Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 235 Makes sense

Chapter 235 Makes sense

After entering the dining hall, Jiang Michia and Song Jingyun were both stunned for a moment.

The dining hall is very exquisitely decorated, luxurious and elegant. Even the screens used for partitions are Suzhou embroidery. It is divided into a lobby and private rooms. The tables and chairs are also quite elegant, just like the layout of a restaurant.

As soon as the two of them stepped onto the threshold of the dining hall, someone quickly came to greet them and invited them to sit down in a private room. "What kind of food do you want, sir and madam?"

After that, he pointed to the sign hanging on the wall, "These are the signature dishes of the canteen today. You two can have a try. If you don't want to eat these, you can also order some dishes. The little one can go to the kitchen to pass them on."

Jiang Michia and Song Jingyun discussed it and ordered a Dongpo pork elbow, vegetarian fried lotus root, eight-treasure rice and radish and shrimp soup.

After about a stick of incense, the food was served one after another.

The ingredients are good, the cooking skills are excellent, and everything is delicious, delicious, and Jiang Michia and Song Jingyun can't help but praise the delicious taste of the food.

Song Jingyun lives in Courtyard No. 8, and is the eighth student to successfully enter Guanghuayuan this year.

There were not many students living in Guanghua Garden, and it was not yet lunch time. There were no other people coming to eat in the dining hall at this time.

Jiang Michia and Song Jingyun were also happy to be quiet. They ate their meals with relish before preparing to return to Bahao Courtyard.

As a result, as soon as he stepped out of the dining hall door, he met a young man.

This man was about the same age as Song Jingyun. He was dressed in rich brocade clothes, and his demeanor seemed to be quite outstanding. It was obvious that his status was very high.

For all the students who participated in Chunwei, being able to enter Guanghua Garden was a symbol of honor, so much so that many powerful young men in the capital who studied in the Imperial College were proud to enter Guanghua Garden.

It is not surprising to see such a student here at this time.

Out of politeness, Song Jingyun raised his hands in greeting. The other party also responded with his hands raised. After a moment, he straightened up and said with a smile, "Usually, students who come to Beijing to take the exam come alone. Those with their families like Lang Jun, this is the first time to see him. I want to come to Lang Jun." You and your wife must have a deep love as husband and wife."

"That's ridiculous." Song Jingyun smiled and scratched the back of his head.

Although it is true.

There is absolutely nothing to say about his relationship with his wife!

Seeing Song Jingyun's honest smile, the man pursed his lips and smiled, then cupped his hands again and said, "See you later."

"See you later." Song Jingyun and Jiang Michia both returned the greeting, and then slowly walked towards the Eighth Hall Courtyard.

The man stood there for a long time, and it was not until Jiang Junli came forward that he came back to his senses and asked, "Are you here?"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is here, so I will naturally give you a warm welcome." Jiang Junli chuckled for a while.

The prince curled his lips, "The kindness? You really didn't notice it. I think you put a lot more effort into these students than you put into me!"

"Your Highness is really right." Jiang Junli straightened his body and raised his chin, "Students are the future pillars of the imperial court and the hope of the entire imperial court. Naturally, we must treat them better, otherwise what else can they do? Serve the imperial court with all your heart?"


It makes perfect sense!

But then again...

The prince raised his eyebrows, "But as the prince, I will also work for the entire court in the future, and I will plan for the entire country, so you should be nicer to me, right?"

 This chapter comes from regular releases...\(^o^)/~

  (End of this chapter)

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