
Chapter 141 Unable to Repay

Chapter 141 Unable to Repay
Feng Qingyang: "You have such a huge amount of secret medicine in your hands, you don't even know who is the person who regularly delivers the medicine to you?"

Guan Shao: "I don't know about others, anyway, I dare not lift his mask. These people's martial arts are unfathomable, and they are all people who must not be easily provoked."

If the envoy Guan Shao mentioned was the same kind of person as the masked man Tong Hua and the others had seen before, then the martial arts were indeed not bad.

Feng Qingyang: "What can you get for dispensing medicine for them?"

Guan Shao: "The head of Wudang is high above us, and we don't know how painful our little shrimps are struggling. If we work for them, we can gain power. Shi Kunming's stubbornness made my plan fail, but if it succeeds, the whole Taishan Mountain will be destroyed." Pai is really in my hands. Using the secret medicine, I will completely control those sects who begged me to give the secret medicine in a short time. Just imagine that at that time, Taishan School will not only become the supreme martial arts master, but also be able to compete with Bai Jingyan's. Kongtong pie is comparable."

Tong Hua sneered: "It's a beautiful idea. The consequence of the secret medicine is the sudden death of the people who take it. Those people you want to control may have turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood before your plan is realized."

Guan Shao: "Three Corpse Pills ten years ago did know how to do it, but today's Yuantian Pill doesn't. The secret medicine has been improved by an expert, and the disadvantages are eliminated..."

Feng Qingyang looked at Tong Hua, seeing that she didn't intend to refute, so he shut up and didn't say much.

The side effects of the improved secret medicine are still there, and hiding it doesn’t mean it’s gone. Judging by Guan Shao’s appearance, he doesn’t seem to know the truth.

Tong Hua: "It's really strange, why did those messengers share such a good thing, and even find you to scatter around, I'm afraid that some people in this river and lake will not eat it."

Feng Qingyang: "Great Sage..."

Guan Shao didn't know why they did this, just as he really didn't know who those people were.

Questions that cannot be answered should not be entangled.

Then ask...

Tong Hua: "How did they give you the secret medicine, where is it connected, and how is it delivered?"

At this time, after talking for a long time, Guan Shao's body became exhausted, and it became more and more difficult to even breathe.He found something was wrong, but he couldn't resist: "They will find it by themselves on the fifteenth day of each month. On the fifteenth day, Shi Kun will go into seclusion. It is the most appropriate time for someone to come to Taishan Sect to deliver my things."

Feng Qingyang: "In other words, other people's time is not necessarily fifteen."

Tong Hua nodded: "This kind of situation of arranging people to control a certain force should avoid the possibility of other people's secret contact. Don't be afraid of Bai Jingyan."

After asking around, Guan Shao knew very little about those people.The only piece of useful news was the Tianji Pavilion mentioned by the masked man inadvertently.

It was when Guan Shao arrived at the appointment and overheard two masked men talking about Tianji Pavilion. When he saw him appear, he immediately stopped the discussion. It seemed that it was an important topic that was not easy for others to listen to.

Tong Hua thought about it. When she was young, she heard her grandfather mentioned Tianji Pavilion, and her impression of it was the word mysterious.Feng Qingyang stood aside, hesitated to speak, as if he hadn't figured out how to speak yet.

Let's talk about these later.

When asked further, Guan Shao couldn't answer the questions, there were bugs, he really didn't know the answers to those questions.Chang Feng Qingyang asked, it turned out that the group of men in black in Jindingmen were sent by the mysterious masked man. Guan Shao didn't know the specifics, but at least Tong Hua and the others knew that the masked man not only had people who helped spread the medicine, There is also a group of masters, probably doing some things to destroy corpses and remove traces.

Feng Qingyang thought to himself, he searched for so long and found nothing, maybe it was because of the existence of these people.

Since Guan Shao is worthless, he will kill him as he said at the beginning.

Ah Da untied the rope, and Ah Er retreated to Tong Hua's side.

Feng Qingyang had a strange expression when he thought about what would happen next.Tong Hua told him to go out, not to get in the way here.

"Senior Brother Guan, from what you said, I could have let you go." Tong Hua snapped his fingers, and Guan Shao felt as if his bones were constantly being hit by a giant hammer. He rolled to the ground, and Tong Hua continued to say, "It's a pity that Lu Pengan, whom I promised, will avenge Lu Yin."

Guan Shao wanted to speak, but he spit out blood first.The side effects of the worm started, even if Tong Hua let him go now, it would be difficult for his body to recover.If he had the rest of his life, he would drag a half-dead body along.

Tong Hua held her chin and thought for a while: "It's not bad to let you live like this from now on. Sigh, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't agree to Lu Peng'an. Forget it, let me torture you, and have a good time." Go reincarnate."

Waving his hand, the dumb slave stepped forward.

Don't think that Tong Hua only releases insects to torture people. The methods in southern Xinjiang are many times crueler than those in the Central Plains.It's nothing to live but not die. It's interesting to die for a while and live for a while, and finally people can't tell whether they are dead or alive... Do you think that death is liberation?That will let you know that it makes no difference whether you live or die.Generally, the tortured people will go crazy before they die.

So is Guan Shao.

He was paralyzed on the ground, his hands and feet were bent into a strange posture, his eyes were already dull, his mouth was drooling, and he could still hear him apologizing to Lu Yin non-stop.

Tong Hua: "In this world, there is no success without a reason. Everything you get has to be paid for. If you want to stand above the crowd, you must first taste the suffering of the crowd... This is what my grandfather told me. Brother Guan, Your helplessness and helplessness are not an excuse to avoid paying the price. Once you embark on this road, the debt you owe will only accumulate. When the time comes, it will depend on whether you have the ability to repay it..."

Tong Hua got up and walked to Guan Shao's side, squatted down slowly, tilted his body to find his eyes, and said with a smile: "Gamblers in the casino owe too much money, and they can't pay it anyway. A kind of ending." Stretching out his hand, pinching his neck, the sound of a chuckle will be enchanting, the last word of death is said, and the hands are exerted at the same time, Guan Shao's neck is broken, and he died.

Worms crawled out of the corpse's open mouth, and Ah Er squatted down to retract them.

Tong Hua took a last look at the inhuman corpse, and asked the dumb slave to carry it out for disposal: "In case Feng Qingyang will feel uncomfortable seeing it again."

Ah Er gestured and asked Tong Hua why he cared about Feng Qingyang's reaction.

Tong Hua: "Because of the Nixia Palace...it seems irrelevant, but because of the Nixia Palace, I have some ties. Now there are not many people in this world who I can talk about ties."

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Qingyang suddenly rushed in from the outside, and before he had time to lament Guan Shao's pity, he told Tong Hua nervously that Lu Cheng was dead.

"Dead? I haven't gone to him to settle accounts, so he died?" Tong Hua curled her lips, "It's not enough for the elders of the beggar gang to take the opportunity to pull him down. He has to die to be at ease? Speaking of which, they are still from the same sect. It's so ruthless..."

Feng Qingyang shook his head and interrupted: "It wasn't the elders' hands. There was news from the beggar gang that the person who killed Gang Leader Lu was you."

"What?" Tong Hua thought she had heard wrong.

"It's you, Tong Hua, an orphan girl from the Tong family. Because of dissatisfaction with Lu Cheng, who colluded with the gangsters to take the secret medicine, she lost her original intention and pretended to be a great master... Poisoned her and killed her."

Tong Hua blinked, making sure that Feng Qingyang was not joking: "What does it have to do with me if he takes the secret medicine?"

I haven't killed all my enemies yet, how can I have the time to take care of such insignificant people.

(End of this chapter)

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