
Chapter 164

Chapter 164

When leaving, Ah Da saw him off.

Tong Hua always knew that he was wary of Ah Er Ah San, and at this moment, he made no secret of his distrust of them.

"Brother, even if you stare at the bleeding hole on us, it won't change anything." Ah Er stood aside with her chest folded, raised her eyebrows and smiled strangely, "We also have Bassoon's Gu worms on us, Bassoon only needs her to complete the task , we are just dispensable existence, right now, we can live longer if she lives. So don't worry, we won't do anything that hurts her. "

Ah Da: "It's better to be like this."

Tong Hua hugged Ah Da with her arms: "Be careful in everything."

Ah Da: "You too."

Leaving Changchong Mountain, the three of them took a rest in a nearby cottage. Ah Er Ah San covered their faces, and Tong Hua's dress was not like that of Nanjiang. They were too eye-catching.

After stealing two pieces of clothes from the cottage and changing them on, Tong Hua found that the clothes of the people coming and going were all weird.

Ah San: "Each village in southern Xinjiang has its own inheritance, various costumes, and some even have their own characters and languages. This village is close to Changchong Mountain. It was built by the Palace of Eternal Life for the convenience of visitors. There is no village owner and no rules."

Tong Hua nodded and understood, it is a bigger inn.

It's complicated for people to come and go, but it's convenient for Tonghua to mix into southern Xinjiang.

Ah San left to look around, saying she was looking for some news.

Tong Hua and Ah Er were in the teahouse, seeing many people coming and going but not many people from the Central Plains.

Ah Er explained: "People from the Central Plains are not very popular in southern Xinjiang. People from the Central Plains who come here to do business have their own counterparts. They will make appointments with time and place to do business directly. Those who come to Southern Xinjiang seem to have no purpose. People from the Central Plains who are swaying will make people in southern Xinjiang feel disgusted."

Tong Hua: "Why?"

Ah Er: "The kings of the Central Plains and the forces of the rivers and lakes have wanted to annex southern Xinjiang for many years. In the early years, southern Xinjiang itself was in chaos, with many loopholes allowing outsiders to take advantage of it. If it weren't for the unique insect control and Gu techniques, Southern Border was long gone. Later, there was the Palace of Eternal Life, and Southern Border was united. The enemy was still eyeing them, but they dared not start a war easily. If it was obvious that it would not work, many sneaky villains sneaked into Southern Border, trying to stir up conflicts and divide Southern Border. Unity in Xinjiang. This kind of thing will be exposed a few times, and of course we will pay special attention to outsiders.”

Tong Hua: "No wonder... knowing that I escaped to the southern border, but I didn't see them chasing after me..."

Ah Er: "Sinners from the Central Plains, Southern Border may not be able to take care of this matter. They may think that the Central Plains people are playing some tricks. After all, you, a sinner, may be the only hope of survival if you escape to Southern Border."

Tong Hua: "If there is no bassoon..."

Ah Er lightly held Tong Hua's hand: "Don't mess up now, don't rush, I especially like your Zhongyuan saying, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge."

Tong Hua smiled slightly: "You are indeed taking one step at a time, and when you encounter a sea of ​​fire and a mountain of knives, you will always be a person with an indifferent expression."

On the night of the chase, Ah Er was blocked by Tong Hua and Ah San, but he was not a little anxious, and later he calmly took the poison given by Tong Hua.This person is ugly.

After a while, Ah San came back and said that people from the Palace of Eternal Life were coming here today, which seemed to be a routine inspection.

Ah Er: "Who is here?"

Ah San: "Young Master."

Tong Hua: "Who?"

Ah Er: "The son of the Witch King is called Shaojun here."

Tong Hua: "That's right, the prince?"

Ah San: "The one who came doesn't count. The current Witch King has three sons, and the one who came today is the youngest one, and the one with the worst reputation among the three young masters."

Hearing this, Ah Er sneered: "Young Master Nazan, he has done all kinds of dirty things, so his reputation is naturally not good. It is rumored that the witch king has given up on him, and the succession of the crown prince has nothing to do with him. This kind of routine Let him do the inspection now, and the mess is getting worse."

Tong Hua stroked her chin: "That is to say, this young master is not a serious person..." After thinking for a while, she raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, and she didn't look like a serious person, "Grandpa said, a person who has no bottom line, the last It’s easy to use. The Young Master from the Palace of Eternal Life, it’s most suitable for him to take us in.”

As he was talking, he saw a group of guards slowly approaching a bamboo sedan chair from a distance. Some cloth strips were hung on the sedan chair, and there was also a huge horn decoration. People around saluted when they saw it.

The people who came here seemed unusual.

When a group of people approached, they saw that the person sitting on the sedan chair was a young man no older than twenty, lazily leaning against the seated figure, his sleepy eyes looked so unreliable, except for a little white face, there was nothing good about him Looking at him, Tong Hua still thought of Chu Lin...

"Master Nazan." Someone stepped forward to salute and called out his name.

The boy on the sedan chair yawned, waved his hand in response to the compliment, and opened his half-closed eyes to look around.

"Is this the person?" Tong Hua in the teahouse asked Ah Er Ah San.

"It's him." Ah Er affirmed.

The person who came forward to flatter the young master over there seemed to have a bit of status, and he didn't want to offend the young master of the Palace of Eternal Life, so he kept complimenting him.

Tong Hua looked at the people on the sedan chair without looking straight at them, he looked like the kind of dude he had seen in the Central Plains, and thought, there are such people everywhere.

Ah San asked, "What should we do next?"

Tong Hua: "Follow him."

This Nazan young master stayed in the village for one night, chatting happily all night long, Tong Hua and the three hid aside to watch, and saw the young master hugging left and right, so happy.

Tong Hua: "If the southern border is really handed over to this young master, the good times will really come to an end."

Ah Er: "The Witch King has three sons in total. If there is no accident, the next Witch King should be selected from the three sons. The eldest and the second have received the support of the elders over the years. Lawless, I don't know whether it is true temperament or purposeful intention, in short, no one in the elders likes him. Without the support of the elders, it is tantamount to missing the position of the Witch King. On the surface, he has long been thrown into the pit of sinners."

That intentional sentence seemed to remind Tong Hua that she looked at Shaojun below and saw more interesting things.

The next day, Shaojun set off, and the three of them continued to follow.

I need to find a chance to speak alone.

After walking slowly for a whole day, the young master didn't get out of the sedan chair, and there were always people around him, so I really couldn't find the time.

He had no choice but to stay overnight in the woods with them.

In the darkness of night, Tonghua Yuchong tried to approach Shaojun.

Ah Er muttered strangely: "Young Master travels with guards by his side, why is it so easy to be followed all the way, and let the imperial insect approach..."

"Because they deliberately let down their vigilance and waited for me to be assassinated on the way."

A voice sounded behind him, instantly making Ah Er Ah San break out in cold sweat.

With their abilities, some people approached silently, but they walked behind them without realizing it.

Tong Hua turned back calmly, with a complaining tone: "Can't you come here sooner? After following all the way, my feet hurt from walking without eating or drinking."

(End of this chapter)

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