Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 628: Urgent

After Nie Ping finished speaking, Aunt Meng's scalp went numb and her feet became weak. She subconsciously looked at Xiao Min. Xiao Min's immature face showed panic and worry for a moment, but soon he thought of his identity. , a restrained expression appeared on the small face.

Seeing that Aunt Meng felt sad, she couldn't help but nodded to Xiao Min. She understood what Nie Ping meant. If the emperor wanted to mobilize his troops, he had to have a reason. What the grand master wanted to see was nothing more than a break between the emperor and King Yu.

Since the Grand Master knew the importance of Aunt Meng in the Emperor's heart through Cao's Chamberlain, King Yu's move to attack Aunt Meng would definitely arouse further suspicion and dissatisfaction from the Emperor. This step must be taken.

Aunt Meng saluted Xiao Min: "Your Majesty, everything happened because of slaves. If I can help the emperor and King Yu save the overall situation, I will be happy even if I die."

As she spoke, Aunt Meng's eyes blurred for a while, and hot tears rolled in her eyes. After a while, she looked at Nie Ping again: "Is Princess Yu really assassinated?"

Nie Ping said coldly: "The spy you sent sneaked into Taozhou and attacked the princess with poisoned crossbow arrows. Thanks to someone protecting the princess, she was safe and sound."

Aunt Meng clenched her hands and her face became even uglier: "It must be the person I sent out. He has secretly defected to the Grand Master a long time ago. Princess Yu really did something wrong. This servant will die without redemption."

Looking at Aunt Meng who was crying and repenting, Nie Ping only felt disgust in his heart. Regardless of whether this old thing is loyal to the emperor or not, she also wants to deal with the prince and princess from the bottom of her heart.

Caught and jailed this old palace man, not only to stabilize the grand master, but also to punish her.

Nie Ping saluted Xiao Min: "Your Majesty has something to tell the general to report to the Emperor."

Xiao Min nodded.

Nie Ping said: "Whether there is a grand master or not, Meng Gong's people are guilty of instigating the emperor and the brothers of King Yu to fight against each other. Aunt Meng has ulterior motives when the princess is in danger. Please punish the Meng Gong people in accordance with the law."

Aunt Meng shuddered. She originally wanted to regard her suffering as loyalty to the emperor, but now that Nie Ping said this, she deserved it.

Prince Yu was so cruel that he didn't leave any way for her to retreat.

Isn't it okay for her to be sent to prison and embarrassed in front of the emperor? She has been loyal and loyal all these years, but she made one wrong move and ended up like this?

Isn't King Yu afraid? Will being so aggressive leave a knot in the emperor's heart?

Xiao Min pursed his lips and said after a moment: "Brother is right. Let Meng Gong be imprisoned in prison first. When this matter is over, he will be convicted according to the laws of Daqi."

Two jailers stepped forward and pulled Aunt Meng up.

Aunt Meng suddenly felt enlightened when she thought of the tragic situation of Cao's servant just now. She thought she could survive this time with her loyalty to the emperor...

It's all because of King Yu...

But Aunt Meng did not dare to show her dissatisfaction with King Yu. Her life was in King Yu's hands. If King Yu knew that she was resentful, he would never let her return to the emperor.

After Aunt Meng was taken away, Xiao Min said to Nie Ping: "General Nie went back and told my brother that Meng Gong people should be punished like this when they make mistakes. I know the reason for this, so brother don't worry."

Xiao Min still remembers what Aunt Meng said before. She really wanted him to attack Brother Aunt. Besides...

If it hadn't been for Aunt Meng's previous instruction, the grand master would not have followed the trend and really assassinated my sister-in-law.

Xiao Min understands all this.

Even though he was still used to having Aunt Meng and Cao Nei around him, as the professor said, he was the emperor of Daqi, not a child, and could not act according to his preferences.

Brother asked Nie Ping to tell all this in front of him because he didn't want to deal with Aunt Meng secretly. He handed Aunt Meng over to him because he trusted him and regarded him as the king of a country. This requires his actions.

Xiao Min tried hard to fill his mind with all this. This is what he should bear.


Xiao Min quietly returned to the palace, and soon the news of Aunt Meng's arrest spread. The person who replaced Cao's servant also sent a verbal message to the Grand Master.

In order to keep Aunt Meng, the emperor led people to stop her at the palace gate, but failed to snatch her back.

So there is another fight at the north gate.

Many people in the palace saw the fight, but more than twenty people were crowded together, and no one saw Aunt Meng. However, there was always no shortage of rumors in the palace. A moment later, someone saw with their own eyes that Aunt Meng was in the middle of the crowd, where the two groups of people were fighting over her.

When the Grand Master's people arrived, they saw Nie Ping and Wu Weijun walking away.

"It's confirmed, Meng Gongren has been arrested and thrown into prison."

When the Grand Master heard that the palace officials had come to report the matter, they went to the prison in person with the Emperor's instructions, but failed to pick up Aunt Meng. The news was now confirmed.

The palace man continued: "We also saw Aunt Meng being tortured. Those palace servants and chamberlains who were arrested before should confess soon after seeing such a situation."

Even Aunt Meng was captured, and the emperor tried to rescue her but to no avail. That prison was King Yu's world. Knowing this, how could he continue to hold on? It’s better to tell the truth earlier and save your life.

It is conceivable that they will blame everything on Aunt Meng. In fact, this is indeed the case. Those old people like Yingbi just obey Aunt Meng's orders.

The Grand Master asked: "How is your Majesty?"

The palace attendant said: "The emperor was anxious at first, but..."

At this point, the palace man paused: "Knowing that we failed to bring him back, the emperor seemed not to care anymore and was studying alone in the study."

The Grand Master snorted coldly in his heart when he heard this. Now that he is taking people to the Imperial Study Room, he will definitely see the Emperor huddled in the corner, maybe his pants are already wet.

In the beginning, he asked someone to pick up Meng Gongren because he thought King Yu would give him some face. This is the nature of a child. He thinks that making noise can achieve his goal, but when he finds that it is useless, he will naturally stop making noise.

After the palace people retreated, an official from Zhongshu Province stepped forward and said, "I didn't expect King Yu to be so rampant. What is he going to do? To take down the people around the emperor with justifiable authority?"

If all those who serve Concubine Ying are taken away, the emperor will have no one he can trust.

No matter what the grand master thought, King Yu's move meant to force the emperor to attack him. Why did King Yu do this?

The grand master was a little suspicious. He couldn't help but look outside and saw a group of forbidden soldiers standing outside. After defeating Empress Dowager Feng, the Grand Master arranged for manpower to protect her.

He is also afraid that he will end up killing the donkey, so he has to guard against certain things.

"Grand Master," the Zhongshu Provincial official walked in quickly, "There is something going on at Zongzheng Temple. Da Zong secretly met with several county princes on Zhuangzi. I don't know what they were discussing."

Da Zong is stepping forward to gather the clan... This kind of thing has happened before, and it is especially common when the imperial power changes.

Is it possible...

A bright light flashed in the Taishi's mind. King Yu wanted to usurp the throne.

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