
Chapter 162

Chapter 162

Ah Da helped Tong Hua up, said that the other two were fine, and went out to find something to eat.

"Where's the weirdo?" Tong Hua leaned against Ah Da, breathing weakly.

"It's nearby, but I haven't shown up." Ada helped Tong Hua straighten Tong Hua's hair with his right hand.

"Hands..." Tong Hua's eyes fell to the left, and her empty sleeves drooped by the bed, "Did he do it?"

Ah Da smiled and shook his head, he didn't want to mention this matter again, because he could see that Tong Hua was blaming himself.

When Ah Er Ah San came back, the four of them had something to eat, and Tong Hua asked them about the identity of the weirdo.

Ah San glanced at Ah Da: "He has been around the longest, and the weirdo also said that he knows a lot, let him tell you."

Ah Da: "You have seen him make a move, do you think it is the charm?"

Ah San: "Only the Witch King can practice the Charming Technique, and no one has practiced it in the past hundred years. We have never seen what the Charming Technique is like."

Ah Er: "If it's really Charming Art, the weird person can only be him..."

The more Tong Hua listened, the more confused she became. Seeing that her eyes were straightened, Ah Da hurriedly explained: "The technique of Meiming Gong is stored in the treasure pavilion in the Palace of Longevity. The keys are held by the Witch King and the ten elders respectively. The rule is that only The Witch King can practice kung fu, so the way to obtain the kung fu will never go wrong, that is to say, other than the Witch King, others will never have access to the kung fu."

Tong Hua: "So, he is the Witch King?"

Ah Da: "It's the predecessor... Ten years ago, the former Witch King Basong committed a felony, was overthrown and it was rumored that he died."

There was an imperial court in Central China, and there was an emperor in the supreme position.

There is the Hall of Eternal Life in southern Xinjiang, and the person sitting in it is the Southern Xinjiang Witch King.

When Ba Song was young, relying on his stunning and decisive Gu skills, he was regarded as the Southern Border Witch King by everyone.Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long.

After becoming the Witch King, Ba Song began to practice the secret art of Charm, which is known as the number one in southern Xinjiang. The requirements for practicing are naturally very demanding, and the strength after training is also amazing.

Ba Song thinks he is highly talented, and thinks that practicing Meiming Gong is a piece of cake, but unexpectedly he gets into trouble when he starts practicing.He was full of energy and competed with Meiming Kungfu. After studying it carefully, he found that the secret technique known as the number one in southern Xinjiang was really extraordinary, so he made up his mind to practice it.

Only the Witch King can practice the Charming Technique, and in the past dynasties, only when the previous Witch King passed away would a new Witch King succeed him.

Bassong's practice was not going well, and no one could help him solve his doubts or discuss it. He fumbled for it by himself, but ended up going crazy. Fortunately, he got through it and he was fine.

But this obsession led him to discover another way to practice the Charm Art... blood sacrifice.

I don't know if he went mad and gave birth to a demon, or if there is something to this blood sacrifice method, Ba Song started killing people, killing people from southern Xinjiang.

In order to practice martial arts, the Southern Border Witch King sacrificed the blood of his own people, and placed them in the Central Plains. The position of supreme might be changed. If it happened in Southern Border, the ending would be the same.

Relying on his identity as the Witch King, he slandered the village and committed crimes at will, and brought the entire village back to the Hall of Longevity. After the blood sacrifice, he said that they had pleaded guilty, bought cronies to cooperate with the argument, and replaced the corpses... Gradually Yes, Bassong has reached a bottleneck in his practice, and he no longer thinks about finding a way to break through, but believes that not enough people have been killed, the level of blood sacrifice is not enough, and things are becoming more and more reckless.

Although Southern Border is ruled by the Witch King, there is also a Council of Elders under the Witch King.The ten elders assist the Witch King and also monitor the Witch King.Whether it is the Central Plains or southern Xinjiang, anywhere, the more power a person controls, the easier it is to make mistakes.The existence of the Council of Elders also serves as a warning to the Witch King. With such a group of people by his side, as long as he still has the ability to control himself, he will not dare to go too far. But unfortunately, at this time, Bassoon has lost his self-control.

The matter of the blood sacrifice was finally revealed, and the elders unanimously decided to dismiss Basong, but they had no power to fight back in front of Basong. On the day of dismissal, Basong directly killed four elders. This move, coupled with the blood sacrifice, completely angered Nanjiang.

Back then, there were two people in the Presbyterian Church, who gathered the power of the entire southern border, fought fiercely with Basong and his closest followers, and finally drove Basong out of the Hall of Eternal Life.

The whole of southern Xinjiang regards Ba Song as an enemy, and will never let him go if he can't be killed.The pursuers did not stop, they stepped on the dead body and vowed to cut off Ba Song's head.This hunt that used the entire southern border finally ended with Ba Song feigning death and hiding in the present Changchong Mountain.

Changchong Mountain separates the Central Plains from the southern border. The terrain in the mountain is complex, easy to defend and difficult to attack. For the sake of communication between the two sides, the Hall of Eternal Life has opened up a road. Although other places can be entered at will without defense, it is easy to enter and difficult to exit. Anyway, can you survive? Come out and see your own creation
When he hunted back then, Ba Songsheng saw no dead or dead bodies. It is said that the Palace of Eternal Life arranged several sweeps of the mountain. It should be that Changchong Mountain was searched all over, but no one was found.

Ada: "The two elders who overthrew Basong came together and announced that Basong was dead. The sinner who harmed Nanjiang finally came to justice and gave Nanjiang a satisfactory ending."

"How do you know this kind of thing so clearly?" Ah Er is more interested in Ah Da at this time, "This decision should be a secret for the Hall of Eternal Life, I don't think all the elders know about it... you Who is it, how can it be so clear?"

"Don't let outsiders go into the mountains, let the weirdos catch the people who finally came here, who doesn't have a past that can't be tolerated in southern Xinjiang? You two, there are things you can't talk about." Ada didn't want to talk about his own affairs, if it wasn't involved When it came to Tong Hua, he didn't even want to say these weird things.Looking at Tong Hua, he said firmly, "Don't worry about how I know, the girl will work for a weirdo in the future, I will not use this kind of information to deceive her."

Ah Er Ah San did not answer the call.

Then the bassoon.

He hid in Changchong Mountain and hid for ten years. He was capable of surviving in the mountain. It stands to reason that he could leave Changchong Mountain and return to the southern border or go to the Central Plains. For some reason, he stayed in the mountain for ten years.

The four of them had seen Basong's ability, so it would not be a problem to go out to bloodbath Southern Border, but it seemed that what he wanted at this time was not the power of the Witch King.

Tong Hua: "His Charming Art is powerful, but not perfect."

The others looked at Tong Hua, she was the only one who had practiced the Charming Technique here.

Tong Hua: "According to the exercises he gave me, it's obvious that there is still a step missing at the end of the practice."

Ah San got up and took a few steps outside, leaning against the wall, staring outside: "It's possible that he didn't tell you on purpose."

Tong Hua: "I can probably understand what kind of place the Palace of Eternal Life you are talking about is. He can even give up the power of the Witch King, but he refuses to leave the southern border. The search test is to find a qualified person to help him. What do you think can make him so reluctant to let go?"

(End of this chapter)

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