Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 299 Dig it out

Chapter 299 Dig it out

"Maybe it's just because the silver taels are a little heavy, and it's been raining continuously in the past few days, so the silver taels have fallen deeper into the soil."

Jiang Junli said in a deep voice, "Tell people to dig deeper, and you can probably find it."

The steward responded repeatedly, and then ordered the people to dig deeper.

And the boys who were doing the work were also working hard at this moment, and they had to dig three feet into the ground to find all the silver coins.

They don’t believe it anymore!

The digging work lasted from afternoon to evening, so that the entire Guanghua Garden was brightly lit with candles, as if it were daytime, and the sound of tinkling bells was constant.

Just when the moon was hanging on the branches, the steward came to look for Jiang Junli in a panic.

Xinghe, who was on duty at night, stopped the steward and said, "Mr. Wang has already gone to bed. Why do you need to come here to find something at this time?"

"It's a big deal, it's a big deal!" The steward looked excited. After walking around in a circle, he rubbed his hands again and again, "Something was dug out in the flower bed!"

"Did you find Yinliang?" Xinghe became less sleepy.

"I didn't find the silver, but I dug up some other things." The steward said a little incoherently, "There are so many things, so I thought it would be better to ask Mr. Lang to come over and take a look."

Seeing that the steward was excited and seemed a little frightened, Xinghe hesitated for a moment and decided to wake Jiang Junli up.

"What on earth is it?" Jiang Junli put on his clothes sleepily.

"The steward didn't say it clearly, but looking at that posture, it doesn't look like a good thing." Xinghe frowned, "When Heitian was a child, I saw that the flowerbed was already dug as high as a person, and now I dug out something. , it must be close to two people, maybe..."

"Maybe they dug up bones or something?" Xinghe gritted his teeth. Hundreds of years ago, the heroes were divided and wars continued. The capital became a battleground for military strategists due to its geographical location. There were countless casualties among soldiers and civilians, and the entire capital was even burned down.

The world was so chaotic at that time, so naturally there was no one to collect the bodies of certain people, and burying them on the spot was the most common thing.

Then the new dynasty was established, the capital was rebuilt, and the past history was buried underground.

No one knows what was underneath Guanghua Garden. Maybe it was once a mass grave?

The more Xinghe thought about it, the more terrifying it became, and he even couldn't help but shudder.

Jiang Junli also frowned, and after putting on his coat, he and Xinghe went to the flower garden.

At this time, in the flower garden, the boys were still carrying things out, and on the corridor near the flower garden, there were already seven or eight large boxes placed.

"Lang Jun." The steward lit up the lantern and ordered the people below to open the big box one by one.

Each box is filled with gold, silver, jewelry or various porcelain antiques, and each one looks to be in excellent condition and of great value.

"These..." Xinghe was stunned, "Are they all dug out?"

"Exactly." The steward nodded, "There is a place like a secret room down there. There are many boxes like this in there. I counted thirty or forty boxes."

Thirty or forty boxes!

Xinghe couldn't help but was speechless, and even subconsciously took a string of pearl necklaces in the first box and looked at it.

The pearls used in this necklace are quite large, each one is round and huge, and the quality is excellent. This pearl necklace alone is worth about one thousand taels of silver, and the quality of the pearls in this box is comparable to that of this necklace. The list of jewels is too numerous to mention!

(End of this chapter)

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