Chapter 244 Weird

"Mr. Yin sent someone here before going out, and now he's here again. I think he values ​​you very much, why not go there?" Jiang Michia said.

Song Jingyun nodded, "Indeed."

The two of them arrived in the capital for the first time, so they should get to know some like-minded people.

"It's just..." Song Jingyun gently scratched his cheek with his fingers, but hesitated to speak.


"I always feel that this Yin Langjun looks..." Song Jingyun paused, "It looks weird."

Although they only met briefly and exchanged a few words in the dining hall, Song Jingyun felt that he had a deep impression on him.

"What's weird?" Jiang Michia thought for a while, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with Mr. Yin.

"I can't tell. I always feel like the food doesn't taste as delicious if he's around." Song Jingyun rubbed his nose and said, "I don't know if it's an illusion."

Can Yin Langjun affect Song Jingyun's appetite?

Is there such a thing?

But although that Yin Langjun is not as good-looking as Pan An, he is handsome in appearance and has a good temperament. Not only pleasing to the eye, he is definitely pleasing to the eye. How come it has affected the appetite...

Jiang Michia was a little confused, "Maybe it was just because I was full in the canteen?"

After all, when this person is full, he will inevitably feel that the food has lost its proper flavor.


Song Jingyun nodded thoughtfully.

The next day, after breakfast, Song Jingyun followed the invitation on the post and went to Haohanxuan.

Haohanxuan is located in the center of Guanghua Garden, surrounded by waterside pavilions, lakes, flowers and plants, where students can take a walk to relieve their boredom and gather together to discuss knowledge. Because the weather was a bit cloudy today, there was no liveliness in Haohanxuan at this time. Apart from Song Jingyun, there were only two people, the prince and Jiang Junli, who called themselves Yin Langjun.

Song Jingyun was quite surprised to see Jiang Junli here. After greeting Yin Langjun, he smiled at Jiang Junli and said, "Jiang Langjun is here too."


Jiang Junli opened his mouth and almost let it slip. After he reacted, he coughed lightly, "It was really boring to be in the capital, so I took a walk in Guanghua Garden. I happened to come to Haohanxuan and saw Yin Langjun. After chatting for a while, I heard him mention that you were coming over, so I will wait for you here. "

"It's really such a coincidence!" Jiang Junli emphasized the word "too" when he spoke.

"That's it." Song Jingyun didn't pay too much attention and agreed with a smile.

After a few people exchanged pleasantries and sat down, the bookboy brought tea.

"I heard Jun Li mention that Mr. Song was very knowledgeable. I think it must be because Mr. Song studied diligently since he was a child." The prince asked with a smile.

"Not really." Song Jingyun shook his head and answered truthfully, "I just started studying three years ago."

Started studying three years ago?

The prince was suddenly shocked.

If we talk about it carefully, wouldn't it mean that the imperial examinations started as soon as we started studying, and we went smoothly all the way to high school in the spring?

And this time they are all top high schools?

What a terrible person!

Suppressing the surprise in his heart, the prince asked again, "Then Mr. Song must be a lover of reading."

Only love can lead to such profound attainments!

"Not really." Song Jingyun scratched his ears a little embarrassed this time, "I just think it's time to study, just study."

That's it? !

(End of this chapter)

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