
Chapter 126

Chapter 126
On the stage, Jiang Shanxue smiled slightly: "Because of the close relationship, Miss Tong helped me persuade my junior brother to come back for the sake of my junior brother's future and reputation. Now the future of the Kongtong Sect can only be carried by my junior brother. You all know my junior brother , if you want to test his ability, you can come up and compete with him." After finishing speaking, he looked at Feng Qingyang.

The head of Wudang smiled slightly, and just said without moving: "Miss Jiang wants Chu Shaoxia to show his strength. What do you want to prove?"

Jiang Shanxue: "It proves that the Kongtong faction has the ability to eliminate the scum of the martial arts."

As soon as these words came out, the chattering crowd suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Jiang Shanxue, and heard her talking about the secret medicine: "The secret medicine has harmed countless people, how can we let it go. Bai Jingyan spread the secret medicine for personal gain, it is hateful and can be killed, but his death will not stop the secret medicine from continuing to harm the world. The only way in front of us is to find out the people behind the scenes who made the secret medicine and spread it across the rivers and lakes. My Kongtong faction will definitely bear the brunt of it and eradicate these scourges for the martial arts."

Well, you have to answer this, if you don't answer, you have a ghost in your heart.

Looking around, everyone knows that, how many of you here have never knocked on the door of Sifang Villa?

Feng Qingyang smiled secretly, Jiang Shanxue took advantage of the most irrefutable thing at the moment, and continued to pick off the Kongtong faction and himself.The bad things were all done by Bai Jingyan. Not only did they have no helpers, but they were always thinking of righteousness, and now they are carrying the banner to eliminate the scum of the martial arts.

Tsk tsk tsk, what a sharp mouth.

The words were said, and the stand was taken, but Chu Lin didn't say a word. Gradually, some people felt that something was wrong.

"Young man Chu, why didn't you say a word?"


The voices of questioning were getting louder and louder, but Jiang Shanxue seemed to be unreasonable, and directly announced the start of the succession ceremony, and turned around to accompany Chu Lin, step by step to the top.

"Wait a minute, Miss Jiang." Feng Qingyang stood up to stop her, "I didn't make it clear, why are you in a hurry? The head of the Kongtong faction, although it is your own business, you can let whoever you want to sit, but you will We're here, at least we need to speak clearly."

The protagonist hasn't arrived yet, so we can't just end the scene like this.

Jiang Shanxue asked Feng Qingyang with a smile if he planned to make a move. When he said that, Chu Lin beside him was ready to move, like a beast that was about to rush out in the next moment.

Feng Qingyang was surprised: "You seem to really want Chu Shaoxia to do it, why?"

Jiang Shanxue: "Isn't this the best proof that I'm worried that you will despise my Kongtong faction and speak with strength?"

The fifth son of Yandang, You Zhiqi, smiled disdainfully: "Chu Shaoxia is young and promising, he is a character, but now in this world it is not up to a junior to talk about his strength."

If you want fame, there is no shortage of people here.

In terms of strength, people who are famous, whoever has never taken the secret medicine, are all master-level strengths.

Seeing that she had said something wrong, Jiang Shanxue quickly explained with a smile: "Senior misunderstood, and the Kongtong faction is not qualified to compete for the master of martial arts. We juniors only want to protect the foundation left by our ancestors. After Bai Jingyan's incident, , I don’t know how many times this effort has to be added, and none of the things about the secret medicine and the people behind the scenes that stand in front of us need strength. Without strength, how can the Kongtong faction regain their reputation? , Relying on the seniors to fight, are we taking advantage of it behind us? The younger generation does not mean to step down anyone, but sincerely hopes that our Kongtong faction can regain its prestige, so that we can clear away the scourge of the martial arts as soon as possible and restore peace and harmony."

After speaking, Feng Qingyang glanced at the surrounding people.

This is why someone would sneak attack Chu Lin at night.

What the Kongtong faction put on the bright side this time is to target the secret medicine and the people behind the scenes. Those who count on the secret medicine to bring them honor, how can they watch Chu Lin appear and accidentally cut off their own blood? dream.

Of course, the Kongtong faction is like this on the surface, but inside...

Feng Qingyang really couldn't understand what Jiang Shanxue's plan was.

It is really unusual for a clean person to stay by Bai Jingyan's side for such a long time without leaving a single leaf afterward.

Feng Qingyang was still thinking why Tong Hua hadn't come yet, did he really want to go over and fight to delay time?
Then, some disciples ran in from outside in a panic.

"Elder Sister, a few people came outside... said yes... yes..."

"Come in, please come in, why panic?" Jiang Shanxue frowned dissatisfied, it's normal for people to come to observe this grand ceremony, is it worth rushing here in such a panic and stammering nonsense.I feel extremely disgusted with my disciples in my heart.

"I'm going to come in, but she said she is... is... the saint of Southern Border."

Jiang Shanxue was taken aback for a moment, and everyone around was also shocked.

"Who are you talking about?"

"The Saintess of Southern Border? The Saintess who is second only to the Witch King in Southern Border?"

"How did she come to the Central Plains?"

"What is she doing here? Is the Saintess of Southern Xinjiang related to the Kongtong Sect?"

They should not be allowed to speculate wildly, Jiang Shanxue hurriedly clarified: "Southern Xinjiang and the Central Plains do not invade each other, and it has nothing to do with the Kongtong faction."

Feng Qingyang: "Ms. Jiang's words are wrong again. You are a girl who is a concubine of the childhood sweetheart of the ninth senior brother. Aren't you in southern Xinjiang? How can you say that it doesn't matter."

Jiang Shanxue really doesn't know Tong Hua's identity in southern Xinjiang.

But think about it, what is the status of the saintess in southern Xinjiang, how could Tong Hua become a saint when she fled for her life to the southern border.

It must not be her.

Jiang Shanxue: "The saintesses of southern Xinjiang have a high status. The Kongtong faction really doesn't know such a person. Even Bai Jingyan may not have the chance to see the saintess..."

At this moment, Tong Hua came in with the dumb slave.

"Elder Sister's words are really chilling. We have been friends for so many years, how can we turn our backs and say that we don't know each other?"

Jiang Shanxue was already stunned in place.

In the hall, there was a moment of silence.

Then Mr. Wu An boldly asked, "Miss Tong, are you the Saintess of Southern Xinjiang?"

"No, I still don't believe it?" Tong Hua looked around with a smile and found Master Hui An, the head of Shaolin. She went to salute respectfully. Grandpa said that you should be more obedient to this kind of martial arts master. "I heard that the master came here in the early years Nanjiang has some friendship with the Palace of Eternal Life, presumably this thing, the master should recognize it."

Hui An takes the jade tablet from Tong Hua, and sees a colorful centipede carved out of five-color jade.The workmanship is exquisite, and the centipede seems to be alive, twisting its beautiful body that represents death.

Hui An: "The jade plaque should be a pair, one engraved with a scarlet spider, and the other engraved with a colorful centipede. The two plaques represent the witch king and saint in southern Xinjiang. The spider is the symbol of the witch king. The engraved centipede represents the saint."

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Tong Hua withdrew the jade tablet.

Hui An: "I didn't expect the girl to have such an adventure in southern Xinjiang."

Tong Hua: "This adventure was paid for with my life."

(End of this chapter)

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