Chapter 271 Shame

A gentleman named Liu said with emotion, "That is to say, the poem that Langjun Sun wrote when he entered Guanghua Garden was also commendable. I glanced at the sentence at that time, the warm red furnace in winter makes the snow make clothes, and the wine stains The green bamboos and flowers are particularly fragrant, and it feels so otherworldly and wonderful.”

"Guo Langjun, you said those two sentences you just read were written by Sun Langjun?" Zhang Langjun on the side suddenly frowned.

"Exactly." Liu Langjun nodded, "Sun Langjun and I entered Guanghua Garden on the same day. There were many students who came to Guanghua Garden that day. Only Sun Langjun and I passed the examination. At that time, I saw When it comes to the poem written by Sun Langjun, I feel very ashamed of myself."

"But..." Zhang Langjun paused, "A few days ago, I drank and recited poems with several students from Beijing who also participated in the Spring Festival, and got acquainted with Feng Liangyi and Feng Langjun. Feng Langjun became famous because he entered Guanghuayuan. It was a pity that he gave me the poem he wrote at that time for review. The first two sentences in the poem were exactly the same as those Liu Langjun said. "

Guanghuayuan will not show the articles or poems written when entering Guanghuayuan to others without my consent. It can be said that others will definitely not know about it.

And if the poetry is written in public, many people know whose hand it is from, and naturally they would not dare to steal it at will and tarnish their reputation.

Now there is a situation where two people write exactly the same poems...

"I remember that Feng Langjun won 121 in this spring."

"When you say that, I seem to have heard Sun Langjun mention that he has a fellow countryman named Feng who also came to Beijing to attend the Spring Festival..."

At this point, things are very obvious.

When Sun Huaiqing and Feng Liangyi went to Guanghua Garden together, Sun Huaiqing misappropriated Feng Liangyi's poems to achieve the purpose of entering Guanghua Garden.

After figuring this out, everyone took two steps back again, and looked at Sun Huaiqing with a bit more disdain, contempt and disgust.

Sun Huaiqing's face turned pale again, and he explained in a panic, "I didn't do such a thing, I didn't secretly exchange the rice paper between me and Feng Liangyi, I entered this Guanghua Garden with my own talent!"

"We didn't say that you exchanged the rice paper between you and Feng Langjun." Someone shouted. They just thought that Sun Huaiqing had accidentally obtained the poem written by Feng Liangyi and kept it as his own.

What Sun Huaiqing said now undoubtedly confirmed his evil deeds.

Everyone's eyes were full of undisguised disgust, and Sun Huaiqing also realized this, his face turned white and red, and finally turned the color of pig liver.

The little book boy quickly reported what happened here to the steward, and the steward arrived almost immediately.

"Sun Langjun entered Guanghua Garden by impersonating other people's poems. This move is inconsistent with Guanghua Garden's rules. Please Sun Langjun leave Guanghua Garden immediately."

Seeing that Sun Huaiqing was indifferent, the steward's tone became colder and colder, "Come here, please invite Mr. Sun out!"

A strong boy stepped forward, and without any nonsense with Sun Huaiqing, he only restrained his hands and feet, lifted Sun Huaiqing up high like an object, and walked all the way to the gate of Guanghua Garden.

There was a lot of movement here, which naturally attracted many people in Guanghua Garden to watch.

While watching the excitement, you can't help but point fingers at it.

"I heard that Sun Langjun pretended to use other people's poems to enter Guanghuayuan. This spring, he lost his reputation in Sunshan. It is really embarrassing!"

(End of this chapter)

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