
Chapter 139 The Initiative in Trading

Chapter 139 The Initiative in Trading
The dumb slave was guarding in the courtyard, while Feng Qingyang and Tong Hua took Lu Xing back to the room to continue their conversation.

Not only did Lu Cheng know about Qi Jinxuan's affairs, but even the matter about the secret medicine was exposed.Unexpectedly, Qi Jinxuan would not have to die.

In turn, Lu Cheng asked Qi Jinxuan to provide him with the secret medicine, and also ensured that he would be promoted step by step in the beggar gang.With power and the support of the gang leader, Qi Jinxuan's plan to control the beggar gang can be carried out smoothly.

Regardless of who was controlling who, things ended up being a mutually beneficial deal.

"Mutual benefit? Not necessarily." Tong Hua was playing with bugs in his hands, and leaned lazily on the chair, "In order to maintain the effect, the secret medicine needs to be taken all the time. After Lu Cheng fell, in order to obtain the secret medicine, he could only rely on Qi Jinxuan. As time goes by, the opportunities for Lu Cheng to speak out become less and less, and in the end, in front of Qi Jinxuan, he can only bow his knees."

In order for Lu Xing to speak well, Ah Er gave her Mafeisan, which relieved her pain from being stung by a wasp.At this time, Lu Xing gritted her teeth, not because of the pain, but because Tong Hua was right.

Their father and daughter thought that they had controlled Qi Jinxuan in turn, but in fact, they still fell into his hands.

After Lu Cheng took the secret medicine, he was amazed by its effect, from rejection to unbelief, from joy to reluctance, and finally couldn't leave.He couldn't do without the secret medicine, and he couldn't do without Qi Jinxuan.In exchange for the secret medicine, Lu Cheng gave more and more power. In this transaction, the balance has tilted.

Seeing that his father was suffering more and more, Lu Xing stepped forward to help him find a solution.

Feng Qingyang: "What solution can you come up with? At most, it's playing chess for your father, sending Yu Qi Jinxuan to be his wife, blowing the wind around your pillow."

Lu Xing: "If he really has feelings for me, this wind can blow. But there is only a trade-off between each other, so there is no real love. This big wedding is just a show, and everyone in the world is invited to prevent future."

The head of the beggar gang married a daughter, and the other party was a rising star in the recent beggar gang, and also the savior of the head of the gang. Such a title was enough to make others ignore his mediocre strength.But if something happened at the wedding, a major event that could not be explained to this person... It is reasonable for a father to call off the wedding in front of so many outsiders.

As long as the matter is big enough and Qi Jinxuan can't turn over under the pressure, he will be the one who humbly offers the secret medicine in exchange for his life between him and Lu Cheng in that day.

Feng Qingyang: "It's a way, you don't have to marry him yet. It's just..."

Tong Hua: "It's just that thing that can suppress Qi Jinxuan forever, what exactly is it?"

Lu Xing: "The Green Bamboo Gate."

Tong Hua: "Qingzhumen is related to Qi Jinxuan because of the secret medicine, even if you have a way to get people from Qingzhumen to testify against him, are you not afraid that the secret medicine will be exposed?"

Lu Xing: "As long as they don't say anything, can Brother Qi still confess? In the end, it's all about the Beggars' Clan. If they are related to them in public, Dad will take them away immediately. My dad is the leader of the gang. , and is the victim of several assassinations, it is up to him to decide whether the culprit is dead or alive."

Feng Qingyang: "Having plotted against the Beggar Gang for so many years, Qi Jinxuan can't survive in Jianghu at all. You let him live on the premise that you must continuously provide the secret medicine. In this way, you will achieve your goal and make Lu Cheng occupy it again, and even occupy it forever. The dominance of this transaction. I have to say, it is a good way. Miss Tong, what do you think?"

Guan Shao woke up, and Tong Hua's attention was attracted to him: "The plan is good, but there are too many variables. If you are casual, the ending will be different."

"It doesn't matter how many variables there are, just don't let it happen." Lu Xing also thought about Guan Shao, "This person was brought by Brother Qi. Dad had no way to refuse him at the time, so he could only let him arrange someone. Stay. After that, this person did nothing, shut himself in the room all day, and never left."

Tong Hua: "Of course he doesn't dare to leave. Do you know how many people are looking for him outside, and how many people want to kill him."

The leader of the beggar gang is willing to degenerate, taking secret medicine and being controlled by others, these children's paintings are not interesting.I wanted to know from Qi Jinxuan where the secret medicine came from, but now everyone is dead, and according to what Lu Xing said, their father and daughter don't know about it.

It's useless to stay here. The Beggars' Gang finished cleaning up the front and were about to find them.

Tong Hua stood up and asked Feng Qingyang to take Guan Shao with him to leave. Before leaving, she asked one last question: "Shi Kun, the head of Taishan School, who killed him?"

Lu Cheng and Qi Jinxuan did not admit this, but it was obvious that Shi Kun had been killed.

Lu Xing: "He overheard us talking, Dad chased him out, and in the struggle, he accidentally beat him to death... We didn't mean it, we wanted to catch him and explain clearly, if he didn't listen, he would be imprisoned... What a mistake... ..."

Tong Hua: "Missed?" Sneered, said nothing, and left.



Guan Shao felt in a daze that he was being carried and ran for a long distance.

After he was fully awake, he looked around and was sure he was in a strange room.

"Are you awake?" There was a voice in his ear, and he turned around with difficulty, looking for the person who spoke.

Looking up from the bottom, the man was sitting on a chair not far from him, his legs were crossed, his clothes didn't look like Zhongyuan, he was smiling, and took the peeled oranges from the people around him.

The orange seemed a bit sour and didn't fit her mouth, so she took the opportunity to stuff the remaining oranges into the hands of the person sitting on the other side.

Of the two sitting people, Guan Shao knew Tong Hua, and the men in black standing behind, although he couldn't tell who was who, he knew that these should be the dumb slaves following Tong Hua.

Feng Qingyang looked at the oranges in his hand, then turned to look at Tong Hua, seeing her raising her eyebrows and smiling at him, she had no choice but to eat all the sour oranges.

Taking the orange again, this one is sweet, Tong Hua smiled at Guan Shao: "Senior Brother Guan, long time no see."

Guan Shao: "You..."

Tong Hua: "Don't get excited, and don't force yourself, just wake up and be smooth, we have something to talk about."

Guan Shao remembered that he was in the house, and suddenly that elder from the beggar gang rushed in with someone. He was defeated, arrested, and then taken away, and met Qi Jinxuan.A group of people in the room chattered and used themselves to testify against Qi Jinxuan.

Thinking of Qi Jinxuan, Guan Shao scolded twice in his heart.Unexpectedly, this kid couldn't help being frightened so much, and after being questioned viciously by a group of people, he became chaotic, and finally confessed by himself, and the confession was clean.

Later, taking advantage of the chaos in the house, Guan Shao was knocked out when he fled, and then...

When I woke up again, I came here and saw the remnants of the Tong family...

Seeing Guan Shao's stupid face, Feng Qingyang said, "I didn't hit hard at the time, so I wouldn't beat him up stupid, would I?"

Tong Hua snorted coldly, and waved his hand: "It doesn't matter if you're stupid or not, what I want to know, he has to say today."

Ah San stepped forward, opened Guan Shao's mouth, and threw a bug in.

(End of this chapter)

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