Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 224 Complaint

Chapter 224 Complaint
Lin County Magistrate didn't dare to be negligent, so he only invited Song Jingyun to be the superior, ordered the subordinates to serve tea, and even asked enthusiastically, "Why is Song Jieyuan here today?"

"Come and complain." Song Jingyun replied truthfully.

Song Jingyun wants to sue?

County magistrate Lin was stunned for a moment, "I don't know who Song Jieyuan sued and why?"

"I sued my uncle Song Fengshou and my uncle Tang's family for robbing the land and house left by my deceased parents. They treated my nephew harshly for many years, and now they are greedy for vanity, threatening my wife, and forcing me to return Zong."

Song Jingyun said loudly.

Magistrate Lin was stunned again.

He heard the previous few things clearly, and he clearly felt that the fault was on Song Fengshou and the Tang family.

This is the last one...

But anyone who becomes a son-in-law is more or less unwilling. No matter how life is going, he will always think about returning the clan. Even if he can't do it himself, he will tell his children and grandchildren to fight for it. There is no shortage of minority.

However, one of Song Jingyun's lawsuits against Song Fengshou was that he was dissatisfied with Song Fengshou and wanted him to return the clan.

Although after becoming a son-in-law, if it is not for the consent of the woman's family, it is not easy to return the clan, but now that Song Jingyun is a high school recruit, and he will become an official in the future, his status in the family will naturally rise. If he asks to return the clan, it is reasonable and reasonable, and Jiang Everyone will not disagree.

Now it is Song Jingyun who doesn't want to return the clan.

Thinking about the Jiang family's attitude towards Song Jingyun, and thinking about the love between Song Jingyun and Jiang Mixia, County Magistrate Lin can understand Song Jingyun's thoughts.

In my heart, I have a lot of admiration for Song Jingyun, a person who knows how to repay her kindness.

"I also ask Song Jieyuan to explain these things in detail..."

Song Jingyun stayed in the county government for an hour before leaving.

County magistrate Lin sent him to the gate, watched him go, and called the people below, asking him to prepare to inquire about Song Fengshou and the Tang family.

"These two people..." The man below scratched his head.

"What happened to these two people?"

"I heard from the yamen that a couple was sent here yesterday. They stole money from someone else's rice shop, but lied about the money they picked up by themselves. After the deeds were revealed, they made a lot of noise and were brought back. This is the right time. They were locked up, and they were about to wait for you to get the first air trial today, sir, and beat them up."

The bottom man said, "I remember clearly, that couple is Song Fengshou from Songjiazhuang, and his wife Tang."

When County Magistrate Lin heard this, his brows furrowed immediately, "Such brazenness, it seems that his character is really bad."

But in this way, things are easy to handle.

If the character is not good, the reputation will naturally be bad. The evil deeds done before must be remembered by many people, and they are very contemptible. Finding witnesses will become very simple.

This matter, both public and private, can be handled beautifully for Song Jingyun.

County magistrate Lin had a solid idea, and hurriedly ordered his subordinates to do things.

A few days later, it snowed on the sunny days.

From morning to small snow grains, it turned into big snowflakes before noon, and in the evening, the snow on the ground was already half a foot deep, and when one stepped on it, the surface of one's feet disappeared.

When Song Jingyun came back, the shoes on his feet were a little wet because of the snow.

Jiang Mixia hurriedly asked him to take off his shoes and socks, and go to the charcoal stove to roast.

Song Jingyun stopped Jiang Mixia, who was in a mess, "Lady, put this away first."

(End of this chapter)

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