
Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Tong Hua went out and stood beside Nazan: "If you don't know what I'm going to do, help me so far. Are you really not afraid that something will happen and you will be hurt one day, or have you already paved the way out?"

Nazan: "You girl is so thoughtful, why don't you settle for helping me?"

Tong Hua has slept for a long time, her body is swollen, she stretches at will, she doesn't have any restraint that a big girl pretends in front of outsiders, if her father sees it, she will definitely scold her for being unruly, but father is dead.

Now the girl who came out of the mountain still has the appearance of a ladylike young master, she raises her hands and feet, how comfortable she is: "The home is gone, everyone is dead." Tong Hua sat on the bamboo railing to enjoy the moon together, the night in the mountains is also beautiful, but she I'm not in the mood to appreciate it, and I'm always on the lookout for fear of something wrong with the bassoon.She said, "The old man whom I never fortified, the elder who always bowed obediently, killed my grandfather and led people to slaughter the villa. After that, I don't trust anyone except Chu Lin."

Even for Ah Da, Tong Hua's guard against him has never been completely eliminated.

Ah Da Ah Er Ah San, Tong Hua never inquired about the secrets of their past, since they don't want to mention it, why should she ask the bottom line, and therefore, there is no absolute trust between them.

Nazan found a bottle of wine in the room and brought two glasses, walked up to Tong Hua and asked her if she wanted a drink.

Alcohol, Tong Hua really never drank...

Wanted to try it tonight somehow.

The wine in Nanjiang has a rice fragrance, and it tastes as sweet as sugar water. Tong Hua likes it, so he drank two more glasses.

The wind blew past, shaking the bamboo forest outside the house.

Nazan took a sip of wine and said with a smile, "Who is Chu Lin? Your young man?"

Tong Hua squinted and said, "You helped me, but what you did is not helping yourself."

Nazan: "I don't understand."

Tong Hua snorted coldly, raised his head and drank another cup: "Young Master, I can't see through you, and I don't need to see through you completely. I just need to know that you are ambitious. They told me that you are the least likely of the three sons of the Witch King. Succession, but I feel that the Witch King will eventually fall into your hands."

Hearing this, Nazan got a little excited, and his fist hardened twice.

Tong Hua laughed twice: "You don't have to be nervous, we are allies, not to mention who is the witch king in southern Xinjiang and what does it have to do with me? I just want to survive and return to the Central Plains to take revenge."

"From what you say, it seems that it is very difficult to survive?" Nazan acquiesced to what the allies said, and also issued a warning, "Little girl, what you are going to do is best not to disrupt my plan, otherwise with those two people, the guardian I can't live with you."

After finishing speaking, Nazan blew his whistle, and there was a strange rustling sound in the bamboo forest outside the house. Nazan stayed still and stared at the bamboo forest until something crawled out of it.

It was a spider as tall as half a man.

Ordinary people were too scared to move when they saw this giant spider. Even Tong Hua, who knows how to control insects twice now, couldn't calm down.

Nazan said it was raised by him: "Let it be familiar with your smell."

The giant spider climbed up the small building with two long legs. Despite its huge body, its head was only the size of a fist. It approached Tong Hua and made a soft sound.

Tong Hua could hear tenderness in this voice, and she asked Nazan giant spider if it had a name.

"Why did you choose a special name?" Nazan didn't understand.

"Could it be the name of a spider?" Tong Hua liked to name the little things around her when she was in the villa, such as big white, small white, big gray and small gray. She tilted her head and looked at the giant spider, "I will call it from now on. You have a big head."

Nazan: "..." Where's the big deal?
Turning his head to refute, seeing Tong Hua smiling happily, Nazan swallowed his words back.

This smile suits her well...

The giant spider came out to show its head and left, and the two of them watched the moon and drank and talked for a while.

Although the rice wine in Southern Xinjiang is sweet, it has great stamina. Tong Hua drank a lot of sweet water, but as soon as the stamina came up, he lost his stamina.

Nazan, who hurried to catch the man, was also shocked for a moment. After checking his eyes, he found that he was drunk. He smiled: "This drinker is not like my southern Xinjiang girl."

After finishing speaking, he carried the man back and put him on the bed, then went out and stood outside the door waving. Two women dressed in southern Xinjiang appeared from nowhere, approached cautiously, and saluted respectfully.

Nazan asked them to prepare some sober soup, it is estimated that tomorrow the little girl will wake up uncomfortable.



Tong Hua woke up again, with a headache as if it was about to be torn apart. She raised her hand to rub it, but she touched the person beside her.

Turning around, Nazan was lying beside her, that is to say...in the same bed...

There was a loud noise in the small building, and Shaojun was kicked out of bed by the girl.

Nazan got up and rubbed his butt: "I have nowhere to sleep! Besides, this is my bed."

Tong Hua covered her head, the pain was so bad that she didn't even have the energy to fight.

Grandpa, the wine is very good, but after drinking it, my head hurts...

Nazan stood up to call someone, and handed the prepared hangover soup to Tong Hua: "Drink it, it will make you feel better."

Tong Hua held the bowl and sniffed it, guessed what was in it in two seconds, tilted his head, and drank it all.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll poison you?" Nazan joked, the woman who brought in the soup was so frightened that her legs softened and she knelt down, and then she was afraid that the noise would annoy Nazan, so she backed away again and again, sweating profusely.

"That's really a coincidence, this girl is immune to all poisons." Tong Hua tilted her head and looked at the woman, "You're so scared, it shows how cruel you are to her on weekdays." Bullying a woman is too much of a jerk.

Nazan complained, saying that he was moody at most, and he was more scary when his temper came up.

After resting for a while, Tong Hua felt that the room was a little stuffy, so she stood out.

There is a small yard outside this small building on stilts. It was dark last night and I didn't see it clearly, but now it looks clean and tidy.There were three people working in the courtyard, they were doing things methodically and carefully, but only one thing, their movements were very light, and they didn't dare to make any noise.

"You... have a lot of people." Tong Hua raised his feet and sat obliquely on the bamboo railing, his words were joking, the son of the Witch King, the Shaojun of Southern Border, this small building was put together with his identity, it was shabby very……

Nazan imitated Sitting next to Tong Hua: "If it's that easy, I wouldn't do it."

"Why are you going today?"

"Go to see Abba, you, the benefactor's identity, try to make it known to everyone."

"Could it be that those people really attacked me yesterday?"

"It's not obvious, it's not okay to come secretly. A girl from Zhongyuan has gone, disappeared, and can't find anyone. It's nothing strange."

"What about Ah Er and the others?"

"They don't need it. You just want them to live anyway. You are the one doing the thing."

Tong Hua thought for a while, then suddenly turned her head and said strangely: "Do you feel that the relationship between our allies is a bit unbalanced?"

Nazan was also surprised: "Why is it unbalanced?"

Tong Hua: "This is Nanjiang, you are Shaojun, and you have a pet like a big head. I am alone, have no background and no rights, and I may have to work hard for you in the future... No matter how you look at it, I am at a disadvantage right now. of."

Nazan seemed to agree: "What do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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