Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 641 Entering the City

Zhang Yao and others traveled day and night. As they got closer and closer to the capital, Zhang Yao became more and more aware of the current situation.

Although the emperor still sat in the palace, the entire court obeyed Xiao Yu's orders.

Knowing this news, Zhang Yao couldn't help but smile on his face.

"Master," the Zhang family attendant said in a low voice, "Now go out and listen to what the common people say in praise of King Yu."

"Before, it was the King of Yu who drove away the Western Tibetan people. Now it is the King of Yu who wants to quell the traitors and rebels."

"Some people say that as long as King Yu is here, there will be no chaos in Daqi."

Zhang Yao was moved in his heart: "Where is the emperor? Does anyone talk about the emperor?"

The Zhang family attendant shook his head: "No... even if there are one or two words, it means that the emperor is too young..."

This sentence is enough, because ordinary people dare not talk about the Tian family. If these two sentences are missed, it can be seen that the emperor is not as good as King Yu in the hearts of the people.

Zhang Yao asked: "Where are King Yu's troops?"

The attendant said: "King Yu is leading his people all the way to the west. He should be driving the grand master to join the king."

Zhang Yao nodded: "The Grand Master has quite a reputation in the court and among the people. If something like this suddenly happens, it is inevitable that some people will be suspicious. However, if the Grand Master and the Prime Minister's troops gather together, it will be different. Prime Minister The king has long been convicted of treason, and the grand master colluded with him, and the crime is considered dead."

After all, my nephew's methods are unparalleled. He has only been around for a long time, and he is in the current situation.

However, Zhang Yao still hoped that Xiao Yu would not put down the rebellion so quickly.

Seeing that Zhang Yao remained silent, he followed and said, "The situation is very good now. What else do you have to worry about?"

"Of course I'm afraid that my nephew, relying on his clever methods, will do something stupid."

Sui never quite understood it and didn't dare to guess what it meant.

Zhang Yao said: "In the final analysis, he still puts the Xiao family first in his heart, and does not think about the blood feud between our Zhang family."

The attendant's eyes flickered: "Are you afraid that King Yu will hand over military power early?"

Zhang Yao sighed: "I have been in Fengxia Village for too long and have been with Zhao Luoyang every day. I'm afraid that all his ambitions have been wiped away, and instead he has become more benevolent as a woman."

Zhang Yao saw it with his own eyes. When he was in the village, wherever Zhao Luoyang went, Xiao Yu followed him. They looked no different from an ordinary couple.

Xiao Yu may have forgotten his identity.

How could a vassal king be as short-sighted as a village woman? If he was really like that, he would have let down the entire Zhang family. All the lives of his Zhang family were lost in vain.

Zhang Yao wanted to persuade Xiao Yu when he was in Taozhou, but unfortunately Xiao Yu regarded him as his uncle on the surface, but was wary of him after all. In other words, the only person Xiao Yu trusts is Zhao Luoyang.

But Zhao Luoyang has never left the village and doesn't know much. When the critical moment comes, not only will he be unable to help, but he will also cause harm. If not for this, he would not have come all the way to the capital.

"Let's go," Zhang Yao said, "go to the city early."

Everything has to wait until we enter Beijing.

The entourage responded and immediately led Zhang Yao's horse.

After another day's journey, Zhang Yao and others arrived outside the capital before dark.

Because of the war, the city gates were closed, and there were soldiers and horses guarding the outside of the city. Many people gathered at the city gates, but no matter how much the people begged, no one was allowed in or out without a document issued by the court. Zhang Yao took out Xiao Yu's name card and told his entourage: "Send the name card over and try it. Just say that I am Xiao Yu's uncle and I came from Taozhou to help."

The attendant took the name card and hurriedly went to talk to the general guarding the city gate, and soon returned.

"The guards who guard the city happen to be the Wuwei Army," the attendant said with a smile, "They recognize the prince's name card, but it is not the time to enter the city now. The guard is discussing with the people on the tower. After a while, he will send down the bamboo basket and hoist us up. .”

Soon, two bamboo baskets were placed on the tower.

Zhang Yao sat in the basket and looked at the guard: "I have not brought many people, but they are all here to help. Send them into the city together."

The guard came from Taozhou, knew Zhang Yao's identity, agreed in a low voice, and returned the famous post in his hand to Zhang Yao: "Uncle, I have taken the famous post."

Zhang Yao and others entered the capital smoothly and were taken to the courtyard where they stayed. Xiao Yu led his troops out of the city, but Nie Ping remained in the city.

Nie Ping was temporarily in charge of the armed guards and part of the imperial army in the city, and would also send news from the capital to Xiao Yu in a timely manner.

When it got dark, Zhang Yao saw Nie Ping.

Nie Ping was a little worried: "My uncle came to the capital. Is there something going on at home?"

Zhang Yao said: "It's Luo Yang who is worried about Brother Yu. He thought we could meet Brother Yu in the capital, but we didn't expect that we missed him on the way."

They came from the west, and Xiao Yu also led his troops to chase the Grand Master to the west. They were not missed.

"Is the princess okay?" Nie Ping asked again.

Zhang Yao said with a smile: "Everything is fine, I'm just a little heavier. I hope Brother Yu can go back when I'm a month old. It seems like... the war will subside soon."

Nie Ping nodded: "Your Majesty will quell all wars within three months."

Zhang Yao was a little surprised, but he still nodded: "We have heard all the way that the Grand Master has been defeated repeatedly. Now he does not dare to compete head-on with Brother Yu, so he can only run away."

Having said this, Zhang Yao paused slightly and showed a slightly puzzled look: "It stands to reason that there should be no rebels near the capital. Why is the capital so heavily guarded? They are not even allowed to come and go at will?"

Nie Ping hesitated and didn't speak for a while.

Zhang Yao asked: "What's the inside story?"

Thinking about Zhang Yao's identity, Nie Ping made up his mind after a moment: "Since it was my uncle who asked, I won't hide it. The reason why the city is like this is because the emperor's palace was attacked by the Taishi's men yesterday. Thanks to The Imperial Army arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous..."

Nie Ping couldn't help but sigh: "We cleaned the palace several times, but we didn't expect that something still slipped through the net. After what happened, we didn't dare to let the emperor stay in the palace all the time. We had to change the palace to rest every night. Except for the emperor's side The rest of the people don’t know the true whereabouts of the emperor.”

Zhang Yao was surprised at first, and then comforted Nie Ping: "The grand master has been in power for a long time, and he has arranged too many hidden moves, which are difficult to guard against..."

Zhang Yao fell into thinking when he said this. After a moment, he looked at Nie Ping: "How about you take me into the palace to have a look? I have been in charge of the spies of the Prime Minister over the years and know a lot about these things. I can't say that I have discovered anything unusual." Here, the emperor is hiding around like this. Those who know the inside story are on guard against the Grand Master, while those who don’t know think that we are going to do something wrong to the emperor."

There is some truth in what Zhang Yao said, so Nie Ping thought about it carefully for a moment: "Then I'll bother you, uncle. I'll take you to the palace with me early tomorrow morning."

Zhang Yao waved his hand: "It's not easy for Brother Yu to fight abroad. If something happens in the capital, his achievements will be undone. We must find ways to help him stabilize the capital and prevent any trouble."

Nie Ping nodded: "I'm going to make some arrangements now."

After Nie Ping retreated, Zhang Yao was silent for a moment, then reached out to fiddle with the wick of the oil lamp. The shadow of the lamp danced, making his face flicker.

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