After receiving the news from the Prime Minister, the Grand Master immediately ordered all the generals to go to the central army tent to discuss matters. After everyone sat down, the Grand Master passed the secret letter sent by the spies to everyone.

Everyone's expressions changed immediately after seeing the contents of the secret letter. It was clearly written in the secret letter that the Prime Minister was killed by Xiao Yu.

"How could this be?"

"What is Prince Xiang doing? Was he defeated by Xiao Yu like this?"

"The Prime Minister can take away half of the troops."

"It's only been a few days, why did you lose?"

"What should I do?"

The generals couldn't help but talk loudly, and one of them said: "Didn't the letter from King Xiang arrive just the day before yesterday?"

He remembered clearly what was written in the letter. The Prime Minister decided to lead his troops to the northeast to temporarily avoid Xiao Yu's attack. He could also form an arm's length with the Grand Master's troops, so that they could cooperate with each other and find the right opportunity to attack Xiao Yu. Yu.

Because of King Xiang's decision, everyone gathered together and scolded King Xiang for being cowardly and marching away in the heavy rain before he had a formal fight with Xiao Yu.

However, this is also in line with the behavior of King Xiang. Before the Grand Master left the capital, the Grand Master was hiding in all directions. As soon as he saw Xiao Yu coming, he immediately ran away.

The Grand Master walked to the map and looked carefully at the direction of the Prime Minister's march. Soon the tent became quiet, and the generals stood up and stood next to the Grand Master.

Du Mo, who had followed the Grand Master for the longest time, understood the Grand Master best and tried to figure out what the Grand Master meant. The Grand Master's eyes fell on the northeast, which was the direction in which the Prime Minister's letter stated that the troops would be withdrawn.

If the Grand Master thought there was nothing wrong with the secret letter, he wouldn't have been staring at it and thinking along these lines...

Suddenly an idea flashed through Du Mo's mind.

"No, no," Du Mo stepped forward and pointed at the map. "The Prime Minister withdrew his troops in the rain. Even if he walked slower on the road, they would have gone far away. However, King Yu's troops have been stationed in the west. King Yu has already chased the Prime Minister. It’s not easy, how could a war break out?”

"Where the Prime Minister is, there are mostly valleys. If he wanted to avoid Xiao Yu, he would have taken this path. In this way, it would be impossible for the cavalry of the armed guards to be effective."

The Prime Minister is not a fool. He will leave overnight because he sees this clearly.

"What if Xiao Yu leaves all the horses behind and marches with the infantry?"

Some generals raised questions.

Then Du Mo shook his head: "Impossible, our army is not far away from them. By doing this, Xiao Yu is not afraid of being outflanked by our army? Xiao Yu can't be so stupid."

Generals, you look at me and I look at you. I don’t know what the real situation is for a while.

"Grand Master," Du Mo thought of something, "the news of King Xiang's death is false. Xiao Yu deliberately confused us."

There is no such thing.

Xiao Yu was a man who used all possible means to fight the war. He caught their spies and sent back false news. This method had happened three times since the beginning of the war.

If it hadn't been for that fake news, they would have had a chance to capture General Zhou alive. General Zhou went deep alone and accidentally collided with the reinforcements who came to join him. Just when the reinforcements wanted to surround General Zhou, the scouts brought news that traces of the Wuwei Army were found in the surrounding area.

It was very likely that General Zhou was the bait that lured them into taking the bait, so they hurriedly withdrew, but it later turned out that the news was false.

Xiao Yu trained a troop of soldiers and horses in the Wuwei Army. These people wore green and weird clothes and hid in the vegetation. It was difficult to find their traces. These people did nothing else but stared at the scouts and spies, intercepting and intercepting them. After staying, they snatched letters and forced confessions. These people seem inconspicuous, but they cause them a lot of trouble.

Thinking about it this way, Xiang Wang's death might also be fake news.

"That makes sense."

The generals said one after another. "If a war breaks out, it shouldn't be so quiet. We should at least get some information."

"None of the deserters came back to report."

"Prince Xiang is dead, won't Xiao Zheng escape with others?"

As they spoke, everyone felt more and more that this was abnormal.

Under what circumstances would King Xiang be killed silently? Not even the soldiers or generals escaped.

While speaking, Du Mo said: "If you want to know the truth or falsehood, you only need to order the scouts to go northeast and check if there are any traces of soldiers and horses. If the Prime Minister really led his troops to leave, the news must be false."

But what was Xiao Yu planning to do by going to such trouble to send false news?

Several generals thought of this and looked at the Grand Master.

The Grand Master raised his eyes: "If King Xiang really dies, what will happen to us?"

The generals looked at each other, and Du Mo said tentatively: "We will persuade the Grand Master to go southeast immediately."

The Prime Minister has a long-standing alliance with the chieftains in the southeast. They may send troops to disrupt the southeast at any time, attract the attention of the court, and buy time for the grand master to act.

No matter what happens, they will accept the grand master and let him stay in the southeast to recuperate.

The Grand Master said, "What if Xiao Yu arranges his troops to ambush us halfway?"

"This..." Du Mo and others' expressions immediately turned very ugly. Apparently they had not thought of this before.

The armed guards were waiting for work, and they would definitely be caught off guard, and they would definitely suffer heavy losses.

Xiao Yu's methods have always been treacherous, and the generals increasingly felt that this was what happened.

Du Mo said: "But now the Wuwei Army has made the news true and false. No one can be sure that the news is true unless we meet King Xiang... So what should we do before meeting King Xiang again?"

Should he go to the southeast, or stay where he is and attack Xiao Yu with King Xiang?

If they choose wrongly, they will be in danger.

Although they all felt that King Xiang would not die so silently, even if he lost to Xiao Yu, it would be a fierce battle.

"We are not going to the southeast," the Grand Master suddenly said, "nor will we stay where we are."

Xiao Yu may have thought that he would choose one of the paths, but he chose not to go either way.

"Let's go south, approach the capital, and capture several cities," the Grand Master said. "How do you think the court will impeach Xiao Yu?"

The Grand Master did not want to discuss this matter with everyone.

Because no one knows the battle in the court better than him.

The most powerful thing about Xiao Yu right now is not the military guards, but the emperor's trust and the support of the court. As long as this is destroyed, Xiao Yu's rear will be unstable.

Xiao Yu used the life and death of the Prime Minister to confuse him, obviously hoping to catch him off guard, but the officials far away in the capital did not know. If his troops suddenly approached the capital, the officials would only think that Xiao Yu deliberately let him enter the capital.

At that time, will the little emperor still trust Xiao Yu?

Even if the imperial court sends a few people to supervise the army, Xiao Yu will feel constrained, and this is the beginning of suspicion. They may have captured a few cities and then had to flee to the southeast, but this was also crucial to them.

As for that idiot Xiang Wang...

He would write a letter telling the Prime Minister that if he still wanted to live, he would come and join forces with him, and he believed that the Prime Minister would make a choice, unless the Prime Minister was really dead.

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