Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 668 Embrace

Chapter 668 Embrace

Zhao Luoyang had a good sleep this time. Xiao Yu finished the battle and led the troops back to Beijing. She finally let go of the thought, so after eating, she read a book for a while and then lay on the bed.

It was already a bit hot in Beijing at the end of July. Mother Chen opened the window a little and put up a screen to let the wind come slowly but not blow directly on Zhao Luoyang. Such proper care made Zhao Luoyang feel Very comfortable, fell asleep quickly.

I don't know how long it took, but I heard a faint sound outside. Zhao Luoyang opened his eyes in a daze, and saw that it was still dark outside the hall. He thought it was not time to get up yet, so the sound he heard was probably from a dream. , and was about to turn around and sleep again, when he heard the door open, and then someone walked in quietly.

Zhao Luoyang thought it was Chen's mother and was about to ask, but a tall figure immediately came into view. She couldn't help but be startled, but her surprise soon turned into joy.

That figure and walking posture were all too familiar to her.

But...why is he here?

Zhao Luoyang couldn't tell for a moment whether he was dreaming, so he didn't rush to make a sound.

He walked into the house and reached the window first. He seemed to feel the cool breeze, so he stretched out his hand to close the window a little, and then turned to look at her.

In the darkness, she secretly opened her eyes and saw the heroic King Yu, with his waist slightly bent and tiptoeing over step by step.

That look made her want to laugh out loud, but she managed to hold it back. When she raised her eyes to look at Xiao Yu, she found that he suddenly quickened his pace.

Before Zhao Luoyang could react, the tall figure had already arrived at her bedside, and the next moment she was held in his arms.

The familiar scent came to her face, with a slight scent of soap locust, and the strand of hair pressed against her cheek was still slightly damp, and Zhao Luoyang's heart couldn't help but beat wildly.

"You wake up but don't make a sound," Xiao Yu whispered, "Do you miss me?"

Zhao Luoyang reached out and groped around his waist, and found that there was no cloth to bind the wound. He breathed a sigh of relief and put his hand around his chest again.

"Why are you so anxious?" came a low voice, and then she felt a slight vibration in his chest.

He was obviously laughing.

Zhao Luoyang pushed him slightly: "Let me see if he is injured first."

Xiao Yu was not willing to let go; "No, it's just that the peace charm you made for me was worn out."

It has been kept close to my body, and I am always on the road these days. No matter how careful I am, it will inevitably get damaged.

Zhao Luoyang didn't know what to say to him.

"Make another one, it will be very effective." Xiao Yu's voice was lower.

Zhao Luoyang didn't want to do it. He did it for peace before, but if he wears it now, he will inevitably be laughed at.

"I keep it close to my body so no one can see it."

Zhao Luoyang exposed him: "Then how did aunt see it?"

He put his cheek against her ear and said with a smile, "That doesn't matter, I just think it's fine."

After hugging her quietly for a while, Zhao Luoyang finally remembered when he felt Xiao Yu's hand gently caressing her slightly bulging belly: "Why did you come to Beijing? Didn't you say you won't come back until tomorrow?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Because I'm in a hurry to go home."

I didn't know it before, but now I have someone who cares about me, and then I realize that the days of traveling outside are really difficult. After catching the Grand Master, he didn't want to delay for a moment, and rushed to the capital with his people. After all, there were still many people, so he would inevitably be delayed on the way. .

"We are about to arrive in the capital. Together with them, we will have to wait until tomorrow to arrive," Xiao Yu said, "so I took the first step."

"Then what will you do tomorrow?" Zhao Luoyang said, "Everyone thinks you are still outside Beijing."

"There's no rush," Xiao Yu said, "I'll go out of the capital to meet them after dawn."

Just to get home a few hours earlier? Running around for nothing. "Are you stupid?" Zhao Luoyang said, "I'll sleep a little longer, get up and eat some food, and then I'll almost be able to see you."

Xiao Yu lay down on his side, holding Zhao Luoyang tightly in his arms with both hands. His palm was still pressed against her belly, wanting to touch it but not daring to use too much force.

"That's different," Xiao Yu said. "After entering the capital tomorrow, you must enter the palace. The court will also hold a banquet to reward the soldiers. After all this trouble, you won't be able to return home until evening."

This is all good. In fact, when you come out of the palace, someone will inevitably come to invite you. Even if Xiao Yu doesn't go, he won't be able to live in peace.

"I want to go back to Taozhou," Xiao Yu said. "Go home early so that I can stay in the house all the time and don't have to go anywhere."

Zhao Luoyang naturally knew what Xiao Yu was thinking. Even if the vassal king was in his own fiefdom, no one would dare to question him even if he never went to the government office. Ever since she became pregnant, Xiao Yu had tidied up the study room and would never go out unless there was something important. He planned to stay at home and accompany her to raise the baby.

But the war hasn't ended yet, so Xiao Yu's thoughts will naturally become impossible to realize.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to go back for a while.

Now that the Grand Master is dead, the affairs of the imperial court need to be carefully sorted out. At least there must be suitable candidates to assist the emperor so that Xiao Yu can escape unscathed.

But at this moment, Zhao Luoyang didn't want to mention this.

Xiao Yu said: "A lot older." There was joy in his voice, but also a bit disappointed, just because he was not by her side all the time.

"It's just starting." Zhao Luoyang placed his palm on the back of his hand. "From now on, it will get bigger and bigger. In a few months, it won't be easy to bend down."

"Why do you have to bend down?" Xiao Yu leaned forward again and pressed closely against her, "I'll do it for you if you have something to do."

A smile appeared on Zhao Luoyang's face, and the two of them relied on each other. Soon she heard the regular breathing behind her, and her little mute fell asleep.

Okay, everything is stable now.

The person she was waiting for also came back, and everything couldn't be better.

What else has not been resolved?

An idea flashed through Zhao Luoyang's mind, but she couldn't catch it because it was too fast.

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Luoyang stopped thinking about it without any clue.

Maybe she was overthinking it.


In the far northwest, just after dawn, there are men driving horses running on the grassland.

Cha Shuo looked to the south, and the spies sent news that King Yu had won the battle. He didn't know how happy he was at that moment.

After getting rid of the Prime Minister and the Grand Master, the next step is to solve the Tubo issue.

He didn't know when Xiao Yu was going to bring his troops. According to their agreement, the armed guards would help him. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"No one has sent the letter yet?"


This is what Cha Shuo has been asking every day in recent days.

Even if they don't come, someone should always deliver the letter.

Why is it so quiet?

Listening to the rumors in his ears, Cha Shuo frowned slightly. King Yu and his wife left the domain, and the two mothers also went to the capital. Could it be that everyone had forgotten about him?

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