
Chapter 134 The Beggar Gang and the Green Bamboo Gate

Chapter 134 The Beggar Gang and the Green Bamboo Gate
Feng Qingyang only heard some rumors, but he couldn't tell the specifics.

It is said that Qi Jinxuan saved the gang leader Lu Cheng at the beggar gang meeting three years ago, and since then he has gone from obscurity to aloofness.

After waiting for two days, when Xiao Si came back, Tong Hua enthusiastically invited Feng Qingyang to listen to the book.

"I heard that the Green Bamboo Sect was provocative at the time, and it happened at the annual meeting of the Beggar Sect. The head of the Beggar Sect and the Sect Master of the Green Bamboo Sect fought." Xiaosi ate the bugs, and his voice was very strange, but Tong Hua listened with gusto, " Then Qi Jinxuan jumped out suddenly, saying that the voices of the Qingzhumen were making trouble at the meeting, and let the disciple sneak into the Beggars' Gang and kidnap Miss. At that time, Miss Lu was indeed not in the Beggars' Gang. When she was found, she was in the bamboo forest outside Jingzhou City. Still tied up, it is estimated that the kidnapper ran halfway and abandoned the person, and ran away without a trace. The person who kidnapped Miss Lu was not caught, Qingzhumen naturally denied this matter, the beggar gang has no evidence, and the testimony of one person is not enough So I picked the Green Bamboo Gate."

Feng Qingyang nodded: "I've heard about this, although in the end everyone was fine and the two sides didn't really fight, but the Beggar Gang and the Green Bamboo Sect are on fire."

In this place of Jingzhou City, apart from the chief rudder of the Beggar Gang, there is also a Green Bamboo Gate.

As for the Qingzhumen, they don't have any outstanding skills. I can't complain that they only mention that they are neighbors with the Beggars' Gang. a seat.

From the perspective of outsiders, the two families are one family, both in Jingzhou, regardless of you and me.

But actually...

The Green Bamboo Gate caused trouble outside, and even brought the Beggars' Gang into humiliation, which made the Beggars' Gang extremely upset.When something good happened to Qingzhumen, everyone felt that Qingzhumen would be nothing without the help of the largest gang in the world. Therefore, Qingzhumen had resentment towards the Beggars' Gang.

The two families are friendly on the surface, but they are actually not pleasing to each other.

There was a disturbance three years ago, and the superficial harmony was gone.

After Miss Lu was robbed, everyone in the Beggar Clan believed what Qi Jinxuan said, the more they looked at the Green Bamboo Gate, the more they disliked it, and if they ran into each other on the street, there would be conflicts.

Tong Hua: "With the strength of the Beggar Gang, do you need evidence to destroy a small Green Bamboo Gate?"

Feng Qingyang: "It is precisely because of the strength and reputation of the Beggars' Gang that they have to come up with an ironclad proof that can convince others. The largest gang in the world, there are disciples of the Beggars' Gang all over the world. Personal preference, unreasonable speculation, provoking incidents without evidence, and even destroying people all over the house, will arouse the fire on the body, which will be serious."

If no one else knows about the matter, the Beggar Gang quietly cleaned up the Qingzhu Gate. Now the whole world knows about Miss Lu's affairs, and also knows that the Beggar Gang is dissatisfied with the Qingzhu Gate. , will eventually fall on his head.At that time, there will be all kinds of rumors.

Tong Hua smiled: "It seems that there is nothing wrong with this Green Bamboo Gate now, especially something that must be understood, otherwise the beggar gang will not be able to tell."

Xiaosi: "But after that, something happened to Qingzhumen for no apparent reason."

Half a year after the incident, one night, a fire suddenly broke out in the Green Bamboo Gate.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the fire was extinguished overnight.

Unexpectedly, the young sect master of Qingzhumen was burned to death.

Xiao Si: "The fire was so big that night that the entire Jingzhou City people were awakened and went to Qingzhumen to help put out the fire, but no one from the Beggar Gang came out. Now it's the Qingzhumen's turn and the Beggars' Clan. Anyway, they think it was the Beggars' Clan who set the fire and then burned the Young Clan Master to death. In the next few years, either the Beggars Clan's leader was poisoned, or The master of the Qingzhu Sect was attacked unexpectedly, so there is no peace on both sides anyway."

Tong Hua: "What does this have to do with Qi Jinxuan?"

Xiaosi: "Lu Cheng, the leader of the beggar gang, every time something happens, it is this Qi Jinxuan who finds out the clues in time and saves people. A few times, he went after Miss Lu, or Qi Jinxuan took advantage of danger. He came and went, and he and Miss Lu got into trouble. That's why the leader wants to marry his daughter to him."

After listening, Tong Hua frowned, not knowing what to say.

Feng Qingyang smiled lightly: "A person who got lucky and stood up."

But isn't this lucky?Tong Hua didn't believe it, someone could be so lucky: "It happened to be resolved once or twice, and it was him every time, too deliberate, right? I suspect that he did those things, and then jumped out to act."

Xiao Si: "It's not just the girl who thinks he's acting on purpose, but also those in the beggar gang who can't stand his rise and rise. There was a chance to confront Gao Lei, the master of the Green Bamboo Sect, and he admitted everything. From then on, no one doubted that Qi Jinxuan was acting."

Tong Hua still doesn't believe it...

When I was a child, I heard from my grandfather that the Beggar Gang is a place that relies entirely on strength, and Qi Jinxuan just became an elder because of luck, so he must not be envied and hated.

Besides, Lu Cheng, the leader of the beggar gang, repaying his savior in this way is not like his behavior.

Tong Hua: "I heard from my grandpa that this Lu Cheng became famous when he was young, and the beggar gang came to him. The rules are strict and the positions are clearly defined. Many people who tried to bribe him were dealt with by him because of their evil intentions. Such a person, because of Qi Jinxuan saved himself, and then violated the rules he has adhered to all his life?"

Feng Qingyang agreed with this statement: "Bangzhu Lu has always been a man who respects rules and does not care about human feelings. He is really not right about Qi Jinxuan's specialness..."

Ah Da came over with hot tea and asked with gestures: Could it be related to the secret medicine?
Qi Jinxuan knew Guan Shao and was willing to help him at this time, the relationship was unusual.Guan Shao was involved in the secret medicine, could Qi Jinxuan also be involved?As for Lu Cheng...

There are quite a few seniors in the Jianghu who have been ruined by the secret medicine...

Feng Qingyang interrupted Tong Hua's speculation: "There is no evidence, this matter is not easy to guess, the Beggar Gang is no better than the Kongtong School."

Tong Hua understood: "The most direct way is to contact Qi Jinxuan..." She and Feng Qingyang were both investigating the matter of the secret medicine, and she and Feng Qingyang were both investigating the matter of the secret medicine.

A Da gestured: There are many outsiders in Jingzhou City, I have seen people from three mountains and five mountains, so many outsiders come at the same time, is there anything going on in Jingzhou City?

Xiao Si: "Yes, the leader of the beggar gang will marry a daughter next month."

Feng Qingyang thought about it, and asked if Chu Lin was coming too?
Tong Hua shook his head, the Kongtong faction should not be too ostentatious now, let alone gather around in places with many people: "Xiaosi, you sneak into the beggar gang to cooperate with Ah San, and by the way, ask who the gang leader invited to marry his daughter? What have you got?"

Feng Qingyang: "Miss Tong asks what these people do?" They are all enemies, but they can't help.

Tong Hua smiled and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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