Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 227 This is Jiang Junli

Chapter 227 This is Jiang Junli

Seeing that both Song Jingyun and Jiang Mixia said so, the coachman stopped refuting, suppressed many opinions in his heart, and drove the car to continue moving forward.

After walking for a while, it was too dark to walk, Song Jingyun opened his mouth, "Let's go here."

The coachman, "..."

It's really bad here.

Although there is also a small piece of woods, it is really far worse than the small hillside that has just been sheltered from the wind.

But he took other people's money, so naturally he didn't talk too much about the master's reasoning.

The coachman began to tidy up, preparing to spend the night by the roadside.

It was freezing cold, and the coachman was thinking about whether he should cut down some small trees nearby and make a simple triangular tent.

But just as he was about to open his mouth, he saw Song Jingyun walking into the woods with his head sullen.

"It's dark, don't go into the woods." The coachman reminded.

Lest there be unclean things in the wilderness.

"En." Song Jingyun nodded, but still walked in holding a lantern. After walking a few steps, he waved to Jiang Mixia excitedly, "Look, lady, there is a new path here."

Jiang Mixia took a look, "It's true."

Brand new, as if newly stepped on, the path is not too long, probably because it is in the woods, it is inconspicuous, and it is difficult to be found.

"Since there is a road, will there be someone here?" Song Jingyun was full of excitement, "Maybe it will be a very spacious mansion."

After all, a small path can be stepped on, which shows that there are probably not a few people coming and going.

Jiang Mixia, "..."

There is no shop in the front of the village and no shop in the back. Logically speaking, it should not be owned by others, but as Song Jingyun said, there is a small road here, and there may be people living here, but it will definitely not be spacious.

Maybe it's just the kind of poor people who open a tea shed in a deserted place to make a little money?

With conjectures, Jiang Mixia followed Song Jingyun and walked straight forward. When he had finished a cup of tea, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Instead of those dense wild forests, there is a large open space. There is an extremely spacious house on the open land, and the house looks brand new, as if it has not been repaired for a long time.

"My lady, it's a big house." Song Jingyun became more and more excited.

Jiang Mixia, "..."

Sure enough, one should never underestimate the luck of the little son-in-law!
"It's really a big house, and it looks like there are lights, it must be someone's." This time even Jiang Mixia was also happy.

If you are a big family, you can probably stay for one night, and you don't have to sleep in the wild.

Jiang Mixia and Song Jingyun reached out and knocked on the door.

The door opened quickly, and a young boy in blue appeared behind the door holding a lantern. When he saw the figure standing at the door, he picked up the lantern in his hand to look at it.

And Jiang Mixia and Song Jingyun, also by the light of the lantern, saw the boy's face clearly.

The six eyes met, and all three of them were taken aback.


"Ms. Jiang, Mr. Song?" Xinghe was quite surprised, "You are here?"

"When I came to Beijing to rush for the exam, I passed by here. It was getting late, and I found a house here, so I wanted to stay overnight." Song Jingyun explained, and at the same time, his face was full of doubts, "Why is Xinghe here?"

"Here..." Xinghe paused, "It's my young master's newly built house."

New house?

it's here?
Such a wilderness?
Probably seeing the doubts of Song Jingyun and Jiang Mixia, Xinghe explained, "It is precisely because there is no village in front of this place and no shop behind, my young master said to build it here, so that people who come and go will have a place to stay when they pass by here. place……"

Jiang Mixia, "..."

Song Jingyun, "..."

This approach is very Jiang Junli!
 Because the author Yang has not fully recovered, he is lethargic every day and has no energy, nausea and no appetite, so the update is still unstable recently...o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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