
Chapter 159 Poison control means

Chapter 159 Poison control means

After a while.

Ah San was completely suppressed by another person, and her life and death were on the line.

Tong Hua, who was hiding, finally rushed out.

Seeing the man, Ah San was stunned, and was pierced through his left shoulder.

Tong Hua came over and pulled him to the back, didn't wait for a moment, turned around and walked towards the other person.

Without any concealment, every move is full of strength, she has no weapons, both hands or palms or fists, and strikes at the opponent's dead point.

The two were entangled in a weird way, even Ah San, who thought her past was incredible enough, was stunned, as if she had lost the ability to move.

In the end, it was Tong Hua who broke the other person's neck with the help of the poisonous powder. This fight was her first real fight with someone after practicing the martial arts taught by the strange man.She looked down at her hands and felt... good...

Ah San came over and dragged the excited Tong Hua back into the woods, ran wildly for a while before stopping to talk.

"Why are you alone? What about him?" referring to Ah Da.

"Why did that person kill you just now?" Tong Hua asked a new question instead of answering the question.

"Why?" Ah San rolled her eyes, "Do you really think that everyone in the prison is like you, loving each other, wanting to live together or die together? The weirdo will do it himself tonight, he will only keep one, and he will die if he meets him Undoubtedly, it is better to kill the others first, and make yourself the only one who survived."

Sure enough, so.

Tong Hua: "So tonight in the mountains, we should not only avoid weird people, but also avoid other people?"

Ah San: "Just understand, I will do something when I see you again, let's go."

"Can you be the only one who survived?" Tong Hua stopped Ah San who was about to leave, "If it weren't for me, you would have died. These people in the mountains tonight understand what you said, how can they be kept by strange people? It's an ordinary person, it's too dangerous to walk alone."

Ah San: "What do you want to say?"

Tong Hua: "I want to say, it's better to live together in life, and die together in death."



Chang Chong Mountain is not peaceful tonight.

Tong Hua and Yu Chong guarded the surroundings, and when there was a chance, he asked Ah San to make a quick attack. This kind of sneak attack eliminated the four people.

Ah San followed Tong Hua, thinking how long this girl has learned how to control insects, and now she can easily fight against other people's insects. When fighting in the mountain stream, it is obvious that Tong Hua's skills are superior to the other person.Whether it is talent or savvy, she can be regarded as a wizard.

Ah San has never been so curious about Tong Hua's life experience as she is now.

After walking for another half an hour, they found the next target, but before they could make a move, they had already finished fighting there.

Ah San felt that the victor after a hard fight needn't worry, it's just that if one blow fails, another blow will make it happen.Tong Hua thinks it makes sense, so she and Ah San continue to get closer, ready to take advantage of others' danger.

Unexpectedly, I saw Ah Er.

"Why are you together?" Ah Er leaned against the uncle, and beside him was a dead man with half of his body torn to pieces.

Tong Hua had never seen Ah Er make a move before, so she squatted down curiously to check the condition of the corpse.

Ah San frowned, and turned to stare at Ah Er: "I didn't expect that there are still alive..."

Ah Er smiled and raised his head slightly: "I didn't expect that, there are still people I know..."

Tong Hua couldn't understand what they were saying, and looked around curiously, then Ah San snorted and looked away, not intending to continue talking.

Ah Er asked again: "Didn't Ah Da take you away in the first place? How come he is with you instead?"

Tong Hua walked in, squatted beside Ah Er, took out a pill, and let him take it with a smile.

Ah Er: "What is this?" As if he really didn't know what it was, he asked curiously.

Tong Hua: "Ah San didn't do anything, which means that he knows that even if we take advantage of the danger now, we can't kill you, so let's not kill you, let's go together. This is the poison I made, as long as you take the antidote before the poison occurs, you will be harmless." thing."

Ah Er frowned: "Little girl, who did you learn how to use poison to control others to do things for you?"

Tong Hua: "I can't help it. You are all mysterious and unpredictable. I can't deal with so many people. You three are the only ones I know well. I can't ask crazy people for protection, can I?"

Ah Er: "If you want me to work hard for you, you have to give me some benefits, right? You can just say it casually."

Tong Hua shook her head: "It's not about dying, it's about being together. If I can survive tonight and face the weirdo, I will let you guys survive together. If I can't, I will die with you, not alone."

Ah Er: "That sounds good, but girl, why do you convince me that by then, you will die with us?"

These words made Tong Hua feel difficult: "I...haven't thought...that this problem is completely over..."

Ah Er pointed at Ah San: "Then why did he agree?"

Tong Hua smiled, with some playfulness: "I threw the poison into his mouth while he was not paying attention, and he can't do it unless he agrees."

Ah San snorted, very angry.

Ah Er tried so hard to hold back his laughter, if it wasn't for the fear of attracting weird people, he really wanted to laugh a lot.He got up and patted the dust off his clothes, took Tong Hua's pill, and opened his mouth to swallow it: "What are you going to do next?"

Tong Hua: "After cleaning up the others, wait for the weirdo to find them."

Before bringing Ah San with them, they could only do sneak attacks, but with the addition of Ah Er, they can take the initiative to attack, from encountering someone to chasing someone to death.

The moon climbed to the top of the head and then slowly slid down. Most of the time passed, and there were still two people alive.

"Ah Da doesn't count, where did the other person hide?" Standing on the top of the tree, Tong Hua looked around, "He didn't escape, did he?"

"It's not impossible." Ah San was beside her, "If you go out, you will die, and if you stay, you will die."

"The terrain of this mountain range is complex, easy to hide, easy to defend, and difficult to attack, so the Hall of Eternal Life has only opened up a road so far." Ah Er looked sleepy, "If we want to hide, we can't find it, unless Here comes the weirdo."

Then Tong Hua clicked his tongue: "Brother told me when I was young, don't talk about ghosts at night, it's easy to attract...it really attracted..."

What she said was inexplicable, Ah Er Ah San looked at Tong Hua at the same time, and saw her staring down with a serious expression.The two of them followed Tong Hua's gaze at the same time. Below, a strange person appeared at some time, and was staring at the three of them with his head up and smiling.

Ah San: "Being watched by him, I can't run away."

Ah Er: "He wants to shoot, he won't survive."

Tong Hua: "It's true that you can't run away, but it doesn't mean you can't live."

After speaking, Tong Hua jumped down first and stood in front of the weirdo.

The strange man smiled at Tong Hua, with satisfaction and an indescribable feeling.He said that the one they couldn't find was killed by him. As for Ah Da, there is no need to look for it specially, it should appear soon, because Tong Hua is here.

"The rest of the people are here, who do you want to kill and who do you want to keep?" Facing the strange man, Tong Hua's fear persisted in his heart, and he tried to make his voice sound stable.

(End of this chapter)

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