Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 637 Tiger Talisman

The voice, mixed in with the noisy shouts, was originally not very conspicuous, but when it sounded, it quickly silenced the surrounding area.

Officials who have been to court can all recognize that this is the emperor's voice.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Some officials reacted first and knelt down to salute. The rest soon woke up and knelt down in response to the call.

"See the Emperor."

Civil and military officials quickly sorted themselves at the emperor's door according to their official positions.

On the other side, everyone in the Taishi Party looked livid. The steward of the Taishi Mansion and Wei Xian looked stiff, especially Wei Xian, who was obviously at a loss.

Things did not go as planned. Meng Gongren's words were directed at the grand master, and the emperor obviously knew the inside story.

They wanted to say something, but before they could open their mouths, the imperial army that had already surrounded them took a few steps forward.

Wei Xian's heart suddenly became cold.

"Your Majesty," Meng Gongren also bowed to the ground, "I am lucky that I have lived up to my command."

Xiao Min stepped forward and subconsciously wanted to help Meng Gongren, but before his hand fell on Meng Gongren, the imperial guards around him had already stepped forward to lift Meng Gongren up left and right.

Xiao Min looked at Meng Gongren and said, "Thank you for your hard work, grandma."

Meng Gongren's eyes were red, and his expression was even more excited: "I don't know how happy I am to have the opportunity to make up for my mistakes."

She only said one sentence like this and did not dare to say it again. She knew that King Yu did not like this, and was afraid that the opportunity she had finally fought for with her life would be ruined by her.

"Your Majesty, the Grand Master has a village outside the capital. The eldest son of the Prince of Huai'an is in that village. He has been taught by the Grand Master these years. The Grand Master took people out of the capital and took him with him."

As soon as Meng Gongren said this, Wei Xian, who had a pale face, started to tremble on his lips. He turned to look at the steward of the Taishi Mansion. The teacher had never told them about the eldest son of the Prince of Huai'an.

Meng Gongren pointed out the most critical point: "The eldest son of the Prince of Huai'an County is the closest to Taizu among all the clans, except for the lineage of the late emperor, and the eldest son is only one year older than the emperor."

Suddenly there was a lot of noise outside the palace gate.

The grand master's thoughts were clearly revealed. If he didn't want to secretly rebel, why would he educate a clan with his own hands?

Xiao Min raised his eyes and looked at the Taishi party members who were not far away. No longer caring about protecting the sedan, the people from the Taishi party stepped back. All the inspectors stepped forward and opened the sedan curtain with the sharp blades in their hands.

A man dressed as a domestic servant was sitting inside. He looked at the governor with a horrified look on his face, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

As expected, the Grand Master is not here.

"Your Majesty, please don't listen to slander." Seeing that Wei Xian remained silent, the steward of the Grand Master's Mansion had no choice but to speak. "The Grand Master is devoted to assisting the Emperor, so this arrangement is a last resort."

"A last resort?" Some civil and military officials retorted, "Why did the Grand Master secretly educate the clan for so many years? Why did he take the clan and leave the capital? This alone is bullying the emperor."

Another official followed: "There is really something inside this. Why don't we invite the Grand Master to come and explain the matter to the Holy One in person?"

"that's right."

Amidst the noise, there was another commotion among the crowd.

A sneer appeared on the face of the steward of the Grand Master's Mansion: "Before that, my lords, why don't you report to the emperor that today is an ordinary court meeting. Many of you should be on duty to attend court. Why are you all gathered here?"

The steward wanted to drag the officials into trouble.

If the officials knew that they could not escape, they would have to stand with the Grand Master as a last resort.

The officials were so angry that they gnashed their teeth, but could not speak out. They could only look at each other, and no one dared to speak.

I wonder how much the emperor knows about their secret dealings with the Grand Master? How to deal with it.

"No one answered his words?" A deep voice sounded.

It was like a thunder exploded above the head, and the atmosphere became solemn again. Everyone followed the sound and looked over, only to see that the crowd was pushed aside, and it was obvious that someone was coming this way. The inspector secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he knew who was coming.

"Is it so difficult to explain clearly?"

When the voice sounded again, Xiao Yu's figure had already appeared in front of everyone.

The officials were suddenly hit in a critical point. Their eyes flickered and they broke out in a cold sweat...

King Yu is here.

Before, there was only a young emperor, and it was easy to get away with some things. Now that there is an additional King Yu, no one dares to have any evil intentions.

Xiao Yu walked up to Xiao Min and without hesitation lifted his court clothes and knelt down to salute: "Your Majesty, Xiao Yu, I am here to see you, Your Majesty."

Almost at the same time, Huaiguang and others also knelt on the ground.

The vassal kings of Da Qi were not required to kneel before the emperor on non-important occasions, but this was the first time Xiao Yu saw the emperor in front of others after he was granted the title.

This kneeling also showed King Yu's thoughts, Xiao Yu was willing to submit to the young emperor.

Before King Yu came to Beijing, some people had wondered whether King Yu's refusal to accept the reward in person would leave a way out for him in the future.

King Yu restored his status as the legitimate son of the late emperor. His refusal to accept the emperor's canonization meant that he did not recognize the emperor's identity. After all, according to the custom of this dynasty, he should inherit the throne. In time, when everything is ready, King Yu may send troops to force the palace. At that time, he can tell everyone in the world that he is not treason, but to get back his own things.

But now that King Yu is on his knees, any further rebellion would be a real rebellion, and there is no other excuse.

"Brother, please get up." Xiao Min stepped forward and stretched out his hand to support Xiao Yu's arm. He wanted to use some strength to really lift his brother up, but he was afraid that he was not strong enough. After thinking like this, he couldn't Feeling a light touch on his hand, Xiao Yu stood up as he wanted.

The two brothers looked at each other, and Xiao Min felt extremely relaxed at this moment, because he saw the same joy and closeness in his brother's eyes.

Although they are all calm, they are easy to notice.

Xiao Min felt warm in his heart.

"Your Majesty, Prince Yu, Wei Chen is guilty. Wei Chen believed the rumors of the Grand Master, so he came to the gate of the palace with the soldiers and horses from the government office, waiting to... escort him with the Grand Master."

"So is Weichen."

"Weak ministers and others were deceived by traitors and almost... caused a catastrophe."

"Please punish me, Your Majesty."

Those officials who secretly had an affair with the Grand Master apologized one after another. Some even took out the Grand Master's name card, wishing they could immediately report everything the Grand Master had revealed to him word for word, in exchange for a lighter sentence.

The emperor said nothing.

King Yu said: "It can be seen that the civil and military officials are obedient to the orders of the Grand Master. If the Grand Master raises his arms and shouts outside, maybe people will come out of the city to join him soon. In a few days, Da Qi will have a new court."

The officials felt chills running down their spines.

"Wei Chen and others don't dare."

"Wei Chen is willing to leave his family behind and go out of the city with the imperial army to arrest the Grand Master. He doesn't dare to hope for meritorious deeds. He just wants to make up for some mistakes."

These words were very familiar to Meng Gong. Although she managed to save her life, remembering how she was stared at by King Yu in the prison that day, her feet became weak and she almost couldn't stand.

The officials waited tremblingly for the emperor to speak, silently hoping that the emperor would be kind and spare them.

Xiao Min still didn't speak. In fact, he didn't know what to do with these people. He thought about it and took something out of his chest and handed it to Xiao Yu.

"Brother, this is the tiger talisman for mobilizing troops left behind by my father. I will give this to my brother, and he will handle everything."

When Meng Gongren heard the word "Tiger Talisman", he subconsciously wanted to stop it. He just stretched his hand and froze because it was too late.

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