Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 269 Jealousy

Chapter 269 Jealousy

Sun Huaiqing lives in Courtyard No. 4 of Guanghua Garden. He is an early arrival, but this spring, he is ranked 231st on the list.

This spring, there were 232 people on the list, and Sun Huaiqing was really on the sidelines.

It was a joy to be on the list, but seeing everyone ranked higher than him made Sun Huaiqing feel quite uncomfortable.

Those people were all younger than each other, especially Song Langjun, who won the title of Hui Yuan, who was two years younger than his youngest son.

At such a young age, he can become a high school senior, and his ranking in the palace examination will definitely be high because the current emperor prefers young talents, and his future prospects will certainly be unlimited.

But now he has a long beard and beard, and he will be a grandfather in two years. Even if he is a high school tribute student and gets an official position, he may not be able to enjoy it for a few years.

Comparing people to each other is really going to make people mad.

Sun Huaiqing sighed.

"Why did Sun Langjun sigh so well?" the student on the side asked with concern.

"It doesn't matter." Sun Huaiqing waved his hands, trying not to let others see the loneliness and jealousy on his face at this time. He rolled his eyes and sighed again, "It's just a sigh of relief."

"What are you feeling?" Someone else was surprised.

"Mr. Song is young and talented. Now he is a high school freshman. He will definitely shine in the imperial examination. His future is limitless, but it's a pity..." Sun Huaiqing paused deliberately. When the students on the side heard this, they all looked at each other in shock, wondering what the regret in Sun Huaiqing's words was.

Sun Huaiqing saw that everyone's eyes were wide open, just waiting to hear the next words, and he deliberately cleared his throat, "It's a pity that I heard that Mr. Song is a son-in-law, which really buried Mr. Song's talents."

"There is no explicit decree in this dynasty that stipulates that a son-in-law cannot take the imperial examination and serve as an official. Even if Mr. Song is a son-in-law, it will not have any impact on his future." Some people expressed confusion.

"You are still too young and don't know the dangers of this world." Sun Huaiqing said earnestly, "When this son-in-law comes to the bride's family, he depends on his father-in-law's family for food and accommodation. It can be said that he is completely dependent on others, and no one else can feel the feeling."

"Furthermore, ordinary people can only marry daughters, and those who can recruit sons-in-law are good at calculations and are willing to spend money. To be able to allow Mr. Song to go out to study for the imperial examination, the expectations for him must be very high. I guess I am just waiting for Song Langjun to be in high school one day, so I will firmly hold Song Langjun in my hands and take advantage of him. Song Langjun's life will definitely be difficult in the future!"

Although everyone has never personally experienced the life and mood of being a son-in-law, they have seen or heard about the plight of some sons-in-law. Now when they hear Sun Huaiqing say this, they all can't help but feel sorry for Song Jingyun.

But some people frowned, "But I think Mrs. Jiang looks gentle and virtuous. She is an ordinary peasant woman, but she also looks very knowledgeable and sensible. She doesn't look like she was raised by a tricky family."

"Knowing people but not their hearts, and Mr. Song will have to travel outside in the future, and this is the capital. Naturally, she, a village woman, would not dare to make a mistake, but if it is behind closed doors..." Sun Huaiqing curled his lips.

"A few days ago, I saw Mr. Song and Mrs. Jiang buying a lot of bamboo. I heard that Mr. Song wanted to weave something for use. Please listen, is this what a scholar should do?"

(End of this chapter)

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