made him feel as if he had been poured a basin of ice water from head to toe.

King Yu didn't want to ask about the assassination, so what did he want to ask?

Chamberlain Zhao wanted to curse the people sent by King Yu. They deceived the emperor and committed an unforgivable crime. However, he quickly closed his mouth. He saw the soldiers bringing torture tools. The hairs on the hair stand on end and there is coldness all over the body.

Nie Ping said: "This is a death row set up by the Ministry of Punishment. The imperial court has issued a document, and now it is up to us to use it as we please. There are our people inside and outside this prison. The imperial court will not interfere in how to interrogate or conclude the case."

Zhao's servant took courage and said in a trembling voice: "This is not a vassal territory, and we cannot let you do whatever you want. The emperor and the grand master will always intervene."

Nie Ping said: "The Grand Master's decision to let us act in the capital is to cause discord between the vassal territory and the emperor. When what we do in the capital arouses public outrage, the Grand Master will naturally persuade the emperor to send out a hundred thousand troops to deal with the vassal territory." .”

Chamberlain Zhao's eyes widened. It turned out that everyone in the feudal territory knew about these things.

Nie Ping continued: "We have known this for a long time, but now we are just playing a game with the Grand Master. The final result is not yet known, but one thing is certain."

Chamberlain Zhao listened carefully.

Nie Ping said: "We have come to this point, naturally we have our purpose, and for this we do not hesitate to have a few more lives on our hands. The Grand Master is even more so. He wishes our hands would be stained with more blood, so guess whether your lives are enough to fill the gap." This big hole.”

Waiter Zhao began to tremble involuntarily.

No matter when the Grand Master and the Emperor take action, it won't be now. It may be after they die, or another group of people come in and are killed...

Others can look on with cold eyes, but Chamberlain Zhao cannot, because he only has one life. If the people in the domain do not let him go, he will have no choice but to die.

Nie Ping gave Chamberlain Zhao time to think, and then said: "Do you understand everything? It is your own choice whether you want to tell the truth or not."

After finishing speaking, Nie Ping stared at Chamberlain Zhao. Chamberlain Zhao finally nodded stiffly and slowly. After all, he only had one life. Knowing that his life was just a chess piece for others would make him feel more unwilling and want to fight for himself.

After giving Chamberlain Zhao time to stabilize her emotions, Nie Ping said, "How did Concubine Ying die back then?"

Chamberlain Zhao did not expect that people from the domain would actually ask about this old incident.

In fact, when Nie Ping was asked to do this job, he didn't quite understand the intentions of the prince and princess.

Zhang Yao once told the princess that the Grand Master secretly harmed Concubine Ying in order to control the emperor. This news was sent to the capital by Xiao Yu's people and informed Xiao Min.

But now I want to investigate this matter again, and I obviously feel that there is something fishy in it.

Chamberlain Zhao swallowed, moistened her throat and said, "Someone poisoned Concubine Ying's food."

Nie Ping asked: "Who poisoned you?" Zhao's wife said: "It was a palace man. I heard that the palace man's family was killed by Ying Concubine, so she wanted to avenge her family. Ying Concubine was poisoned. Later, the palace man also committed suicide by taking poison."

Nie Ping grasped the key point: "I heard?"

Zhao's chamberlain was afraid that Nie Ping would torture him if something went wrong, so he hurriedly explained: "After Ying Concubine was poisoned, Ying Concubine's palace was taken over by the Chamber of Commerce, and everyone knows that the eunuch will personally investigate the case. Those of us who serve on weekdays , was imprisoned in a courtyard, and we were unable to see the empress Yingbi again until her funeral. Later, she was released, only to learn that the results of the investigation were like this."

"We don't really believe this is true. The death of the palace lady was so strange. How could she bring poison into the palace by herself?"

Nie Ping thought carefully. The Ministry of Internal Affairs serves the emperor, and everyone knows that eunuchs are the most trusted people by the emperor. If something happens to concubine Ying, it is not impossible for the emperor to order the Ministry of Internal Affairs to deal with it.

But the result of the internal chamberlain's investigation was indeed too childish.

Nie Ping said: "Did you discover anything else? Did anything unusual happen in those days?"

Before Nie Ping even entered the capital, he had set his sights on Chamberlain Zhao. It should be said that Chamberlain Zhao was carefully selected by the princess. In the concubine Ying's palace, people like Aunt Meng have long been found out by Prince Yu and the princess. Who among them is most likely to know what happened back then and who is most likely to tell the truth has been carefully speculated.

Chamberlain Zhao is cautious and often knows details that others don't notice, but because of his temperament, he is also tight-lipped. Such a person cherishes his life very much. If he understands how to survive, he will try his best to fight for it.

Chamberlain Zhao said: "Actually, Concubine Ying's matter is far more complicated than they imagined. There are some inside stories that others don't know."

Chamberlain Zhao took a deep breath and recalled the past events in his mind. He had never told anyone about these things: "Before the death of Concubine Ying, the little prince... The emperor is sick now. It is said to be a cold, but in fact it is far more serious than that." The wind and cold are much more serious, and the Emperor used the excuse to stay in the palace of Concubine Ying during those few days for this very reason."

"One night, while I was on duty, I sneaked into the inner palace and overheard the late emperor talking to Concubine Ying, mentioning the emperor's illness. The late emperor said that if it was proven that it was Empress Feng who harmed the emperor, it would be useless. The position of Queen Feng.”

"Only then did I know that the emperor was not ill, but had been secretly harmed. I was angry and surprised at the same time. Fortunately, the emperor was fine. If Empress Feng was caught because of this, the late emperor The empress will definitely be abolished, and then the concubine Ying may move into the Kunning Palace. Even though Concubine De and others are suppressing her, concubine Ying is the only one in the entire harem who has given birth to an heir for the emperor."

"But who would have known that Queen Feng was safe and sound, but it was Concubine Ying who died."

Nie Ping frowned. Since the late emperor had said this and found the evidence, he would definitely convict Empress Feng. However, since Empress Feng was safe and sound, it can be inferred that the late emperor failed to identify Empress Feng as the murderer of Xiao Min. .

Nie Ping said: "Queen Feng's side is fine, so are others in the palace arrested?"

Chamberlain Zhao shook his head: "No."

Nie Ping helped Chamberlain Zhao complete the rest of the sentence: "Except for Concubine Ying."

After hearing this, Chamberlain Zhao hesitated to speak. Concubine Ying was the emperor's biological mother and it was impossible for her to harm the emperor... As soon as this thought crossed his mind, he raised his head and looked at Nie Ping in surprise.

Impossible, they must be making random guesses. How could such a thing happen?

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