Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 674 Returning Home

Chapter 674 Returning Home

On the day when the grand master was executed, the people in the capital crowded around to watch and threw stones and dirt in their hands at the grand master.

The grand master who always pretended to be clear and noble showed a bit of fear in his eyes at the last moment, because of the ghost-headed sword on his head, and the eager and angry expressions of the people.

After a moment, the grand master suddenly smiled, whether he was laughing at himself or the world. At the end of the smile, he thought of the official who was sent to the execution ground. The apparently clean ground was filled with a layer of dark red. Like blood stains left many years ago.

Finally his blood merged with theirs.

After the execution was over, the Taishi's body was snatched away by the people.

It’s no wonder that the people wanted to use the corpse to vent their anger. The evil things done by the Taishi Party during these days have long been spread among the people. They were greedy for money and occupied land...

The official they all trusted and respected in the past has had his outer skin peeled off, and the inside is so filthy that it is unacceptable. After being deceived by him these years, the hatred in his heart naturally deepens.

After the death of the Grand Master, with the help of King Yu, various ministries of the imperial court quickly added a group of officials. However, what puzzled the officials of each ministry was that after these people transferred from the local government offices were integrated into the ministries, they did things very well. Handy.

In other words, the person who promotes them has a keen eye and can place them in the most suitable place.

If King Yu hadn't had the slightest intention of seizing the throne, many officials would have been suspicious. However, some people still went to inquire secretly, but unexpectedly discovered that most of the officials had not had any dealings with King Yu before.

After talking like this, they came to the conclusion that King Yu was really powerful. If he ascended the throne, Daqi...

They did not dare to think further, because the emperor had already ascended the throne, and it might be better for Daqi for King Yu to become a vassal king.

It took Xiao Yu three months to get the court up and running. The three newly appointed officials from Zhongshu Province were in their 40s and 50s. They had served as county magistrates for many years. Judging from the previous evaluations, they did not have any outstanding achievements. He made great achievements, but after he entered the Zhongshu Province, he dealt with less important chapter memorials. But just based on the impeachment sentence in the chapter, a major case was uncovered.

This man had a keen eye, and from now on, he would have the first look at all the memorials that entered the Zhongshu Province.

Xiao Yu would also go to Zhongshu Province to discuss political affairs with officials. He looked at several familiar faces in Zhongshu Province. They were all officials he had promoted when he ascended the throne as emperor. He was very familiar with them, so naturally Know their strengths better.

In this way, all the backlog of government affairs was settled in just an hour. When Xiao Yu left Zhongshu Province to check the room, several officials looked at each other.

One of them said: "I don't know why, but I felt familiar just now."

For fear that others might misunderstand, the man continued: "I had never met Prince Yu before entering the capital, let alone worked with Prince Yu, but just seemed as if Prince Yu knew what I was thinking."

When he was about to speak, Prince Yu looked over and motioned for him to speak.

Such a tacit understanding can only be found among people who have spent many years together.

The others didn't say much, just thinking that this was the official's illusion, but they had to admit that King Yu knew them well.

Seeing that the various departments in the imperial court were busy, Xiao Yu said goodbye to Xiao Min. He was going back to Taozhou. Firstly, Princess Yu was about to give birth, and secondly, he needed to keep an eye on every move of the Tubo Dynasty.

Xiao Min couldn't bear to see his brother leave. During these days, he stayed with his brother. He not only taught him to read and write, but also patiently read memorials and dealt with government affairs with him. In the past, the Grand Master also did these things, but he was always on guard. But my brother is different, he will tell him everything he knows.

He also corrected the memorials in front of him and gave them to him for copying, so that he could gradually become familiar with these affairs and know which ministers should be called for discussion when encountering various difficulties.

Xiao Min also took him to fly kites and practice boxing together. Xiao Min finally understood why some people say that an elder brother is like a father.

Brother also ordered the imperial kitchen to make colorful jelly beans and put them one by one in a porcelain vase, telling him to taste one if he was tired from his studies. Xiao Min became more and more dependent on his brother. He even felt that it would be good if his brother could stay in Beijing. But brother still has to leave.

Xiao Min also understood why his brother made such arrangements. As a vassal king, he should return to the vassal territory as soon as possible. The longer my brother stays, the more traces he will leave on the court.

This is not a good thing for their brothers and Daqi's internal affairs.

"When the northwest is settled, you can call me to the capital again." Xiao Yu reached out and touched Xiao Min's head.

Xiao Min's eyes turned slightly red.

Xiao Yu said: "Before I leave, I have one more thing to say to you."

Xiao Min responded and listened.

Xiao Yu said: "Brother, I promise you that I will never covet your throne. If there is anything that is not done well in Prince Yu's Mansion or the vassal territory, you can ask or discuss with me."

Having said this, Xiao Yu looked deeply at Xiao Min. Xiao Min knew that what his brother said next must be particularly important, so his expression became serious.

Xiao Yu continued: "But you can't secretly attack Prince Yu's Mansion and the vassal because of suspicion or any reason. If you do this one day, don't blame me."

Xiao Min was stunned. He thought of everything his father had done and thought that his brother was afraid that he would be controlled by the imperial power.

"No," Xiao Min said resolutely, "I will never have such thoughts. I will remember how my brother protected me and how he believed in me. I will never have any quarrel with him in this life."

Xiao Yu nodded, smiled again, bowed to Xiao Min and exited the hall.

Looking at the empty hall and the dragon chair under him, Xiao Min suddenly felt a lot empty in his heart, but he quickly took a deep breath. He would not let his brother down, and he would be a good emperor.


On the day of leaving Beijing, Princess Changle came to see him off.

"I'll leave Cha Shuo to you," Princess Changle said to Xiao Yu. "His character still needs to be tempered, but... try to protect his life. After all, your aunt is a traitor."

Xiao Yu agreed.

Princess Changle looked at Zhao Luoyang again: "After the birth, I will have someone send a letter to Beijing. If things are stable here, I can go back earlier."

Zhao Luoyang nodded, and the eldest princess also urged them to return to the feudal land as soon as possible. In any case, it would be safer to give birth in the feudal land, and besides, the Zhao family would take care of them.

The carriage moved forward and gradually disappeared.

Old Mrs. Song, who stayed in Beijing, couldn't help but sigh. The two little ones just left like this. He didn't know how long he would be detained. They are all if anyone is in a hurry to return to Taozhou.

Mr. Song thought about returning to his big house with his hands behind his back and looking at the empty house. Why couldn't such a good place be as comfortable as living in Fengxia Village?

"Old Master," Mr. Song stepped forward and said, "I just passed by a hexagram stall on the street, and I made a hexagram for the old man. The gentleman said that in February next year, a happy event will come to my door."

Old Mrs. Song was stunned. After a moment, he urged: "Quick, quick, tell the people in the academy that I will leave Beijing in two months at most. If it is later, it will be too late."

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