
Chapter 155 Only One Chance To Survive

Chapter 155 Only One Chance To Survive

In the simple cell in the cave, a dozen people were imprisoned.

Tong Hua gradually adapted to the darkness around her, and gradually saw the appearance of these people clearly.Clothed in rags, covered in dirt, emaciated, pale and pale, you can barely tell from their clothes that they are all from southern Xinjiang.

There was one person who wanted to step forward, but there was no malice in his eyes, he wanted to come over to see if the little girl who had just been captured was okay, then Tong Hua turned around abruptly, he stopped again, and looked at it from a distance.

Although there are many strange people around, but the one outside is not painful, and they have no malicious intentions, which makes Tong Hua feel at ease.

She was hungry and tired in the current situation, and after her numb body gradually recovered, it seemed that she felt the bone-eating pain before, it was unforgettable...

After a long time, the strange man came back, took some unknown meat and threw it into the iron prison, and other people saw it and crawled over to grab the raw meat.

Tong Hua crawled over with difficulty, and grabbed a small piece of meat closest to her. Seeing that it was bloodshot and had a fishy smell, she couldn't swallow it no matter what.

When he hesitated, the meat was snatched away.

The one who just wanted to come over to check on Tong Hua's situation had the most gentle eyes, but he didn't expect to attack fiercely.When he saw someone snatching Tong Hua's flesh, he kicked that person away and threw him heavily on the stone wall.He reached out to retrieve the meat, and punched the man on the waist again. The seemingly insignificant punch made the man kneel down and vomit blood.

The meat that was snatched back was handed to Tong Hua again, but this meat was harder to swallow than before.

"If you want to live, you have to eat."

Tong Hua raised his head, looked at the piece of meat, reached out to grab it, and put it into his mouth.

Survival is more important than anything else.



Arrived in southern Xinjiang for the first time...

It doesn't count as really arriving in southern Xinjiang.

Tong Hua didn't even go out of the mountain, but was captured by a strange man and brought into the cave.

There were more than a dozen people from southern Xinjiang who were locked up with her, and they didn't communicate with each other. Most of the time, they were huddled together in a daze.The one who robbed Tong Hua was always protecting her, he was tall and big, and the people next to him didn't dare to provoke Tong Hua at will, and even dared not provoke Tong Hua.

The weirdo would come every day to arrest people from the prison and leave. Some of these people came back, and some never saw each other again.

Tong Hua was curious about where they were taken and what they did. After three days of nothing happened to her, she finally asked the person who was protecting her to inquire about the situation.

"So you can talk." The man joked with a smile, "I thought you were dumb."

Tong Hua: "..."

"What's your name?"

"Children's paintings."

"It's so nice...Looking at your clothes, aren't you from Southern Xinjiang?"

Tong Hua nodded slightly, only saying that she got it from it.

Xu Shi saw that she was embarrassed and refused to elaborate, so the man stopped asking.He simply told Tong Hua that the strange man had captured these people to do things for him, but before doing things, he had to choose first.

"What to choose?"

"Choosing whether our ability is suitable for him to do things for him, those who are taken out will face various tests, and they will come back alive, and those who can't come back..."

While talking, the strange man came, and he took Tong Hua away today.

The man who was talking to her was very nervous, even more nervous than Tong Hua. He got up and wanted the weirdo to take him away, but Tong Hua refused.

She can't be kept in prison like this, no matter what, as long as she can survive and find a chance to go back for revenge, she is willing to do anything.

The strange man took her out of the cave, walked for a while and came to a big pit.

"Go in."

Tong Hua obediently jumped into the stone pit, and then the strange man moved the stone slab next to it and put it across the pit.

"Don't even think about running away secretly. The terrain of Changchong Mountain is complicated. I will catch you before you escape. You will only be given one chance to survive. Do you understand?"

Just shut yourself in a deep pit?impossible……

Tong Hua asked him what he was going to do here.

The weird man laughed twice: "Live."

After finishing speaking, the weirdo left, and the light on Tong Hua's head finally remained as thin as a finger.The light cannot penetrate into the big pit, and its existence seems to only remind Tong Hua that she is still alive.

This pit is about as high as those of two children's paintings. It is not big, and you can touch the wall of the pit with your hand. The touch of gravel is particularly easy to make people think about it.

After a while, Tong Hua vaguely felt something moving around her.Slowly, moving little by little.

She couldn't see, and she relied on her senses to find the location of the thing. She withdrew her hand, not daring to continue touching the pit wall, for fear of encountering something terrible.

Then, rustling sounds sounded around me, everywhere, above my head, under my feet, and around me.The sound is getting louder and louder, it's not that things are approaching me, it's that there are more and more things making sounds...

Tong Hua looked up at the ray of light, remained motionless, and stared quietly. Finally, after the light was temporarily blocked for the third time and then recovered, he saw clearly the flying insects.

She didn't know what kind of bug it was, but after seeing the bug clearly, her eyes followed the bug into the darkness. This time, she could see things in the dark clearly... The same small bugs were densely crawling on the wall of the pit around her. Occasionally they spread their wings and flickered twice, only a few really flew up, and the rest crawled along the pit wall.

At this time, Tong Hua's left shoulder was close to the wall of the pit. She felt her scalp was full after seeing the worms. She moved her body slightly to move away from the wall of the pit. She moved carefully, but still disturbed the swarm of insects.

The insects on the left wall of the pit flew up in shock, Tong Hua quickly stood still, biting his lips with his teeth, to prevent himself from screaming suddenly and disturbing more insects.

After a while, the swarm calmed down, and the worms climbed up the pit wall again.

In fact, Tong Hua didn't know what kind of bugs they were, and she didn't know what would happen if she touched them. She just couldn't forget the strange face and the strange laughter that suddenly appeared in her mind.Letting her stay here for three hours cannot be purely for her to get close to the bugs.

The vigilance without any reason made Tong Hua stand motionless for half an hour, her clothes were already soaked in sweat, and her legs gradually began to shake.Insects are very sensitive, and they can be disturbed by a slight movement of a finger, and the trembling legs are naturally disturbed a lot.

Finally, Tong Hua couldn't stand anymore, her legs softened and she leaned against the wall of the pit...



When three o'clock came, the strange man appeared by the big pit on time. He looked coldly at the stone slab that had been knocked open on the pit, approached in two steps, probed, and saw Tong Hua leaning against the stone wall in a state of embarrassment.

The slab was broken by the swarm.

Tong Hua disturbed the insects in the pit, and it was inevitable to bump into insects in such a big place. Her exposed arm was red, swollen and bleeding, which was the reason why she encountered those insects.

She knew nothing about bugs, but she personally felt that if she continued to let bugs touch her, she would die.

At the critical moment, she sprinkled the poisonous powder, maybe her grandpa had spirits in the sky to bless her, the poisonous powder was useful to the swarm, after a while, the swarm rioted, they seemed to be afraid of the poisonous powder, but the space was too small to dodge, so Together they broke through the stone slab and escaped from the pit.

"Little girl, do you want to live?" the strange man asked.

"I think." Tong Hua replied firmly.

"I can keep you alive and make you stronger. I just need you to do one thing for me." The weirdo smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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