Chapter 297 Great

After everyone found out, they were all extremely happy.

Especially everyone in the household wanted to jump up and down a few times to express their excitement at this time.

There were also some who didn't quite believe that the young crop tax could be abolished so easily, and even pinched their thighs several times to make sure that this was not a dream.

Even the Minister of the Ministry of Finance walked around the yard several times at this time, and couldn't help shouting into the air several times, "Okay, okay, okay, it's really great!"

In the past few years, he had repeatedly proposed to the Holy Father to abolish the young crop tax, but he never received an answer. On the contrary, he was reprimanded several times for this.

But now that the young crop tax was suddenly abolished, how could he not be overjoyed by such a joyful thing?

The most gratifying thing is that someone can actually persuade the emperor. We need to take a closer look to see who has such great ability!

Song Jingyun didn't know this, and together with Tang Zhichuan and Chen Shuming, he carefully made a detailed list of the emperor's frugal activities.

Jiang Michia has also been busy for several days.

Purchase carriages and horses, purchase slaves, purchase various practical supplies, and decorate the new house.

This money can be said to be spent like water.

Seeing the stack of silver notes becoming thinner and thinner from a thick pile, Jiang Michia felt less and less safe, and began to weigh the silver notes in her hand more and more.

Seeing the white money, Jiang Michia suddenly remembered what Song Jingyun said two days ago, "You will reap what you sow."

At that time, Song Jingyun asked her to plant silver in the ground, so that she could harvest a lot of silver.

This sounds like a joke to anyone and cannot be realized.

But it was Song Jingyun who said this.

There is almost nothing that Song Jingyun said that cannot be realized, especially the words that sound incredible. Could it be that the land here is different?

Jiang Michia was a little suspicious, but more out of curiosity. After thinking about it, she couldn't restrain her inner curiosity, so she simply went to find a hoe and prepared to cultivate a small area in the corner of the garden. A piece of land comes out.

While she was busy, Jiang Junli came to visit and said that the silk and satin shop opened in the capital had some new designs and colors, and he sent some to Song Jingyun and Jiang Michia.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang." Jiang Michia had long been accustomed to Jiang Junli, a boy who scattered money, so he accepted everything without rejecting it too much.

"Ms. Jiang, you're welcome." Jiang Junli said with a smile, "When I came to the courtyard just now, I saw Mrs. Jiang plowing the ground for the flower garden. Why does Mrs. Jiang need to do such a small thing herself? She can only ask the gardeners to do it."

"It's not just about plowing the ground for flower beds, but I just want to plant something." Jiang Michia explained.

"What does Mrs. Jiang want to plant?" Jiang Junli suddenly became interested, "If Mrs. Jiang is interested in farming, I still have a small piece of farmland in the suburbs of Beijing, why not..."

"No, no, no," Jiang Michia hurriedly waved his hand to stop him.

She was aware of Jiang Junli's habit of giving away things if he didn't agree, and a small piece of Jiang Junli's mouth could cost thousands of acres.

Things must never be collected again!

"I just want to plant some..." Jiang Michia gritted his teeth and simply told the truth, "I just want to plant some silver coins. You don't need such a big place."

Jiang Junli was stunned when he heard this, "What did Madam Jiang just say she wanted to plant?"

"Grow silver..."

(End of this chapter)

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