Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 231 No, I'm so lucky

Seeing that Song Jingyun agreed readily, Master Zhou showed joy, and called the bookboy next to him to bring the wooden box, "Here are some test questions, you can take one."

Then he greeted the other four candidates who were waiting for the exam, "You all come to draw one too."

"Yes." Song Jingyun and several other candidates all clapped their hands together and went to grab one each.

The five people, including Song Jingyun, took out the neatly stacked papers one after another, and opened it to have a look.

The first one is to compose a five-character quatrain titled Chunjing.

The second is to compose a seven-character verse, titled nostalgia.

The third is to write a paraphrase and my own opinion of an excerpt from "The Great Learning".

The fourth is to write an article about something or something you saw on the way.

But the paper that Song Jingyun got was empty, without a single word.

"No way, luck is so good?"

"Okay!" Seeing Song Jingyun's calmness, Master Zhou was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked the book boy to bring a pen and paper to Song Jingyun and others.

But if you want to enter this Guanghua Garden, you have to make some sacrifices.

Seeing Song Jingyun like this, the other four people had complicated expressions, but they still took the pens and papers and went to the spare desk next to them to start writing their own.

Seeing this, Master Zhou also smiled helplessly, "Since God's will is so, then..."

After all, for such a thing as competition, the time is tight, the task is heavy, and it is in front of everyone. If it is done well, it is fine, but if it is not done well, it is really embarrassing.

At this time, if one more poem is used, one less poem will be in the belly. For the candidates who are taking the exam, it is indeed very distressing.

Song Jingyun laid out the paper, closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, and began to write.

The person sat upright, and the pen in his hand seemed to be flying on the paper, but what he wrote was extremely neat regular script one by one, and the clouds flowed smoothly. There was no other pause except for dipping in ink, which attracted everyone's attention. Onlookers.

Next, for preparing for the Chunwei exam, although I don’t know what kind of exam questions will be there, poetry and essays are a must. In case the questions are not smooth or can’t be done at that time, most of them will prepare some common questions in advance, so as to be prepared.

The other four muttered.

It was so fast?
The other four looked at their poems or articles that had just begun, and looked at Song Jingyun with amazement.

It is really enviable that someone is so lucky right now.

"That is to say, those who draw blanks don't need to do the questions, and can directly enter the Guanghua Garden. They are really lucky."

"Students are reckless, just treat this topic as untitled, and write an article on the topic yourself." Song Jingyun suggested.

"Who said it wasn't..."

And just after a cup of tea, Song Jingyun stopped writing, "Master, the students have finished writing."

Some people even muttered in a low voice, "Could it be written indiscriminately..."

But Master Zhou picked up the article written by Song Jingyun, looked at it carefully for a while, and nodded in appreciation, "Okay, okay, it's really a good article!"

With this compliment, even the examinees who had settled in Guanghua Garden some time ago couldn't help but come to see it.

You know, although Master Zhou seems to have a friendly face and a kind smile, but after a long time of contact, they all know that Master Zhou is the most demanding and easy to boast.

Today, he said three "good" words in a row, and his face was full of surprises, which shows how good this article is!

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