Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 289 Bad learning

Chapter 289 Bad learning

"Tomorrow I will go to the Hanlin Academy to take up my post. I will be very busy for the first few days. I will have to trouble my wife to organize this matter."

Purchase things, purchase buyers, and take charge of the inner house.

These are indeed things Jiang Michia should do as a woman.

The money she had on hand was originally enough for her and Song Jingyun to settle down in the capital. Now with Jiang Junli's gift, she has more money and can take care of things.

"I'm thinking about going to see it earlier and choosing a good day to move there earlier," Jiang Michia said, "so as not to hurt Jiang Langjun's mind."

Otherwise, Jiang Junli would probably have to run here all day long, asking over and over again what was not to their liking.

"Well, Madam has thought carefully." Song Jingyun nodded, "It's just that the house is a bit spacious. I'm not at home on weekdays, so Madam may be a little lonely at home. Now that we have settled down a little, why not send someone to pick up my parents? , let’s stay with my wife.”

Nowadays, the family has a comfortable life and has no worries about food and drink, but after all, my parents are still young, and I miss them more and more. Bringing them to live in the capital can also allow the two old people to enjoy the happiness of a family.

Seeing that Song Jingyun was so filial and sensible, Jiang Michia nodded, "That's fine."

She hadn't seen her parents for several months since arriving in the capital, and she missed them.

The couple made up their minds to rest early in the evening.

The next morning, the two of them got up early.

Wash and dress.

The emperor was preoccupied with cultivating and becoming an immortal, so the morning service had changed from daily to once every half month, and the time was set on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month.

There is no need to go to the morning court today, just go directly to the Hanlin Academy to report.

Jiang Michia helped Song Jingyun dress neatly with the official uniform sent by the Ministry of Etiquette, and brought the snack box to Song Jingyun, and warned, "I don't know how it tastes in the small canteen of the Hanlin Academy, and I don't know if you can eat it. These are your habits." I’m used to eating it on weekdays. If it feels cold, just prick the oil paper bag with a needle.”

There is quicklime and water in the oil paper bag. When pricked by a needle, heat will be generated, which can also play the role of baking and heat preservation. "My lady is still attentive and thoughtful." Song Jingyun smiled, ate another piece of chestnut cake, and stretched his head over when Jiang Michia wasn't paying attention.

Jiang Michia was caught off guard and tasted the same chestnut cake as Song Jingyun.

"Isn't this chestnut cake very sweet?" Song Jingyun licked his lips, looking like he was having endless aftertaste.

Jiang Michia, "!!!"

Such frivolous behavior!

The little son-in-law is really getting worse!

Jiang Michia stretched out his hand and pinched Song Jingyun's arm, pretending to be angry, "I don't know if it's sweet or not, but I just know you'll be careful on your first day after taking office."

"Come back early after leaving the Yamen." Jiang Michia said casually.

"Don't worry, madam, I will come back soon." Song Jingyun pursed her lips and smiled, blinking her eyes again and again.

As if to say "He understands".

Jiang Michia, "..."

It seems a little unclear!


Jiang Michia stopped talking to Song Jingyun and just sent him out of the courtyard.

The boy from Guanghuayuan was already waiting outside, holding a lantern in front of him to light the way, all the way to the gate.

Chen Shuming and Song Jingyun were almost at the door, and they got on the carriage together and headed to the Hanlin Academy.

Because it was his first day at the Yamen, Chen Shuming was somewhat nervous and sat upright in the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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