Chapter 204
Then, he picked up a few fallen leaves blown down by the northwest wind from under his feet, smeared many ink stains on the paper ball, and stuck it on the slightly dry fallen leaves while the ink stains were still wet.

After it was done, Zhang Zhenghao took a closer look at it.

The leaves are curled and wrapped, and when they fall on the ground like this, if you don't look carefully, you will just think that the fallen leaves on the ground are curled like this because they are dried by the wind.

Zhang Zhenghao was very satisfied, weighed the weight of the paper ball, and tried the feel of the hand. Finally, watching the patrol officials and Yamen servants ignore it, they still handed the paper ball wrapped in leaves to Song Jingyun!

Cheating in the examination room will be severely punished.

According to the current law, this exam is not counted, and he will not be allowed to participate in the next two autumns, and he will be punished fifty times with a rod and announced to the public.

In this way, basically ten years were almost wasted.

Zhang Zhenghao was naturally also worried that he would be caught and caught, but what he was more worried about was that others would be on the list.

Anyway, if I can't get a name for myself in my studies, then everyone will be evil, and we will die together, and we will be happy!

First of all, it is the person who looks the most promising and is still writing hard!

Zhang Zhenghao was angry in his heart, and he threw it with great strength.

According to his rough estimate, the paper ball of leaves can not only reach Song Jingyun, but also fly past him and fly directly to the open space behind him. Song Jingyun must be completely speechless by then, and can only be dragged down helplessly. There is no chance of turning around in ten years.

Zhang Zhenghao watched the ball of leaves and paper flying up, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitched triumphantly.

Suddenly, a wind blew up in the sky, and even the tall trees in the Gongyuan swayed with the wind, the branches and leaves rustled, and the dust on the ground was even blown up.

Almost blinded, Zhang Zhenghao hurriedly took out his wide sleeves to cover it, until he felt the whistling wind around his ears stopped, then he put down his sleeves and rubbed his eyes.

When I opened my sour eyes, which were blurred by sand, I saw that there were only four leaves and paper balls left on the table, but there were five more.

It looked like the one that was thrown out just now was blown back by the wind.

Zhang Zhenghao, "..."

This person is so lucky, just in time for the wind?

Damn it!
Zhang Zhenghao threw out the leaves and paper balls again, and this time he was a little annoyed, so he simply threw two balls out.

The wind suddenly blew again, this time it was not as strong as the wind just now, and it was not so blinding, but this time Zhang Zhenghao watched the leaves and paper balls stagnate in the air for a while, and was blown back again by the wind .

The paper ball of leaves fell back on the table again, and because the paper ball was so light, it bounced a few times on the table.

Damn, hate, even God is against me!

Zhang Zhenghao's eyes were also a little red at this time, and he just threw out all the five leaf paper balls on the table.

It wasn't windy this time.

But the inspector who had already passed by suddenly turned back, and the paper balls thrown by Zhang Zhenghao were impartial, and all of them hit the man's official uniform.

After being hit a few times, the man was busy looking at what those things were.

When it was determined that it was a paper ball wrapped in leaves, Ruju looked at Zhang Zhenghao, "How dare you cheat in the Gongyuan examination room?"


Being caught straight away, Zhang Zhenghao almost stuttered, unable to utter a word.

"Take him down!" The inspector hurriedly called the Yacha to come over, and the Yacha lifted the table in front of Zhang Zhenghao and dragged him out.

"I, I want to throw it to someone, and that person promised me money to help him answer the questions! Throw the cheat sheet over!" Zhang Zhenghao shouted with all his might.

"There are also accomplices, confess quickly, and still be lenient!" The inspector was also furious at this time.

What a big deal it is for Qiu Wei to cheat. Every year, some people are announced to the public and exiled to a barren land. If it is so serious, there are still people who dare to take risks. It is really abominable!

"It's him, it's him!" Zhang Zhenghao pointed to Song Jingyun.

"Him?" The inspector followed the direction Zhang Zhenghao pointed, and saw Song Jingyun who was still serious at this moment, as if no one was answering the question.

The inspector came closer and saw that Song Jingyun didn't seem to notice his presence and was still concentrating on answering the questions. After looking at the content of his answers, he went to look at some papers on Zhang Zhenghao's desk.

None of the questions were answered seriously, but the answers were extremely poor, and there were quite a lot of waste paper crumpled into patterns.

The inspector knew it in his heart, and looked at Zhang Zhenghao, "Since you said that he gave you money to help him cheat, then let me tell you, what is the name of that person, how much money he gave you, and when he gave it to you. There are other people beside you, how did he meet you, why did he ask you to help him cheat, and why did you accept this matter?"

"Since you said that he asked you to help him cheat, why did I see that he had almost finished answering the questions, but you didn't write a single question? Since you want to help others cheat, then tell me, what you wrote for him is What, what is the answer?"

A series of questions, all of which were key points, Zhang Zhenghao was just talking nonsense, but now he was scared, how could he answer so many, he could only stammer and couldn't speak a word.

Seeing Zhang Zhenghao like this, the inspector also knew the reason, and just snorted coldly, "You bastard, I can't answer the questions by myself, and when I see others writing, I want to plant and frame them, even if I don't want my own future, I want to Pulling someone else into the water?"

"The heart is so vicious that it is so vicious. Fortunately, you are still a scholar who has passed the examination of a scholar. This book has been read in the stomach of a dog, and benevolence and morality have been forgotten. It is fortunate that people like you are extremely stupid, otherwise , even if you are elected as an official, it will be a disaster after all!"

"Pull this person down, and he will be punished for seventy years! Later, I will report to Shangfeng that he must be exiled for 20 years, and his reputation as a scholar will be erased, so that he will know what it means to be great!"


Someone has already dragged down Zhang Zhenghao, who was trembling, pale and regretful at the time.

In order to prevent him from yelling and disturbing the examinees nearby, he gagged his mouth with a rag, dragged him out of the tribute courtyard, and went to another courtyard for execution.

Although I tried my best not to make this matter a big deal, and not to disturb the exam candidates nearby, but the few students who were nearby also saw the whole story of the matter, and they were deeply moved in their hearts.

There are such vicious people in this world, they have no hope for themselves, and they don't let others feel better, it's really abhorrent!

And even though his target is one person right now, who knows if he will attack indiscriminately and kill all the people around them.

Just thinking about it makes me very scared!
Fortunately, the inspector was able to see clearly, and dealt with the person in time, so that the treacherous villain did not succeed.

But again, this matter was originally related to the young scholar diagonally across from Zhang Zhenghao, but now, he seems to be a normal person, only concentrating on answering the questions?
At this time, Song Jingyun had just finished writing an answer sheet, and when he was about to change the paper, he realized that everyone nearby was looking at him.

Or surprise, or sigh, or sigh.

Song Jingyun tilted her head.

What's wrong?
But it seems that I didn't hear anything just now.

Speaking of which, why was the dormitory diagonally opposite empty? He remembered that there were people there before.

Could it be that he suddenly felt unwell and failed the exam, so he left?
 Little son-in-law protection BUFF activated!
(End of this chapter)

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