Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 240 Jealousy

Chapter 240 Jealousy

No matter what, Song Jingyun earned most of the money in his family now by his own ability. If he wants to spend it, then let him do it.

What's more, spend money on her.

Jiang Michia no longer stopped and just nodded, "Okay, okay, just buy it."

"Thank you, madam." Song Jingyun smiled with her eyebrows arched and her chin raised slightly.

Sure enough, his wife loved him the most, and he agreed to everything.

Seeing how Song Jingyun was so easily satisfied with such a trivial matter, Jiang Michia couldn't help but smile.

The other guests on the side smiled when they saw the young couple looking at each other with deep affection in their eyes. Their eyes were full of happy smiles and more of envy.

Buying such an expensive Luo Dai for his wife is enough to show the husband's deep love for his wife. And the husband also thanked his wife after getting her permission to buy something?

What a fairy man!

I am so jealous!

But when some people saw this scene, they couldn't help curling their lips, "This Luo Dai is so expensive, but people who only use a few taels of silver powder can't stand the soft words of the waiter, and want to buy it." I really don’t have any concentration at all.”

"That's right." The people next to him echoed, "It's really disgraceful to make a swollen face and pretend to be fat. Maybe you think that by using this expensive Luo Dai, people in the capital will think highly of you." ?”

"I think this person can't handle it, and the little lady next to him is even more useless. She can't take care of her own men who are messing around outside, and she continues to mess around with her. If she can't manage the family like this, she will be a treasure trove of gold and silver in the future. Defeat them all."

"So, this is called not being a family. If you don't enter the same family, just wait. These two people will definitely have a difficult life in the future..."

The two people speaking were both women in their twenties. Their appearance and tone of voice were somewhat similar. They looked like a pair of sisters. They were singing in harmony, their faces full of contempt and dissatisfaction towards Song Jingyun and Jiang Michia.

Jiang Michia frowned when he heard this. As expected, people who like to meddle in other people's business and gossip can be found everywhere, and here in the capital is no exception.

Song Jingyun pulled Jiang Michia's sleeve and said, "Madam, don't worry about them. After shopping, let's go eat some food nearby."

When he came here, Song Jingyun set his sights on a small shop selling fried cakes nearby. The fragrant smell could be smelled from far away, and the taste must be excellent.

Jiang Michia didn't bother to pay attention to the two talkative women, and just went to the counter to pay money with Song Jingyun.

As soon as he paid the silver, a touch of lotus red floated into the shop, almost instantly moving to the side of Jiang Michia and Song Jingyun.

A pretty little girl said hurriedly, "Quickly, give me one of your Luodai wraps, I'm in a hurry to use it."

Luo Dai?

The shopkeeper who was counting the goods at the counter and helping Jiang Michia pack Luo Dai was startled for a moment, then he held his hands towards the little girl with a smile on his face and said, "Miss Tang, I'm really sorry, the Luo Dai has been sold out today. ”

"Sold out?" Tang Yuehua's face was full of disbelief, and his whole body turned into an eggplant beaten by frost, "Why is it sold out?"

She promised her cousin to buy a snail as a birthday gift for her.

It's just that during this period of time, I was busy with the princess's cousin who was pregnant, so I forgot about this matter. I just remembered it and hurried to buy it, but it was already sold out?

(End of this chapter)

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