Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 645 The Truth

Zhang Yao stood there frozen, the smile on his face disappeared completely at this moment, and became low and sinister, but in the blink of an eye, he changed it to shock and concern again.

"Sister Luo," Zhang Yao couldn't help but ask, "Why are you here?"

Without waiting for Zhao Luoyang to ask him, he immediately grabbed the conversation and said to himself: "There is no one to stop me from walking a long way from Taozhou to the capital? Why are you so careless? What if this happened? What can I do? Brother Yu told me repeatedly before going on the expedition, if there is an emergency, just ask someone to find me..."

Zhang Yao walked forward as he spoke, seemingly wanting to get closer to Zhao Luoyang to talk, but in fact he was thinking about the current situation in his mind.

When did Zhao Luoyang come? Was it a coincidence that he showed up without informing her, or had she already been suspicious of him?

Looking around, he didn't see Xiao Fuzi or the little emperor. When he came in, the palace man said that Xiao Fuzi had made a move. Was the palace man lying to him, or was he secretly conveying the news to him?

Zhang Yao found that he couldn't get the exact answer to what he was thinking about.

He could only hope that the little emperor was dead, so no one could turn the tide. Why is he also a member of the Zhang family? If he takes action, how can Xiao Yu be able to clear up the relationship? Even if in fact Xiao Yu didn't know, could the people and officials believe it? Can future generations believe it?

Zhang Yao was confident that he could persuade Xiao Yu and Zhao Luoyang. If they didn't want to bear such a bad reputation, they should blame the Grand Master for the death of the little emperor and not go any further.

After Xiao Yu takes the throne, will he still criticize him? At that time I will only be grateful to him, he helped me take this most difficult step.

He was responsible for all the bad things. This was what his uncle should do. He was protecting Xiao Yu on behalf of the Zhang family.

However, just when Zhang Yao thought of this, someone stood up and blocked his way. Zhang Yao raised his head and saw Huaiqing with a straight face.

"This is..." Zhang Yao asked Huaiqing, but looked at Zhao Luoyang, "Why?"

Zhao Luoyang did not answer Zhang Yao, but said calmly: "Bring everyone here!"

Footsteps sounded, and a dozen people were brought into the hall.

Zhang Yao looked around and knew every face kneeling on the ground. These were his people. If his calculations were correct, except for Xiao Fuzi, all of his people in the palace should be here.

At this moment, Zhang Yao calmed down. All his previous guesses had come to fruition. Zhao Luoyang and the others had indeed known about it for a long time.

Zhang Yao simply stopped pretending to be stupid and faced Zhao Luoyang again: "You asked me to return to Beijing because you were planning to spy on me? Do you think I will harm brother Yu? What I did was just to protect him. Brother Zhuyu."

Zhang Yao's eyes turned red when he said this: "I can't let what happened back then happen to Brother Yu again, and I can't helplessly watch Brother Yu being harmed. Otherwise, what's the use of so many people from the Zhang family protecting me back then?" ?”

"As long as the throne is involved, it will ultimately be a matter of life and death. Otherwise, how could there be so many cases of fathers and sons turning against each other and brothers killing each other throughout the ages?"

"If he dies, you won't have to worry about it, and the child in your belly can be raised with peace of mind," Zhang Yao said. "Not only will it not be plotted by others, but the civil and military officials of Daqi will also hope that you will give birth safely. Isn't this the most important thing? of?"

"If you are afraid of being criticized by the world," Zhang Yao raised his head without fear, "As long as you punish me in front of others... In fact, after knowing Brother Yu's identity, I want to do this until you are assassinated. That’s when I made up my mind.”

Zhang Yao finished speaking in one breath. He felt that the worst outcome would be to imprison him and wait for Xiao Yu to return to the capital before dealing with him.

This rhetoric was enough to save his life.

"Uncle, is it really for the prince?" Zhao Luoyang asked. Zhang Yao nodded: "Both the vassal and brother Yu are afraid of the young emperor. What's the use of killing a grand master? There will be new auxiliary ministers, and eventually their spearheads will be directed at brother Yu."

Zhang Yao glanced at Zhao Luoyang, but to his disappointment, he did not see any emotional fluctuations on Zhao Luoyang's face, and he couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

Thinking about it carefully, Zhao Luoyang was gentle in front of others, but he was never easy to get along with. Otherwise, how could he not be aware of Zhao Luoyang's actions before today?

Dare to come to the capital from Taozhou, which is not the courage and courage that ordinary people can have.

When Zhang Yao was silent, Zhao Luoyang's voice sounded again: "Aren't you afraid that the emperor will find out what happened to Concubine Ying back then? Who instigated Concubine Ying to deal with the Feng family?"

After Zhang Yao arrived in Taozhou, he blamed the death of concubine Ying on the imperial master.

It is true that someone wants to control Yingbi and her son, but that person is not the Grand Master but Zhang Yao.

As soon as Zhao Luoyang finished speaking, the imperial army dragged a palace servant out of the crowd and threw him in front of Zhang Yao.

Zhang Yao's expression changed again when he saw this.

That palace man was the one he met in the abandoned palace yesterday. Apparently, everything he said and did to the palace man that day was known to Zhao Luoyang.

Zhao Luoyang said: "My uncle told me that the grand master designed to harm concubine Ying in order to control the young emperor in the future. It sounds right, but if you think about it carefully, it is not the case. At that time, the late emperor was in power In the heyday of the Spring and Autumn Period, new concubines were admitted to the palace, and even the imperial hospital did not know that the late emperor would suddenly suffer from an emergency. How could the imperial master think of making these arrangements in advance? Considering the person of the imperial master, he could not make plans. It is better for the new king to remain loyal to the late emperor. This is also true. The person the late emperor trusted the most was the grand master, and that was why he would later take care of him."

"Furthermore, after the late emperor passed away, the Feng family had been fighting with the grand master for a long time. Even you heard that Concubine Ying was the victim of the grand master, but Queen Mother Feng didn't know? If there were any rumors or rumors, the Feng family would point the finger at the grand master. , The Feng family did not do this, which proves from the side that these have nothing to do with the Grand Master."

Zhang Yao felt cold in his heart: "It turns out that you have been suspicious since then." But he didn't notice it at all.

The trust shown by Zhao Luoyang turned out to be an illusion.

Zhang Yao's eyes were about to burst into flames: "When I deal with the Feng family, it is also to avenge the Zhang family."

"No," Zhao Luoyang stared at Zhang Yao, "It's true that you hate the Feng family, but it's not because of the lives of the Zhang family, but because you have lost your status as an uncle, and you have completely lost your incredible wealth."

"You really wanted to find the wrong enemy for Empress Zhang. How could you not find out about Princess Yu? After the Zhang family case was investigated, you didn't mention how to deal with Princess Yu, but you still secretly arranged it in the palace. Everything, if you get the chance, attack the emperor immediately."

"From the beginning to the end, your purpose has not changed. What you want has always been to find ways to gain power."

The usually soft-spoken woman suddenly had a bit of sternness in her voice: "What were you thinking about when the late Emperor ascended the throne and pursued the posthumous title of Empress Zhang?"

Zhao Luoyang stood up slowly.

Zhang Yao subconsciously took a step back. He only heard the slightly cold voice saying: "A dead queen is of little use to you. Why don't you take advantage of the emperor's intention to make up for the Zhang family and send in another Zhang family daughter."

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