
Chapter 124

Chapter 124
No matter what Tong Hua said, Chu Lin never responded.

The eyes are dull, and there is no response and no sound.

Tong Hua was in a hurry and wanted to take Chu Lin away immediately.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Chu Lin quietly raised his hand behind her, and the judge in his hand pointed straight at the back of her neck.

Fortunately, Xiaosi noticed it nearby, and came over to hug that hand just in time, which surprised Tong Hua.

The sneak attack failed, Chu Lin no longer remained motionless, and threw his hands away to kill the two people who appeared suddenly.

Xiao Si pulls Tong Hua away forcefully.

When the hand left the face, the familiar and terrible helplessness came to my heart again after many years.

Seeing that Tong Hua was powerless to entangle, Xiao Si had no choice but to take her away first. As for Chu Lin...

things are in trouble...

He dared to fight against Tong Hua, whether he was stupid or crazy.

Back at the inn, Tong Hua collapsed from strength.

Seeing this, Ah Er hurried over to check. He thought that Tong Hua was injured, but after a closer look, there was no external injury, just a human being, dumbfounded, without saying a word, and looked like he was about to cry.

He turned around and asked Xiao Si what happened in the Kongtong faction, whether Chu Lin bullied Tong Hua.

Xiao Si thought in his heart, he was really bullied...

After explaining, Ah Er took the dick to go to Chu Lin to settle accounts, intentionally making the noise louder, and finally attracted Tong Hua's attention.

"He...should be... controlled by something." Tong Hua's face was bloodless, he looked like a dead person, and he still firmly believed that Chu Lin would not do anything to him, just now, he was frightened...

Recalling Chu Lin's state, his eyes were dull, his movements were fierce but a little stiff, killing people for the sake of killing people, this is not like Chu Lin at all.

Speaking of controls...

With Chu Lin's skill and Tong Hua's unusual status, he couldn't wake up even if he was accused, so it must not be an ordinary control.

Tong Hua was worried that the person who did it would hurt Chu Lin.

Ah Er said, don't worry, there must be a reason for choosing Chu Lin, and it won't be too bad to play to death, at most it will be crippled.

Tong Hua understood the gesture and immediately burst into tears, which frightened the dumb slaves.

Ah Er scratched his head, quickly apologized and comforted him, and promised to find the person who tormented Chu Shaoxia and cut him to death.

In fact, Tong Hua was frightened by the uneasiness in his heart, and cried out to vent, but felt more comfortable.

Calm down and analyze Ah Er's words are correct, Chu Lin will be fine in a short time, after thinking about it, Tong Hua decided to take Chu Lin away at the succession ceremony of the head of the Kongtong faction.

She wants to make trouble, and make big trouble.

Three days before the grand ceremony, Tong Hua asked the dumb slave to check Jiang Shanxue's whereabouts.

The next day, she took Ah Er and Xiao Si to find the inn where Feng Qingyang was staying. In broad daylight, she opened the window and went in.

A ghost screamed from beside him: "The sky is bright and the sky is bright, how can you just open the window and enter the men's room like this!"

Tong Hua went over to discuss the issue of decency with Feng Qingyang.



"The pulse is normal, the complexion is normal, the poison in the body is dissipating, it looks normal, is there anything wrong?" Tong Hua took Feng Qingyang's pulse, saying everything is normal, but there must be something wrong.

Feng Qingyang put down his sleeves, stared at Tong Hua and looked left and right: "My lover has such a big incident, why is Tong girl so calm? Are you lying to tease me, or are you planning to change lovers?"

Tong Hua stared over, Feng Qingyang trembled.

It seems that things are still serious...

"Ahem...then what...the poison has been cured, and at the same time the effect of the secret medicine is also disappearing."

It means that the gong power is going backwards.

The power raised by relying on the secret medicine is slowly dissipating as the effect of the medicine disappears.

It seems that the mirror is fading, like waking up from a dream, but Tong Hua knows that there must be side effects.

No, Feng Qingyang confirmed that the accelerated aging of his body can also be understood as a shortened lifespan.

This is a side effect that Tong Hua has known for a long time, and it is also a problem that she cannot get rid of.

When she was in southern Xinjiang, she made the detoxification medicine, but unlike Bai Jingyan's method of detoxification when taking it, she only wanted to remove the toxins in her body afterwards, and she had already paid a painful price.

She wanted to find another way, but Feng Qingyang's situation could not be dragged on anymore, even he himself could feel death, he would die suddenly at any time.

After discussing it, Feng Qingyang voluntarily took the antidote, with the same smiling face at the time, saying that if nothing happened, the Tong girl was welcome to continue to observe his symptoms and improve the antidote, and he would not charge any money.

People, even if they are not dead, the toxins in their bodies have also begun to be eliminated. Looking at the wind and the wind, the wind is calm and the clouds are calm, and they don't feel that they have lost a few years of life.

Tong Hua: "As long as you are satisfied... let's talk about medical expenses."

Feng Qingyang: "We still need to discuss medical expenses in this relationship?"

Tong Hua: "It's true that we don't need to talk about it, I've already made up my mind."

Feng Qingyang: "Let me help you save your lover?"

Tong Hua: "At the succession ceremony of the new head, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to take action."

Feng Qingyang: "Just tell me not to go."

Tong Hua: "That won't work, I need someone to help me."

Feng Qingyang agreed, curious about what Tong Hua was going to do.

"It's nothing. It's just that during the martial arts conference, there was someone who didn't have time to clean up. This time, we plan to settle the old and new grudges together."

"If you want to settle accounts, do it. Let me remind you, pay attention to the time. Kuva Village, do you still want to go?"

"I have already arranged for people to go. The formula of the Three Corpse Pills has been found. The rest of the grandfather and He Linyang haven't researched what it is. I'm afraid it will take some time."

"Do you have that much time?"

"You only looked for me because you were about to die from taking the secret medicine. Now that you have chosen the ending, you should have no regrets. For other things, including mine, Sect Master Feng should not worry too much about it."

This time Feng Qingyang didn't answer the call immediately, nor did he make jokes foolishly.He fiddled with his teacup, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Miss Tong, the matter of the secret medicine is no longer your private matter. Others seek profit and lose righteousness. It doesn't mean that everyone is like this. At least, I will find out. I don't know Tong Is the girl willing to cooperate?"

Tong Hua also thought about it: "You and I have different positions. I'm not interested in becoming a hero to save the martial arts. It's just my selfish desires, and revenge will be revenge. Fengzhang wants to find someone to cooperate with, and I'm not a good choice."

"Where does the girl plan to put Chu Lin?" Feng Qingyang asked with a smile, "Collude with the thieves in the southern border, save the heroes of the martial arts, how does the girl want Chu Lin to gain a foothold?"

"Are you threatening me?"

"Don't dare, I just remind you kindly. The matter of Bai Jingyan gradually faded away, and it lost its freshness. Someone has already started talking about Chu Lin. He is devoted to accompany the girl, even if he is notorious, he will not change his original intention. What about the girl? Really intend Did everyone who watched him fall shout for beating?"

"Our business has nothing to do with Feng Sect."

How could Tong Hua not think about Chu Lin, but no matter how much she thought about it, the group of people who made the secret medicine was an obstacle after all, and she had to get rid of it. Only then could she win Chu Lin's fame and future.

(End of this chapter)

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