Hearing that he was leaving tomorrow, Kou Wei's expression immediately became serious.

The Grand Master said: "What? Is there any difficulty?"

Kou Wei said: "These ships are usually hidden in abandoned shipyards. They need to be repaired before use. I didn't expect sir to be so anxious before, but... the students should make arrangements now. It should be enough to work overnight."

The grand master nodded.

Kou Wei looked at the general behind the Grand Master: "It might be faster if we borrow some more men from Sir."

"This is easy," the Grand Master called Du Mo, "You make the arrangements."

Du Mo took the order.

Kou Wei took the grand master to inspect the surrounding area, and then entered the government office.

In the government office, the grand master looked at the official documents on the desk that Kou Wei had not approved for a long time, but the spear standing next to him was polished by Kou Wei.

In the evening, Kou Wei invited the grand master to have dinner at home. Kou Wei called the two children out to salute the grand master. The master and apprentice were enjoying themselves, and the grand master even staggered a little when he left.

But when he returned to the big tent and Kou Wei left, the drunkenness on the Grand Master's face dissipated and his eyes became clear again.

The Grand Master would not trust anyone casually, even if it was Kou Wei, he would have to test it out. If tonight could go through peacefully, he would not have any doubts.

If someone had bad intentions, they would probably do it when he was drunk.

Then Du Mo walked into the big tent: "Our people have checked those ships, and there are no problems."

Kou Wei offered to let them help, so Du Mo didn't have to worry about it anymore and went straight to the ship to check the situation. What they were most afraid of was that someone was tampering with the ship.

Du Mo continued: "We will watch carefully tonight. If there is any slightest sign of trouble, I will immediately take the heads of the entire family of Kou Wei."

Kou Wei did not return to the government office, but spent the whole night watching the boats by the river. When the grand master saw Kou Wei again, Kou Wei was talking to the soldiers and civilians he had recruited.

"We have been here for many years, and the Qi court has given us nothing except collecting exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes from us."

"This time the Grand Master comes to Weizhou, it is our opportunity."

"We must follow the footsteps of the Grand Master and let the Great Qi court know who should be in charge in this world."

"Follow the Grand Master, follow the Lord."

Everyone shouted.

Kou Wei boosted his morale and turned to look at the Grand Master with a smile: "The students are ready, just wait for the teacher."

After they cross the river, they will sneak attack on the city when it gets dark, and it's just a good time to start now.

The generals organized their troops and horses, and soon they all boarded the ship.

The grand master stood on the bow of the boat and looked across the river. It was quiet there, apparently unaware that a war was about to break out.

"The student still remembers drinking with the teacher at home when he was in the capital," Kou Wei said. "The student said at that time that he wanted to do something big with the teacher, and now he finally has the opportunity."

The grand master naturally remembered that he had not yet held power and wanted to make a difference in the court. Unfortunately, after taking power, he discovered that many things were not as easy as he thought.

The Taishi said: "If you want to do something, you have to be able to speak out in the court. Unfortunately, there is no peace in the court. First, relatives disrupted the government, and then King Yu seized power. I wanted to accompany the emperor through the past few years, but it is a pity that the emperor is young. , easily deceived.”

Kou Wei nodded: "Students often miss their teachers when they are in Weizhou. I don't know how long they will have to wait here."

The Grand Master sighed: "It's hard for you."

Kou Wei said: "In addition to students, there are many people who are also waiting for the teacher."

"After this incident, gather them all together," the Grand Master reached out and patted Kou Wei on the shoulder again, "I will lead you to make achievements."

Kou Wei's eyes changed slightly when he heard the words "making meritorious deeds". After a while, Kou Wei said again: "Teacher, do you know about cotton?"

The Grand Master frowned slightly when he heard the cotton: "It's something grown in the vassal land. Xiao Yu uses it to win people's hearts. It looks no different from reed catkins and catkins. Cotton can't be grown everywhere. If you want to spin it into The thread needs to be made into a separate spinning wheel, and the fabrics produced can only be sold to the dignitaries and are of no use to the poor people. "

At such a time, the Grand Master cannot say anything good about the vassal land, lest it cause extra problems.

"If you are curious about the cotton, after this battle, order people to go to the domain to find some," the grand master said, "then you will know whether it is useful or not."

Kou Wei seemed to notice that the grand master was slightly unhappy, and he said nothing for the rest of the time until the ship docked.

The officers and men under the command of the Grand Master organized their troops and horses, and after dark, the troops and horses marched all the way to Xucheng.

The grand master sat on his horse and looked at the front army from a distance. The scouts came back from inquiring about the news. They found that the gate of Xucheng was closed and there were not many soldiers guarding the city wall.

Everything is ready.

The grand master immediately ordered people to attack the city. They wanted to capture Xucheng in the shortest possible time. It was best that the people in the city could not detect what was going on.

Seeing Du Mo and others take the order and leave, at this moment, the Grand Master seemed to have thought of something.

His plan was to capture Xucheng and then rush to Fengqiu. As long as he was fast enough, the court would not have time to react, let alone Xiao Yu who was far to the southeast.

The imperial court quietly lost two cities...

If King Xiang were defeated quickly, it would be like this, making it difficult for people to find out the truth.

The Grand Master took a deep breath and stared straight ahead.

The sound of horse hooves gradually faded away, and then there was the sound of siege. The soldiers at the front had already attacked the city wall, and Du Mo followed closely. All he had to do was kill all the defenders and then open the city gate.

The city wall was right in front of him. Du Mo climbed to the highest point. When he was about to jump into the wall, he saw a group of people standing in the darkness not far away.

The group of people didn't seem to be in a hurry to take action, as if they were wild beasts in the dark, waiting for weak things like them to come to the door.

"General, there are no defenders here."

The soldiers were still cheering, but Du Mo's hands were shaking subconsciously.

A sharp scream came from the darkness.

The soldiers who continued to climb not only were not alarmed, but became even more excited. There was killing above, and the killing heralded their victory.

When the second group of soldiers was about to approach the city wall, what they saw this time was densely packed arrows.

There was a loud noise, someone shouting in the darkness.

The Grand Master's hand holding the reins tightened, and the guard next to him seemed to have sensed something, and subconsciously moved closer to the Grand Master.

Someone felt the earth shaking.

The deputy general next to the Grand Master dismounted his horse and put his head on the ground, and then he became panicked.

"There are cavalry approaching, many... at least... thousands of them."

Who could those thousands of cavalry be?

There is really only one answer.

The grand master turned his horse's head and prepared to order the rear army to become the front army and leave here immediately.

However, there were screams and commotion behind him.

The grand master turned around to look for Kou Wei. Kou Wei, who was originally at the side, was nowhere to be seen.

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