Chapter 213

Jiang Mixia thought so, and so did the other women who came to the banquet, all of them were cautious, paying attention to etiquette, and did not dare to make the slightest mistake.

It can be said that this banquet was full of politeness and restraint, everyone had a polite smile on their face, and what they said was nothing more than superficial greetings.

Mrs. Wu, the magistrate's wife, has long been used to organizing such banquets. In addition, she has a slick temperament. At this time, she is hosting the banquet, and she is able to deal with all the women participating in the banquet with ease, trying to enliven the atmosphere as much as possible.

It was also because of Mrs. Wu that this extremely formal banquet felt a little more comfortable and casual.

As for Wu, in addition to taking care of all the hot emotions as much as possible, she also focused on helping her husband and getting more in touch with several wives who have excellent grades.

This includes Jiang Mixia.

After all, Song Jingyun is the solution to the Yuan Dynasty this time, and next year Chunwei will definitely shine and get a good official position.

"Earlier, my husband mentioned to me about Xie Yuan in Qiuwei this year, and even praised Song Langjun's novels, novelty, grandeur, and outstanding literary talent. I only thought that Song Langjun must be a mature middle-aged man. It's so young and promising."

Mrs. Wu pulled Jiang Mixia, smiling all over her face, "This is enough to show that Mrs. Jiang is a virtuous housekeeper, and she contributes to the beauty of her red sleeves."

"Ma'am, it's absurd." Jiang Mixia responded politely, "It's because my husband is diligent and studious, and his luck is not bad. I can't help him much."

This is telling the truth, and the reason why the young son-in-law stands out from the crowd in Qiuwei is also because he is talented, has a photographic memory, and is diligent in studying.

Jiang Mixia felt that it had little to do with her.

If there is a relationship, it should be that she is satisfied with whatever the little Zuo son-in-law likes to eat?
"So modest." The smile on Wu's face was even wider, "It's really rare for you to be so polite at such a young age."

"Speaking of which, I don't think you brought any servants with you when you came. You have to do many things by yourself, and it's a bit hard. I have trained a few maids who work hard by my side, and they can be regarded as smart. If Mrs. Jiang doesn't dislike it If so, will you keep it by your side to serve?"

After Mrs. Wu finished speaking, a delicate-looking maidservant of fourteen or fifteen years old came out from the side, and gave Jiang Mi Xia a blessing, "My maid, Banxia, ​​has met Mrs. Jiang."

Jiang Mixia narrowed her eyes.

This magistrate's wife is very interesting.

At the first banquet, she was sent off as a servant.

He also chose such a handsome, young and beautiful girl. Is this a servant for her, or for Song Jingyun?
In the modern business world, in order to win over partners, money and beautiful women are the usual means of bribery. In this era, it is still so common.

Guessing that the magistrate also saw that Song Jingyun passed the exam and had a bright future, he also felt that it was common for a man to have three wives and four concubines, and a bunch of housewives, so he thought about putting one next to Song Jingyun.

If the one who is plugged can become Song Jingyun's aunt in the future, or even have a son and a half daughter, then the relationship between them and Song Jingyun will be locked.

If Song Jingyun goes to great heights in the future, they can use this to cling to one or two. If Song Jingyun develops in the future, she is just a good-looking maid and doesn't have much investment, which can be regarded as a good relationship.

It can be said that this is a much more cost-effective advanced investment than trying to curry favor with ready-made dignitaries.

However, investing in the little son-in-law...

Have you asked her about the real lady?
"Madam is kind, but disrespectful." Jiang Mixia said, "Speaking of which, there is indeed a lack of a servant who can do rough cleaning at home. Madam's gift at this time really solved my urgent need."

"It's just that, to put it madam's joke, the family is poor, and they can't afford servants on weekdays. After arriving at my house, I'm afraid they can't even pay the monthly money. It's easy to make people laugh."

"It's not difficult, the monthly money is sent from here every month." Wu said with a smile.

"Then if that's the case..."

Jiang Mixia smiled, "Then please Madam, give me the monthly money for five years first, and I will take it back, so that I can distribute the monthly money to Ban Xia."

Five years?

Mrs. Wu was taken aback for a moment, but then recovered her smile, "Alright, I'll send someone to the cashier to get 50 taels of silver for Mrs. Jiang."

"50 taels?" Jiang Mixia's eyes widened. "It's too little. Miss Banxia looks lovely. After she comes to my house, she has to do all kinds of rough work. It's not enough to pay only one tael a month. It's not as good as one." Twelve taels a month?"

"After all, it is a gift from my wife. It is a grievance to come to my house. If I don't give more monthly money, I will feel really sorry..."

Twelve taels a month?
One year is 120 taels, and in those five years it is 600 taels.

When I bought pinellia back then, I spent less than 20 taels of silver...

"So I have to trouble Madam to give 600 taels of monthly money for the last five years, so that everyone can feel at ease." Jiang Mixia continued, "Besides, since Madam wants to give me a gift, I also ask Madam to sell Pinellia's body Qiyi gave it to me as well."

The deed of prostitution was given to her?

Then how to handle pinellia?
When she is so stupid...

The handkerchief in Wu's hand was almost torn.

And Jiang Mixia didn't respond for a long while, she just smiled sarcastically, and said, "It's because I was abrupt and reckless, Madam was just being polite, but I have no eyesight, so I took it seriously, and it turned out to be a joke. Madame is in a dilemma."

"This is really my fault. Madam still don't have to make things too difficult. My family is poor, so I really can't bear such love from Madam..."

Wu, "..."

What did she say, did Jiang Mixia say such a big thing, and she said it so deadly?

If she gave 600 taels of silver at this time, and then gave Jiang Mixia the deed of selling her body to Jiang Mixia, and according to Jiang Mixia's very scoundrel temperament, she would sell Banxia even if she turned around, then she was really stealing chickens. Don't lose the rice.

If she doesn't give it at this time, wouldn't what she said just now become a joke?

When Mrs. Wu was in a dilemma, a servant girl hurried over to her and whispered to Mrs. Wu, "Ma'am, the banquet in the front yard is almost over, and the master is a little drunk."

"When you're drunk, help her to the bed to rest, and prepare the hangover soup." Wu Shi said impatiently.

"Master was drunk and went into the house to rest just now. I think Caiyun helped the master into the house, but he hasn't come out until now..." The servant girl said fearfully, looking at Wu shi cautiously.

Caiyun is the maid by Wu's side. She has been taking care of her for several years. She is smart and ambitious, and she originally thought of taking the opportunity to send her out.

But now...

Wu shi almost gnawed all the silver teeth in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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