Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 286 Just be happy

Chapter 286 Just be happy

Song Jingyun frowned slightly, "So..."

"So." The corner of Jiang Junli's mouth raised slightly, "Mr. Song has worked so hard, so he needs to be rewarded. As it happens, I accidentally made a lot of money recently because I didn't do a good job in a business. These are not The wealth of righteousness must be spent quickly.”

"So I ordered people to buy a small house and several shops for Mr. Song in the capital. I hope Mr. Song won't dislike it."

As he spoke, Jiang Junli took out the picture of the house and showed it to Song Jingyun. He also introduced, "This is a large courtyard with three entrances. The place is not big. The advantage is that the house is relatively new. It has been in the past two years." After renovation, I went in and took a look. The flowers, plants and trees were quite complete, and the small garden was quite pleasing to the eye. "

"These shops are not big, and they are all rented out. They can only bring in one or two thousand taels of silver in a year..."

Song Jingyun, "..."

I really can’t tell where I am!

"Jiang Langjun, these..." Song Jingyun opened his mouth to decline Jiang Junli's kindness.

Jiang Junli frowned, let out a long sigh, reached out and patted Song Jingyun on the shoulder, interrupting him, "I know, this house is not big, the shop is small, and the items in total are only worth more than ten thousand taels of silver. Isn't that true? Nothing can completely offset Song Langjun’s hard work in the next few decades.”

"But please rest assured, Mr. Song. As long as I, Jiang Junli, am still here, I will do my best to reward Mr. Song. I will not let Mr. Song's hard work go in vain, and I will make sure that Mr. Song is rewarded."

"Jiang Langjun, that's not what I meant..."

"I understand what Mr. Song meant." Jiang Junli interrupted Song Jingyun and spoke more earnestly, "It's just that although the Jiang family has a big business, the Jiang family has always been farming-oriented, so this year they purchased a lot of fertile land and donated it. He spent a lot of money on building river embankments and water conservancy projects, and also prepared some houses and land as rewards for all Jinshi, so he could only give these to Langjun of Song."

"But Mr. Song, don't worry. Now I have really accepted my fate. I know that I will never be able to serve the court as an official in this life. I can only continue to do business with peace of mind. In the future, I will probably earn more and more money." , the benefits of Song Langjun and all those who serve the country will not be missing..." Song Jingyun, "..."

Forget it, Jiang Langjun, just be happy.

Song Jingyun also knew that Jiang Junli was always the way to go, so he stopped trying to persuade him and allowed him to chatter here for a long time.

Two days later, he rode on horseback and paraded through the streets.

Dressed in bright clothes and angry horses, with great momentum, it is the most glorious time for high school students. It is also the most grand and anticipated event in the entire capital every three years.

In the early morning, those watching the excitement were already waiting eagerly on the long street to see his face.

And those daughters of wealthy families who were waiting to find their ideal husbands had already reserved window seats in teahouses along the way so that they could take a look at each other and try their luck.

The Ministry of Etiquette also delivered the formal attires to each Jinshi early, and the guard of honor was waiting at the street entrance.

The top pick, second pick and top pick this time all came from Guanghua Garden. The three of them made an appointment and went out together.

At the entrance of Guanghua Garden, Jiang Junli and His Highness the Crown Prince had been waiting for a long time.

"Jiang Langjun." Song Jingyun and the others held their hands and paused briefly when they saw His Highness the Crown Prince.

(End of this chapter)

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