Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 631 Preparation

Zhang Yao left the palace and went straight back to his residence. The old servant waiting at the door immediately came forward to serve him.

After returning to the main room and sitting down, the old servant whispered: "What do you think, Master? Will the princess let you go?"

Zhang Yao shook his head. Just as the old servant was about to console him, a smile appeared on Zhang Yao's face: "But she didn't say she would never let me go. Brother Yu left the domain, and no definite news came back. On the surface, she was still stable. Come on, it's actually been messed up. I said I would go to the capital to help, and she was already tempted, and she will definitely agree to my offer tomorrow."

When Xiao Yu was in Taozhou, he mentioned that he wanted to go together. Xiao Yu's refusal was very straightforward, with a majestic look on his face, obviously leaving no room for negotiation.

That's what Xiao Yu is like. He never allows anyone to question his words. The domain is his one word. Even General Song has to obey his orders honestly.

This is completely different from the one in the capital. The little emperor is sitting on the dragon throne and is at the mercy of others. If what he says is different from that of the grand master, the civil and military officials will only treat it as the words of a child and not take it seriously.

Therefore, Zhang Yao didn't force it at that time. He just planned to wait for Xiao Yu to leave the domain before he could persuade Zhao Luoyang. The current situation was almost as he expected.

Zhang Yao felt that his good days were coming. It should be said that he could finally revive the Zhang family. His planning over the years was not in vain.

When Zhang Yao was working under the Prime Minister, he heard the Prime Minister confiding the truth, saying that most of the time, the little emperor is a young man. A person like the Prime Minister can covet the throne. It is not that the Prime Minister is so powerful, but that he is actually a little emperor. too weak.

However, Zhang Yao did not think highly of the Prime Minister at that time. The Prime Minister was very smart, but none of his sons could achieve anything. They were all dandy. If you ask them which flower girl has a weak belly, they will definitely know all the treasures. When asked about the affairs of the court, they all became mute.

The Prime Minister was quite good at fighting when he was young. After the late emperor ascended the throne, he no longer allowed the Prime Minister to lead the troops. After many years of neglect, how could he still have any fighting skills?

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu turned out to be Queen Zhang's flesh and blood. If there is anyone in Daqi who is qualified to control power now, it is Xiao Yu.

"I have been hiding in the dark for these years, hiding my name, and even more embarrassingly when I came out from the Prime Minister," Zhang Yao said, "This time I can finally return to the capital openly."

Zhang Yao thought that the wealth of the Zhang family back then would now be restored in his hands. When Zhang Yao thought of this, he suddenly held his hand and a stern expression flashed on his face.

In fact, Xiao Yu should thank him. If it weren't for him, even if Xiao Yu recovered his identity, the situation would not be as good as it is today.

Zhang Yao frowned slightly, but unfortunately Xiao Yu... was not that satisfied with him, but the days were still long, and he, as an uncle, could always make Xiao Yu truly admire him.

"Get your things ready. We will set off tomorrow when we get the news." Zhang Yao ordered.

The servant responded.

Sure enough, news came the next day that Zhao Luoyang had prepared everything needed on the road and asked the people from the Wuwei Army to take Zhang Yao all the way to the capital.

Zhang Yao and his party gradually went away, and Zhao Luoyang also returned to the carriage. When the carriage moved forward slowly, Zhao Luoyang sighed. With Zhang Yao gone, the vassal territory became even more meaningless.

Zhao Luoyang put his hand on his lower abdomen: "My child, how about we go find your father together?"



Ever since the grand master fell ill and stayed home, the atmosphere in the court had become increasingly dull.

Xiao Min asked the imperial doctor to diagnose the illness. The imperial master took the medicine, but it didn't improve at all, so he went to Zhuangzi, an admiral outside the capital, to be raised.

Officials from the court came to visit, but without exception they could not get through the gate.

When everyone was confused, someone discovered that there were soldiers and horses guarding the Grand Master Zhuangzi.

Now some people became frightened and submitted a memorial to the court, requesting the emperor to issue an order to recall the grand master. Xiao Min did the same and issued the decree three times in a row, but the Grand Master remained unmoved. Memorials from Zhongshu Province were piled up, and no one dared to bypass the Grand Master for approval.

The government offices below were unable to receive memorials and were all in a state of stagnation. Without the Grand Master, the entire government affairs of Daqi seemed to be paralyzed. The officials who had not understood it before came to their senses at this moment.

I am afraid that the grand master is not ill, but is angry with the emperor. Zhongshu Sheng obviously followed the grand master's wishes and withheld all government affairs, just to see the little emperor's joke.

After figuring this out, officials began to persuade the emperor to visit the grand master.

The emperor went there in person. With this grace, he would probably be able to invite the grand master back.

Not only that, some officials even began to complain, complaining that the emperor did not understand the Taishi. After all, it was not easy for the Taishi to work for Daqi.

The grand master's original intention was to let Xiao Min understand his importance. There were many officials in Zhongshu Province, but without him, the remaining people would not be able to shoulder the important responsibilities. It was not his order not to issue the memorial at a discount, but It’s just those people who don’t dare to post it.

When the emperor realizes this, he will discuss with the emperor carefully whether he should trust King Yu or him.

The grand master can control this situation, and everyone in the court is his spy. When the emperor and King Yu mobilize their troops, someone will report it to him immediately.

The camp on the outskirts of Beijing is not a decoration. If you want to attack the capital, you have to ask him first, not even the emperor.

Besides, he had already made arrangements, and the emperor's little trust in Xiao Yu would soon disappear.

"Sir," the steward said as he entered, "just now the adults from the Criminal Department came to report that Nie Ping and his people left the capital."

A smile appeared on the Grand Master's face. At this time, Nie Ping had to send news back to the domain and help Xiao Yu gather troops. Naturally, he had no time to stay in the prison.

He just wanted to take this opportunity to bring out the Meng Gong people from the prison.

"Let them take action immediately," the Grand Master said, "and get everything done before Nie Ping and those people come back."

The steward responded.

Nie Ping left the capital with his armed guards. Those who stayed in the prison were jailers and government servants seconded from the Ministry of Punishment. When these people saw that the officials from the Ministry of Punishment dared to stop them, they all retreated to the side. The leading jailer saw his family going up to the peak and even took the initiative to go to the prison. Follow orders beforehand.

"What's going on in the prison?" an official from the Ministry of Punishment asked.

The jailer's face was full of fear and grievance: "We didn't know either. We were not allowed to come forward during their interrogation. One time I wanted to secretly listen to the news, but in the end, I was whipped by Nie Ping and even received a beating. Ten sticks.”

As the jailer said this, he lifted up his clothes and showed them to the officials from the Ministry of Punishments. As expected, there were still bruises on his back that were not healed.

The official from the Criminal Department frowned: "Then why don't you go back to the Yamen to report?"

"Don't dare," the jailer shrank, "Nie Ping said, they are from Prince Yu's palace. Prince Yu is the emperor's only biological brother. The emperor will never blame Prince Yu for a little jailer."

"They have the final say in this prison. If they say we are at fault, we are at fault. We can't defend ourselves anywhere."

It is true that a little jailer can only listen to people's orders.

The jailer continued: "After they left, we went down to deliver food, and then we saw...the miserable condition of those people. Just when we were thinking about going back to report, your Excellency came with some people."

The officials of the Ministry of Punishment ignored others and asked hurriedly: "Where is the Meng Gong man detained? Is he still alive?"

It’s New Year’s Eve this year.

I wish you all happiness and peace and prosperity~

May you have good luck, good luck, and prosperity in the Year of the Dragon~

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