Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 677 The last thing

Chapter 677 The last thing

When two kings died and one was captured, the tribes following them naturally put down their weapons and prayed for surrender.

The armed guards and tribal warriors briefly cleaned up the city and immediately welcomed King Yu and Cha Shuo into the capital.

Some brave people on the street came out to check it out. If there were no accidents, the person who took over the royal court this time would be their next Zamp.

Cha Shuo rode in front, with mixed feelings in his heart. When he learned about his life experience, he vowed to avenge his mother. Even if the late emperor died, there would always be other culprits.

After returning to the Tubo royal court and taking over the authority, many things can be done next. Expose the deeds of Wu Songjie and Wu Songqi, and do what the mother wants to do.

Cha Shuo was full of lofty ideals and wanted to do something right away. But when he saw the dark palace, his excited heart suddenly felt like a basin of cold water had been poured on him.

The fire was put out, but it was all gone.

Everything in front of you now looks like it is full of waste, and no matter what you do, you have to do it slowly.

Cha Shuo cheered up and ordered: "Take care of the government office, we will stay there for the time being."

All the way to the government office, Zha Shuo left Xiao Yu in the room to talk, mainly asking him for advice on how to deal with Tubo.

Xiao Yu said: "Tomorrow morning, when the government office door opens, many officials will come to see you. At that time, you will leave the highest-ranking people behind and summon them separately to ask them who takes care of the court affairs on weekdays."

"Select suitable officials from them to temporarily help you manage government affairs. At the beginning, they want to show something in front of you. Even if they have other considerations, they dare not make any big moves for a while. Taking advantage of this Opportunities, you have to try to understand them and find the ones you can really keep by your side.”

Cha Shuo nodded.

Xiao Yu continued: "In order to be able to successfully accept government affairs, people used by the predecessor Zanpu can also be used, but they must secretly cultivate their own manpower."

Cha Shuo understands this.

Xiao Yu looked at Cha Shuo: "The civil strife in Tubo is a good thing for you now. If you can sort out the government affairs and control the Tubo troops, you can completely convince the public and establish your authority in a short period of time."

Having said this, Xiao Yu took a piece of paper from Huaiguang's hand.

"These are documents issued by the Da Qi court. They can help you."

Cha Shuo opened it and saw that what was written in the document was about the war strike and diplomatic relations between the two countries.

This can indeed help a lot. At least it will let Tubo officials and people know that the war is over, and there will at least be a long period of peace with Daqi.

Of course, the premise is that he sits in Zamp's position.

After saying this, Xiao Yu was ready to leave. There were many things that Cha Shuo still had to figure out on his own.

"Thank you." Cha Shuo said.

Xiao Yu didn't care. This might be the first time Cha Shuo thanked him so sincerely.

"However," Cha Shuo said, "Why do you know so much? Could it be that you have already planned to take control of the New Deal?"

Under Xiao Yu's cold gaze, Cha Shuo stopped talking.

However, Xiao Yu said: "Some people are born with it, some people can teach it, and some people..."

Xiao Yu strode out before he finished speaking.

And some people can never be taught.

Cha Shuo always felt that the last sentence was talking about him.


Next, Cha Shuo did as Xiao Yu said. Just as Xiao Yu said, he, the new king, currently has no useful ministers around him, and the ministers also have no loyal king. In such mutual testing, they can interact with each other. Support them for a while, and when you find someone who is not following the same path, just leave them alone. Those who have merit will be rewarded, those who have no merit will be given a place to go, and those who commit great crimes will be punished according to law. After sorting it out in this way, many things will gradually become clear.

The palace was burned down and was not repaired for a while. Cha Shuo was nearby to accompany the capital to ascend the throne. On the day he ascended the throne, all the officials congratulated him, and he could be considered to have his own small court.

When Cha Shuo sits in Zamp's position, it will be easier to do things later.

There is no shortage of people with lofty ideals everywhere, not to mention that Zha Shuo still has a small family fortune left by the eldest princess for him. Soon many talented people entered the court, which really made Zha Shuo breathe a sigh of relief.

After sending away the courtiers, Cha Shuo met Xiao Yu at his residence. If he remembered correctly, Xiao Yu said that after he ascended the throne, there were still things he needed to do.

Xiao Yu handed a stack of letters to Cha Shuo: "After I left, I had someone send a letter to Prince Yu's Mansion in Taozhou every three days and give it to the princess."

Cha Shuo looked at the thick stack of letters handed over by Xiao Yu and couldn't help but feel a little confused, but he became more serious.

What is Xiao Yu going to do? Why didn't he send the letter himself and asked him to deliver it?

Xiao Yu continued: "Every time you send a letter, you must attach a few words to tell Luo Yang that the political situation in Tubo is chaotic and wars are raging, and he needs me to stay and help for a while."

Cha Shuo's eyes widened even further.

Xiao Yu said: "Do you understand?"

Cha Shuo pursed his lips, frowned and thought for a long time, then tentatively said, "Why are you doing this?"

Taking courage and taking the risk of being silenced, Cha Shuo continued: "You must not have a bad conscience, otherwise... the old lady of the Yang family will not let you go, and my mother and the others will also seek to settle the score with you, and I... I can’t get through this either.”

Xiao Yu's face turned cold: "What do you think I'm going to do?"

What else can I do if I hide it from my wife? Cha Shuo didn't dare to speak under Xiao Yu's threatening gaze, otherwise he would have a serious discussion with Xiao Yu.

"I have something urgent to do, which may be a little dangerous. Now that Sister Luo is about to give birth, I have to hide it from her for the time being," Xiao Yu paused as he said, "If everything goes well, I will come and deliver the letter." Take it away, no need for your help."

He could also let Huaiguang and the others stay and deal with it, but he preferred that Huaiguang and the others stay with him and Xiao Huanhui.

Cha Shuo looked at Xiao Yu's solemn expression and did not dare to think about it any more: "Can't we just do it?"

Xiao Yu said: "No."

"How about waiting until A Yang gives birth to the baby?" Cha Shuo tried to persuade.

Xiao Yu looked out the window and was speechless for a long time. If he could wait until the child was born, he might not appear in Tubo. He would be beside Xiao Huanhui and accompany him to give birth to their child. The rest of the things are not important. .

But the system has a time limit, and he must complete everything before there. In order to avoid mistakes in the middle, he must arrange everything as much as possible.

After telling Cha Shuo, Xiao Yu warned him with a serious look in his eyes: "If you let Luo Jie'er know the truth before she gives birth, I will definitely come to settle the score with you."

Cha Shuo shuddered involuntarily.

He said that Xiao Yu would definitely harm him, and unfortunately he was right.

Seeing Xiao Yu leave, Cha Shuo tried to persuade him to stay: "Aren't you going to stay a little longer?"

Xiao Yu acted as if he didn't hear anything and quickly left Cha Shuo's sight.


Xiao Yu took Huaiguang and others back to Daqi. Looking at the official road to Taozhou, Xiao Yu took a deep breath, turned his horse's head and galloped in the other direction.

Huaiguang didn't know what his master was going to do, but he could feel that this matter was important.

The master asked them to find a yard in advance and arrange the manpower in advance, but he did not inform the princess. He subconsciously felt that the master was going to do something dangerous.

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