Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 242 Not smart

Chapter 242 Not smart

After making eye contact, the two people nodded together, "In that case, I will sell this Luo Dai to you, Miss Tang."

Seeing the two of them agree, Tang Yuehua breathed a sigh of relief and even jumped for joy, "Thank you sir and madam."

The matter was settled, and the money was handed over in one hand and the conch in the other hand, and the whole thing was paid on the spot.

A transaction was completed and the three of them left.

Only some people were left stunned.

"Miss Tang is really very wealthy. She actually paid 300 taels of silver to buy a hundred and twenty taels of Luo Dai. Tsk tsk, to put it bluntly, she seems to have been taken advantage of."

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. The Tang family is a wealthy family with a very upright family tradition. Miss Tang has been carefully brought up since she was a child. How could she do anything to take advantage of others? Miss Tang just can't bear to take advantage of others. This It’s just compensation.”

"Indeed, it is admirable to be able to show that Miss Tang is not a bully. But having said that, the two young husband and wife are really lucky."

"Isn't that right? I bought Luo Dai for one hundred and twenty taels of silver and sold it for three hundred taels. Such a profitable business is really hard to find."

"It's really enviable..."

Everyone was here to tut and praise, but the two sisters who had just ridiculed Song Jingyun and Jiang Michia looked very ugly at this time.

They had just laughed at the husband for buying things without restraint and the wife for not knowing how to persuade them. They were a prodigal couple, but in the end they didn't even bother with a cup of tea, and their faces were beaten into pig heads.

It’s just that!

The fortunes of these two people are probably too good.

If only they could meet someone as generous as Miss Tang. The two sisters' faces were full of envy and jealousy. They didn't even have the interest to continue shopping. They just paid for the items they picked at the counter and left in a hurry.

As soon as they walked out the door, the two sisters stamped their feet more and more fiercely, wondering why they didn't have such good luck.

Just when she was full of complaints, the younger sister's feet suddenly slipped, and her whole body leaned back uncontrollably. Both hands subconsciously grabbed at random, and grabbed the arm of the older sister next to her.


The two sisters fell down and squatted on their butts. They grinned in pain and their faces were completely distorted.

The most important thing is that the wooden box he was carrying flew out due to the fall and fell in the middle of the street.

The box was wide open, and the various rouge and gouache just bought from the shop were scattered on the floor.

A carriage came at a high speed. Probably because the owner was in a hurry, the driver didn't care about anything else and just drove the carriage past the pile of things.

Cries suddenly sounded in the street...

At this time, Tang Yuehua, just because he bought Luo Dai, went home happily, "I am really lucky today. I met someone who is willing to give up my love. Otherwise, I really don't know what to do. "

The maid couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, "My maid felt that the couple just now were really not smart."

"What do you say?" Tang Yuehua closed the brocade box and placed it beside her.

"The young lady has already revealed her identity, and the other party seems to be coming to Beijing to take the exam. Not to mention flattering the young lady, she should be polite, but in the end, she took all the money according to the order..."

(End of this chapter)

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