Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 652 Growing up

Naturally, it was impossible for Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji to plead for Zhao Xuewen, especially after hearing the ins and outs of how Jiang took away their Sichuan assets and sold off their fields, they felt nothing but pleasure towards Zhao Xuewen.

Yes, looking at Zhao Xuewen's own consequences, and thinking about Zhao Xuewen's viciousness when he came up with the idea, if he had any objections, it would be that he felt that this kind of punishment was not enough.

No one would have the kindness to forgive someone who wants them dead.

But you still have to say it clearly.

My sister was pregnant, and Zhao Yuanrang couldn't bear to let her worry about her, so he looked at Zhao Yuanchang: "Brother, don't think we did something wrong. There are some things you need to know. When we left in response to the eviction order, all the money left by the family was all Those who didn’t have enough to buy rations, it was Grandma, my mother and two aunts who bought some chaff from the people in the village.”

"People have big animals on the road, and my father and uncle take turns carrying them along."

"Later, the third aunt learned that she was pregnant, and even wanted to leave secretly in the middle of the night, just because she was afraid of dragging us down."

Zhao Yuanji followed: "Not only Third Aunt, Grandma also quietly stopped eating. I watched Grandma put the wild vegetable cakes back. Later, because she couldn't walk, she had to be carried by Fourth Uncle, and Grandma didn't even drink water. , for fear that I would be too heavy and make Fourth Uncle and the others work too hard."

In fact, the little old lady is skin and bones and can be blown away by a gust of wind.

They rarely talk about the things that happened on the road to relocation, but it doesn't mean that they have forgotten it. Whenever they encounter difficulties in the future, they will recall that period, and they will not be afraid of any difficulties no matter how big they are.

They spoke out today not because they felt uncomfortable, but because they wanted Zhao Yuanchang to understand what his grandfather and uncle had done.

Zhao Yuanrang continued: "We also encountered heavy rain on the way. If sister hadn't warned us, some of us might have been crushed under the collapsed mountain."

This was the first time Zhao Yuanchang heard this. He looked at Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji blankly, thinking about the hardships he endured on the way to move with his grandfather and father. He felt dizzy after riding in a carriage for a whole day, let alone walking for such a long time. He wanted to say something, but couldn't open his mouth.

Zhao Xuewen and Jiang also became quiet.

"Without Sichuan capital, we have to save everything. We have to count how many bites we eat every day. My family is very thin, and we encountered bandits on the road." Zhao Yuanrang pursed his lips, "That night, I was particularly scared. If we were If the bandits catch up, they will die. Looking at those people who were killed, my feet are numb."

Zhao Yuanji's eyes were slightly wet, and he nodded accordingly. They were more afraid of something happening to their family than dying themselves. Later, when he met the officers and soldiers, he really felt that he had saved his life.

"My sister persuaded everyone to pool money together to buy a big animal, and my grandmother was finally willing to drink water." Zhao Yuanrang took a deep breath, "If there is one thing we didn't do well, we wouldn't be able to stand here with you today." say."

Zhao Yuanrang stared at Zhao Yuanchang: "Sister can let you return to Taozhou, and grandma can forgive you. These are blessings that you can't ask for. Maybe one day we can still have dinner together, and we can treat you as a relative." Brother, but it depends on what happens to you in the future, and it will take a long, long time."

"But if you still want something now... we don't have it, and we can't bring it out."

Zhao Yuanchang nodded subconsciously.

Zhao Yuanrang's eyes darkened: "But if you feel resentful towards us because of what happened today..."

Zhao Yuanji understood what Zhao Yurangang meant, and also stared at Zhao Yuanchang closely.

Zhao Yuan said: "If you want to cause harm to your family, I will never forgive you. I hope you remember not to have any bad intentions and not to destroy the little bit of family affection in our hearts."

"I, Zhao Yuanrang, will never let something like that happen again in my family."

"Me too," Zhao Yuanji said, "Whoever dares to think wrong again, I will kill him personally."

Zhao Yuanchang shuddered.

Zhao Yuanrang said: "Think carefully before you decide whether to return to Taozhou and whether you want to join the Zhao family." Zhao Luoyang listened to the words of his two brothers. In fact, he should say these things, but Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji spoke to her. She didn't interrupt. After all, her little charm couldn't be exchanged for the growth of her two younger brothers.

As they grow up, they also know how to shoulder heavy responsibilities. In the future, she will also be protected by her brothers, which feels particularly solid.

Zhao Yuanchang lowered his head. He first looked at Mrs. Jiang, and then at Zhao Xuewen who was lying on the ground.

The color on Zhao Xuewen's face had long since gone away, because he knew that his life was over and the Zhao family would never let him out of prison.

"I understand," Zhao Yuanchang said, "Can you wait until I have settled my mother before leaving for Taozhou?"

Zhao Yuanrang turned to look at Zhao Luoyang, who nodded.

"Yes." Zhao Yuanrang responded on his behalf.

After Zhao Yuanchang finished asking, the Wuwei army came forward and dragged Zhao Xuewen away, and also took away Jiang.

Zhao Yuanchang saluted Zhao Luoyang again, and then went to the government office to see the situation.

Zhao Luoyang didn't need to ask about what happened next. Whether Zhao Xuewen and Jiang were alive or dead had nothing to do with them.

The steward’s mother stepped forward and said, “The house is all in order.”

Zhao Luoyang will not come to live in this courtyard, but grandma, father, mother and two uncles will have a place to stay in Beijing in the future.

"Let's go," Zhao Luoyang said, "go back and have a rest, then you can go to the city by yourself."

Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji responded, and Zhao Yuanchang wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes while Zhao Luoyang was not paying attention.

Mother Chen was extremely happy on the sidelines. She only wished that the palace and the Zhao family would be well in the future.

Zhao Luoyang got on the carriage with his two younger brothers.

"You still need to prepare. Maybe the emperor will announce your admission to the palace tomorrow."

The two people who had just acted like adults now looked at each other with a little timidity on their faces. Anyone would be scared when meeting a saint for the first time, not to mention there are so many rules in the palace.

The emperor is young, but he is an emperor, the kind who can behead someone with just one word.

But Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji soon became excited. It was their first time in the capital and they met the emperor. Even Mr. Song had never seen the emperor.

When I return to Taozhou, I don’t know how many people will envy me when I mention this incident.

"Then what should we say to the emperor?" Zhao Yuanji couldn't help but ask Zhao Luoyang.

Zhao Luoyang said: "You think about it yourself."

Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji don't want to go out for a walk. The matter of entering the palace tomorrow will be much more attractive than outside.

Zhao Luoyang listened to the voices of the two brothers discussing, and suddenly had the illusion that everything was stable outside. Thinking like this, she opened the curtain and looked outside, so... as long as the little mute comes back, everyone can live well. The day you are looking forward to.

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