Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 250 Making a fortune

Chapter 250 Making a fortune

If you can talk about the current affairs and policies and criticize the current shortcomings, please add another five taels of silver!


And it can be accumulated without any cap!

With Bai Huahua and the heavy amount of silver in front of them, everyone is eager to try and rush to try to see if they can get the silver.

Some people even temporarily send their children of school age to school in order to earn corresponding amounts of money.

Because of this, wherever Jiang Junli set up a silver-distributing shed, it was surrounded by water and was very lively.

The entire capital was even more proud to be able to study and earn the money distributed by Jiang Junli.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Junli smiled all over his face and felt quite proud in his heart.

When the prince saw this, he expressed great concern, "If you scatter your money like this, won't it allow some people to fish in troubled waters and insult your desire to find talents to serve the imperial court?"

"It's okay." Jiang Junli disagreed. "Although I originally wanted to reward those scholars who study hard, it would be a good thing if ordinary people can learn to read and write because of this, and I should naturally encourage them."

"But people who just want to fish in troubled waters and swindle money, their minds are not correct enough in the first place. If such people read the book..."

Wouldn't it even disrupt the entire world?

The prince still disagreed with Jiang Junli's statement.

Jiang Junli still smiled and said, "Human nature is good. At this time, it is just for money, but I am short of money, so I have to do this. But it also makes people know that there is a bright future in reading, and they are more willing to study. It can also be regarded as encouraging everyone to read and become literate." "

"Even if the original intention is not pure, as you gradually learn to read and understand more truths, your thoughts and temperament can gradually change."

"Reading is something that has been done for a long time. People know and understand the benefits of reading and it cannot be achieved overnight. These things I have done are just a little help and the effect is minimal. But if I don't do it, it will It has no effect at all." After Jiang Junli's explanation, the prince lowered his head and thought for a moment, then nodded slightly, "That's right. Jun Li has a huge ambition, and it's not something I can compare to. I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed."

"His Royal Highness, you are joking." Jiang Junli laughed.

"It's just that you are sending out money like this, but can you still stand it?"

Although the Jiang family was as rich as the country and had some industries in the capital, it was not an exaggeration to describe it as making a fortune every day, but this time Jiang Junli was very generous, and the money was spent like running water.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to describe Jiang Junli as a boy who makes money.

Seeing this kind of flowering technique made the prince feel a little distressed, and he was even more worried about Jiang Junli's financial resources.

"It's bearable." Jiang Junli sighed immediately, "Just talking about the money, I have something to worry about here."

"What's the matter?"

"The Jiang family has many merchant ships that go out to sea and trade with the vassal country. In the past few days, there has been news that several of the ships ran aground on the rocks and sank in the sea, and those ships were loaded with silk and porcelain. ”

When the prince heard this, he frowned slightly, "Then this time..."

Isn’t it a heavy loss?

"So I sent people to salvage it, and found many ships that sank many years ago near the sea where the shipwreck was found. I also found a lot of gold, silver, jewelry and vassal coins, which seemed to be priceless."

In other words, made a huge fortune?

(End of this chapter)

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