
Chapter 112 Picked up the young master

Chapter 112 Picked up the young master

Within ten steps of poison, there must be an antidote.

The big snake has been entrenched in the Black Snake Valley for so long, and it can only find something to restrain its poison in the Black Snake Valley.

Ah Da and the others have already obtained the snake gall, but they will never let Tong Hua take risks until they find the antidote.

These words reassured Chu Lin a lot.

Back in the cave, Chu Lin couldn't close his eyes for a moment, and stared at Tong Hua all night.

The next day, everyone searched for the antidote in the valley. From the place where spring flowers bloom in the valley, they found a place on the snow-capped snow-capped mountain. Finally, they found a place similar to a big snake nest. Snow lotus.

Tong Hua is sure that this thing can detoxify the snake.

Having found all the things she wanted, and meeting Chu Lin, Tong Hua was very happy on this trip. She turned around to look for someone, and saw Chu Lin standing on the edge of the cliff looking out.

Go over and see, there are houses under the snow-capped mountains.

It turned out that there were people living in the entire Black Snake Valley.

But who would live here, facing the big snake every day...

Chu Lin said that he came here to look for clues to the secret medicine Three Corpse Pill.

Hearing this, the expression on Tong Hua's face suddenly became fierce, with murderous aura rushing out of him, not even half of what Chu Lin remembered, he smiled: "This is you, right?"

Tong Hua: "..." Before she finished, she couldn't control it when she heard the secret medicine.

Chu Lin: "The matter in Nanjiang, it's not that you don't tell me and I don't ask, it's over. I must know, what happened to you over there these years, if you don't tell me, I will go to Nanjiang to ask, Ask one by one, until it is clear."

Perhaps Chu Lin's expression was too serious, Tong Hua really thought he would go to southern Xinjiang.Not to mention that his identity is not suitable, to go to southern Xinjiang to inquire about her is to court death.

When she finished tangling and was about to tell Chu Lin, she saw him showing a tricky smile again.

The eldest lady and the young master were taken aback for a moment, and then chased the young man from the snow mountain to the foot of the snow mountain.

Six years later, let the little fool figure it out.

Chu Lin didn't stop until he got out of the snowy mountain, turned around and hugged Tong Hua in his arms, not letting go no matter how hard she struggled.

"I haven't heard from you...I want to go to Southern Border to find you, but it doesn't work. I'm afraid I'll die on the border if I don't even set foot on Southern Border."

"You shouldn't go. I left you because I want you to survive. How can you find death by yourself?"

"I don't even know if you're dead or alive. In the past six years, there's no difference between walking dead and walking."

Tong Hua felt that Chu Lin's arm was tightening, and it hurt her, but she didn't say anything.

six years...

No one is having a good time.

"Tell me everything about southern Xinjiang, tell me everything."

Tong Hua reached out and patted Chu Lin's back lightly: "Okay, I'll tell you everything."



There are only a few wooden houses seen on the snow-capped mountains. When I walked in, I found that this place is not like a place where many people live.

The dumb slave searched for some traces and speculated that there were people, but not many.

If the rumors were true, the weirdo Chu Lin was looking for should be here.

Tong Hua: "Does he really know about the secret medicine?"

Chu Lin: "If anyone can tell me what the secret medicine is now, I'm afraid he is the only one.

Before, Chu Lin visited other sects, and inquired about the secret medicine or the Three Corpse Pill, some of them didn't know about it, and some of them deliberately avoided it.

He must know what the secret medicine is, so that he can continue to investigate the matter of Baiwu Villa. He has no choice but to look for the rumored strange person and try his luck.

Now it seems that luck is good, and Tong Hua has been found.

"It's Li Tian!"

"Okay, it's Tian'er."

The name Tong Hua represents too much.She wasn't ready, she couldn't face it yet.

Chu Lin caressed between her brows to prevent her from frowning: "If you keep frowning like this, you will become ugly, then no one will want you, and you won't be able to marry."

Li Tian: "..."

Chu Lin: "Forget it, if no one wants it, then no one wants it, I want it."

Li Tian blushed, cursing shamelessly.

"Why don't you be shameless, the two of us can be considered childhood sweethearts... Or, in the southern border, do you have your own heart?"

"How is it possible!" This heart was left on someone six years ago and never left.Li Tian thought for a while, looked into Chu Lin's eyes and said to him: "I'm a bad person. I can't explain what happened in Baiwu Villa. I'm the remnant of the Tong family. If it's clear, I will take revenge and kill everyone... ...I am a bad man, and you will lose everything with me..."

"I don't think it's a loss to lose everything and have you." Chu Lin hugged him, and drew the distance between them closer and closer, "Besides, I'm not a good person...you won't let go of the enemy of Baiwu Villa , and the person who tortured you in front of me back then is my enemy, and I will not let it go. What I thought was right and wrong turned out to be just a story about someone coaxing a child. I can no longer tell the difference between black and white , it’s better to be the bad guy they say, at least black is black and white is white.”

"What did Bai Jingyan do to you?"

Before Chu Lin could answer, Ah San suddenly came back and said that he found someone over there.

I thought I had found that strange person, but it turned out to be a useless person who was about to die.The tendons and veins are almost useless, not to mention martial arts, life is almost gone.Lying in the grass, barely noticed him.

What Li Tian saw in Southern Xinjiang was much more cruel than this. She didn't know why, but she looked at the young man in front of her... probably because she was attracted by his eyes. She understood the unwillingness.

Chu Lin stepped forward. Although he didn't know this young man, he could vaguely recognize him from the pattern on his clothes: "Snow Fox Villa?"

The boy reacted to these four words, but he was injured too badly and couldn't move.

"Snow fox?"

"The decoration should belong to Xuehu Villa." The blood on the young man's body was so heavily stained that it was difficult for Chu Lin to distinguish.

Li Tian recalled the day when the villa was destroyed, but he didn't seem to see anyone from Xuehu Villa.

Chu Lin explained in a low voice that he had heard about Xuehu Villa being exterminated by the Qingcheng faction when he left the customs: "It is said that the whereabouts of the young master of the villa are unknown."

Now there is a whereabouts, but it doesn't look like they escaped by luck.

Li Tian knelt down to carefully distinguish the wounds on the young man's body, the sword wounds, and some relatively short wounds, which seemed to be caused by daggers, and the wounds were fatal.She was curious as to how this young man got here.

"It can't be that weird guy who came here to refine and test medicine?"

The young man was injured too badly, there was no point in treating them, if it were someone else, Li Tian would personally help them out.

Now under the eyes of the young man, she was a little bit hesitant to do anything.

She said to the young man: "I have a method that can bring you back to life... In a short period of time, you can speak and act, but it can't save your life. You are too injured. It's hard to say whether you can survive... Do you want to try it?" ?”

The boy nodded his head without knowing where the strength came from.

Li Tian took out the worm and put it into the boy's mouth. After a while, the boy got up and looked at his hands in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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