Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 666 Prodigal Son

Chapter 666 Prodigal Son

Zhao Luoyang listened to Zhao Yuanrang's words, and then looked at Zhao Yuanji's eagerness to try.

"Okay," Zhao Luoyang said, "Don't you still have the book on calculations that the master wrote? Just tell the emperor according to that. If the emperor has any questions that you can't explain clearly, you can ask the lecturer in the palace."

Zhao Yuan gave in and said, "What if you can't do well in talking about officials?"

Indeed, some algorithms come from the era of the system and are somewhat different from today. Others may not explain them as thoroughly as what is taught in the system.

Zhao Luoyang said: "Then explain to the emperor that you are not knowledgeable. If the emperor wants to find out, he can invite Mr. Song to the capital."

Zhao Yuanrang's eyes lit up. This was what he wanted to ask. His knowledge was the best. In their hearts, even the lecturers in the palace could not compare with him.

Zhao Luoyang smiled slightly. It was a good thing that the emperor was interested in the things learned in the system, because along the way, she had personally verified that the books and materials in the system were of great use.

After greeting Princess Changle, Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji went to see the emperor happily.

The emperor had just finished the scripture banquet class, and when he walked out of the hall, he saw Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji waiting outside.

Xiao Min smiled and said, "How long have you been waiting?"

The Zhao brothers saluted, and Zhao Yuanrang said: "It's only been a moment." They probably knew when the emperor was free, and they just came here because of the time.

"Then it can be a little later." Xiao Min smiled and walked to the study room with Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji. Today he also wanted to learn the arithmetic problems brought by the Zhao brothers.

After entering the palace several times, Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji changed from being afraid of the emperor to becoming more natural and began to speak casually.

The three people entered the room, with Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji standing by, waiting for Xiao Min to speak.

The waiter served tea and retreated. Xiao Min couldn't wait to ask: "Sister-in-law, has she agreed?"

Zhao Yuanrang smiled and nodded: "Sister, I said that if the emperor wants to understand those knowledge, he can take Mr. Song over from Taozhou."

"Really?" Xiao Min's eyebrows stretched, and he looked like a child at this moment.

Zhao Yuanrang responded: "Mr. Song is very powerful. In addition to arithmetic, he can also do many things, such as: he can draw maps, talk about business, and can make looms and spinning wheels. In our village, anyone who has difficulties must ask the teacher for advice." ”

"Although the number one scholar has good knowledge, he is often stumped by the teacher."

Xiao Min wants to see Mr. Song more and more. If possible, he would like him to be a lecturer. I don't know if he can agree?

"Is there anything else interesting? Tell me again."

In Da Qi, except for formal occasions, the emperor could call himself "I". However, when the Grand Master was there, the emperor was strictly restrained and had to call him "I" at all times, so as to add more dignity.

After Princess Changle and Princess Yu came to Beijing, Xiao Min gradually became less restrained and said many things casually. As a result, not only did I get closer to others, I also felt much more relaxed.

Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji talked to each other, and soon they talked about the repairs for Mr. Song.

"Mr. Song is different from others. He never collects money to make repairs. People in the village will send some rice, fish, meat, and tea. When the village is poor, some people will send wild vegetable cakes."

"Wild vegetable cake?" the little emperor was curious.

Zhao Yuanyi said: "It's something that grows in the wild. It's mixed with coarse grain noodles and made into pancakes. We often eat this, and my brother-in-law has also eaten it."

Xiao Min nodded in confusion.

After Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji entered the palace, they found that the emperor was different from what they thought. The emperor was not aloof and knew everything. They talked about many things, such as work at home, poultry, livestock, etc. The emperor listened with interest and even asked some questions. The silly question made them feel inexplicably superior.

"Now that we have money," Zhao Yuanji said, "there are more people sending fish and meat. No matter when, I guess my husband doesn't have any at home, so he will bring some." Xiao Min didn't know why, but he was very envious of Fengxia Village. That kind of excitement may be due to the rules everywhere in this palace. I wish I had someone to control my breathing. No more or less breath.

Xiao Min was amused by his thoughts.

"Then if I invite Mr. Song over, will I also prepare these things for repair?"

Zhao Yuanrang did not speak, but Zhao Yuanji remembered his noble reputation in the village and said with certainty: "Yes, even if the emperor rewards you with money and valuables, you will not accept them. You have always been like this, otherwise you can't scatter them." The family wealth of the ancestors.”

Zhao Yuanji's words were powerful, but they made Zhao Yuanjing's eyes jump. If Mr. Song were here, he would be so angry that his beard would fly.

Xiao Min didn't notice anything strange about Zhao Yuanrang. He was immersed in his imagination about Mr. Song. Now he wanted to meet Mr. Song even more.


Fengxia Village.

Mr. Song, who was basking in the sun in the yard, suddenly felt an itch in his nose, and then sneezed several times.

He wiped his nose with a handkerchief, then stroked his beard, wondering if someone was talking about him.

He had just had a sweet dream, in which the emperor rewarded him with a lot of gold and silver, allowing him to rebuild the ancestral hall for his ancestors and buy back the ancestral house of the Song family.

The lost wealth of the Song family suddenly returned to his hands, and he restored the foundation of the Song family. He was smiling foolishly when he suddenly saw his great-grandfather staggering to his side, hitting him with a small stick in his hand, and scolding him for being a bastard. The prodigal son missed a great opportunity. Now he is fine and his money is gone.

Mr. Song woke up immediately.

Thinking of the situation in the dream, he couldn't help but muttered a few words, how could he be a prodigal? Besides, where did the money come from? The few possessions left by his ancestors were all emptied by the little fox on the way to move. Of course, the little fox also sent food and eggs, so he did not suffer any loss. When he arrived at Fengxia Village, he also gave him a lot of money in secret and overtly. As a female disciple, he was quite proud.

But these are far from the treasures from the legends of our ancestors.

As long as people are content, it would be nice if the folks in the village give him some food. After going back and forth, he will gain more reputation.


Mr. Song felt very happy. After all, he had not confiscated any children from high-ranking families as students, so there was no need to lament that he was burdened by fame.

No need to regret it.

Mr. Song slowly rocked the rocking chair, feeling indescribably comfortable. Just as he was about to fall asleep again, his nose felt itchy again.

"A sneeze".

Mr. Song sneezed loudly again.

Who is talking about him?


The news of King Yu's great victory spread to the capital, and the whole capital was filled with joy.

The officials were very excited, and the people were even more happy. The military rebellion was quelled just like this. This shows how powerful Prince Yu is. Let's see who else dares to mess with him in the future.

The imperial court sent officials to meet King Yu. The body of King Xiang arrived in the capital before King Yu and the Grand Master. The two sons of King Xiang were supporting the coffin.

Because of their meritorious service in helping King Yu capture the Prime Minister, Xiao Zheng, Xiao Xun and the Lord of Ningfu County were not imprisoned with the other criminals in the Prime Minister's Mansion, but were confined to the side courtyard of the Zongren Mansion.

As for how to interrogate and deal with it, we have to wait until King Yu returns to Beijing.

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