It's really a pity.

Song Jingyun let out a long sigh.

It looks so pitiful.

Jiang Mixia couldn't bear to see it, and decided whether to go out and look for it, to see if there were any shops that sold the food that Song Jingyun mentioned, and bought it for the little son-in-law, or went to eat together.

While hesitating, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Jiang Mixia went to open the door.

The shop waiter was outside the door, holding a tray in his hand, "Hello, Miss Jiang, our shopkeeper is worried about the cold weather, and is afraid that the students who are rushing for the exam will be exposed to the cold, so we specially invited a cook to add some food in the kitchen."

"This is a soup stewed with mutton bones. It is mixed with some mutton leg meat and pepper powder. It tastes best to warm up the body. This fried bun is what this hearty cook is good at. It is stuffed with mutton and green onions. It is most suitable to drink with mutton bone soup."

"Ms. Jiang and Mr. Song Lang also try it to see if it suits them."

Jiang Mixia, "..."

Just now, the little son-in-law was still thinking about fried rice and mutton bone soup, so the waiter from the turning shop delivered them to his door.

All wishes come true, that's what I said.

Perhaps, this is what Xun Yuanbai said, the fate of the little son-in-law and Jiang Junli are compatible and can strengthen each other. This is the result of the enhanced luck of the little son-in-law?
Then...Jiang Junli's fortune is very good, if he wants to strengthen it...

Jiang Junli had already arrived at the nearby bookstore.

The book shop is next to the inn, on the other side is a jewelry shop, and further on there is a cloth shop.

This street can be regarded as a bustling street, and the business of several nearby shops is also very good. The shop fronts are all tall and spacious, but this bookstore has a dilapidated door and a narrow interior, which is quite out of place with many surrounding shops.

The shopkeeper of the bookstore is an old man with a long beard. When he sees people coming, he warmly welcomes them and even recommends some newly arrived books.

Books were hard to come by at this time, and although withered printing was available, the popularity rate was not high, and most of the books sold in bookstores were copied by hand.

But the business of this bookstore is not good, and the wages for copyists are naturally not high. Naturally, the quality of this book is not high, or it is not cherished, but it is just a book that can be seen everywhere.

Jiang Junli read a few books, but lost interest.

It was raining again outside at this time, and it was raining, and a little rain had already spilled into the shop through the door.

A middle-aged man ran over in the rain without an umbrella, rushed into the bookstore and hurriedly said to the old man, "Uncle Cao is not well, my aunt just vomited food again, I went to invite the doctor over, the doctor Looked at it, only said that the situation is not good."

The old man's face suddenly changed, "This, this..."

"Uncle Cao, Auntie's illness really can't be delayed. Although the doctor's prescription is more expensive, you still have to take a few doses. It's best to go to the capital to find a famous doctor to treat it. Maybe it can be cured." Middle-aged The man sighed.

"Why don't I know this truth? It's just that my family has already owed a lot of money because of the old woman's illness. I can't even borrow money. How can I get her such expensive medicine? How can I go to the capital to see a doctor? "

The old man was already in tears, "Although I intend to sell this shop, but the shop is really small, no one will buy it, and the price can't be raised, there is really... there is no way."

As he spoke, the old man wiped his tears with his sleeve.

It looks so pitiful.

Jiang Junli couldn't bear to see it, so he simply said to the old man, "I bought this shop."

"Xiao Langjun, the price of my shop is not cheap, you probably can't pay that much money." The old man sobbed.

"Oh? What's so expensive?" Jiang Junli raised his eyebrows.

"Just a piece of land the size of a palm, it costs 1000 taels of silver." The old man said.

1000 taels of silver.

Jiang Junli called Xinghe over, took two banknotes, and stuffed them into the old man's hand, "It's cheaper, just sell it to me for 2000 taels."

The old man, "..."

"Thank you, sir!" The old man tremblingly took the bank note, and hurriedly took out the land deed and house deed, and went to go through the transfer procedures with Xinghe.

In just half a day, the shop came under Jiang Junli's name.

Looking at the house deed and land deed, Xinghe frowned, "Master, it seems useless to buy this shop."

And it's so expensive.

Furthermore, in the evening, Xinghe heard someone mention that the owner of this bookstore was not the old man, but the middle-aged man who reported to the old man.

It wasn't that the old man had a seriously ill wife, but because he saw Jiang Junli's generous spending, he played a scene with the middle-aged man in an attempt to put on a pitiful look in front of Jiang Junli and ask him to pay for the shop.

It can be said that this store bought it, and it was really taken advantage of.

"When did I pay attention to the usefulness of my shopping?" Jiang Junli curled his lips, "Just find someone to look at it. If you don't want to sell books, just do something else for a living."

Do whatever you want.

It is best to lose money in business.

Xinghe knew his young master's temperament, so he didn't say any more, just randomly found a clerk to take care of the shop.

After two days of work, the clerk forgot to blow out the candle beside the bed when he was keeping watch in the bunk at night. As a result, the candle fell down and ignited the book on the corner of the table, and a raging fire broke out in the bookstore.

Fortunately, the clerk was woken up by the heat and called the neighbors to come to put out the fire in time, which saved a catastrophe, but the fire was merciless, and the shop was full of flammable books. The fire almost destroyed the shop. thorough.

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