Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 294 The secret must not be revealed

Chapter 294 The secret must not be revealed

After being stunned for a long time, the emperor looked solemn, knelt down upright, rushed to the gods in the Qingxu Hall, and bowed respectfully again and again.

The secret must not be revealed!

It was indeed enlightened by an immortal!

The more the emperor thought about it, the more pious the expression on his face became.

Getting farther and farther away from the Qingxu Palace, Chen Shuming finally let go of his sigh. After leaving the palace, he touched Song Jingyun with his elbow and said, "Sir Song is really powerful. He can actually pretend to sleep." It is really wonderful to take the opportunity to advise the emperor to govern the world virtuously."

"Master Chen, do you want to hear the truth?" Song Jingyun touched his nose in embarrassment.

"Is there any hidden secret in this?" Chen Shuming was stunned for a while, "Master Song, you might as well tell him directly."

"I was indeed sleepy and fell asleep..."

Chen Shuming, "..."

As long as you are brave enough, everything in Qingxu Palace will collapse?

"What about your so-called immortal enlightenment?" Chen Shuming frowned slightly.

"I lost my composure after I woke up and made it up casually." Song Jingyun smiled sheepishly again.

Chen Shuming, "..."

The silence was deafening.

However, he was brave enough to fall asleep directly in the Qingxu Palace, and after being discovered, he could still make up such a reasonable reason without changing his face or heart, and even convinced the emperor.

Not everyone has this ability.

Master Song is still someone he looks up to!

Even, even...

Even Mr. Song just didn't want him to have too much psychological pressure and deliberately said that he was making it up. In fact, he had already planned everything.

Outstanding ability and very humble, really admirable!

Chen Shuming looked at Song Jingyun with brighter eyes.

When Song Jingyun returned to No. 8 Courtyard of Guanghuayuan, Jiang Michia had already prepared meals. Thinking that Song Jingyun would inevitably be tired from going to the Yamen on the first day today and wanted to rest, Jiang Michia specially brought the food back from the canteen in advance and simmered it on the small charcoal stove. It was still steaming hot when eating, and the soup was more flavorful. taste.

After setting the dishes and chopsticks, Jiang Michia saw Song Jingyun take a stack of paper from his sleeve and throw it into the charcoal stove.

When the glowing red charcoal fire met the dry paper, a burst of flames quickly erupted, instantly surrounding and engulfing the ink-stained paper.

In an instant, there was a small pile of ashes in the charcoal stove.

"What's burning?"

"Nothing, just a piece of paper with typos written on it. I was afraid it would be left in the palace and make people laugh, so I brought it back." Song Jingyun said with a smile, "Destroy the body and remove all traces."

Jiang Michia also had a rough idea of ​​Song Jingyun's duties and what he needed to do at this time. He also knew that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. He understood why Song Jingyun was cautious at this time, so he stopped asking any more questions.

Instead, it was Song Jingyun, happily eating the steaming crispy pork while asking Jiang Michia nonchalantly what he had been busy with today.

Jiang Michia also answered everything.

First, he sent someone to send a letter back to his parents to make arrangements for his parents to come to the capital.

Then he went to the new house given by Jiang Junli, looked around the house, counted the objects everywhere and the slaves left in the house.

The slaves knew that their deeds were already in Jiang Michia's hands, and they knew who they should do their best to, and they all behaved diligently and respectfully.

The housekeeper Zhou Man was also very capable. He listed in detail the items and manpower that he felt needed to be added everywhere, and let Jiang Michia make the decision.


"I will have to run to Yaxing several times in the past two days." Jiang Michia said, "It will also cost a lot of money."

 I’m still familiar with the feel of coding, and I’ll try my best to write more...

  (End of this chapter)

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