
Chapter 169 Meeting the Witch King's Suspicious Whereabouts

Chapter 169 Meeting the Witch King's Suspicious Whereabouts

Walking into the mountain from the side of the Hall of Eternal Life, after crossing half of the mountain and passing through the guard's giant python, you can see the stockade built with stones, wood and iron chains. Compared with the one built entirely of wood outside, this place is obviously more attentive.

Looking at the land, although it occupies the entire back mountain, the number of villages is not too large. Compared with the big cottages that Tong Hua saw along the way, this place is exquisite but not large in scale.

Walking in with Nazan, the servants passing by all bowed to avoid him. No matter in Nazan's small courtyard or here, the servants all showed a kind of fear when they saw him.

Tong Hua joked: "Shaojun doesn't seem to have a good reputation."

Nazan smiled: "The surface is glamorous and the back is dirty. It looks infinite. Once things are exposed, there is no way to turn around... Those with a good reputation can no longer compete. It is better to tie with them than to go against them."

After witnessing the two people who threw things in fright just because Shaojun passed by, and then fell to the ground shaking like sifting chaff, Tong Hua said again: "Young gentleman seems to be going too far." The frightened woman, Tong Hua shook her head.

Nazan: "The show has started, and it has to go on forever. A slight mistake on the way will not only ruin your reputation, but may also kill you. I asked myself if I didn't have the intention to play the whole scene, why not just do a bad show from the beginning? I can occasionally perform a bright spot and win the applause of the audience."

These words sound interesting, Tong Hua chuckled twice.

Walking through the wooden corridor and up the small building, Tong Hua heard a cold snort as soon as he stepped in.

Looking for the sound, isn't this the Jade Robber who was about to hack himself to death in the Palace of Longevity yesterday?

"I just saw your brother, don't tell me this is your brother."

"If he was, I would have strangled him to death in the cradle long ago."

The two talked softly, but continued to walk in without stopping.

Hearing the jade thief pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, Tong Hua also understood that he was not targeting himself, but that Nazan was not pleasing to his eyes.

Pirate Yuweng sat on the side and didn't get up when he saw Nazan coming in. He was cursing for a long time, and then saw Nazan and Tong Hua ignoring him, and began to call names, "What day is today, you bring a Is it appropriate for outsiders to come?"

Nazan waved and called the servants, saying to get something to eat for Tong Hua, she was drunk last night and didn't eat anything today.When Tong Hua started to eat and he drank tea, he raised his head to talk to the jade robber opposite him: "Aren't you here too? Today is a family feast, so you are not an outsider?"

Robber Jade Man: "Huh, Young Master thinks it's inappropriate, so you can talk to the Witch King. My son is not reliable to an outsider, so it's no wonder the Witch King wants to drive you out to live. If it weren't for today's family banquet, you might be back home." Don't come."

Tong Hua ate the pastry, quietly listening to the two sneering at each other.

In the end, it was obvious that Nazan had the upper hand.The Jade Robber was panting heavily, and unconsciously stretched his hands towards his waist, but when he came to see the Witch King, he naturally couldn't bring a sharp weapon with him. His long knife is not here now, if it is, it may be another battle. The scene of angrily drawing iron swords and chasing and beating.

Tong Hua felt that this jade thief who put everything on his face might not be the opponent of the invisible smiling tiger Nazan.

"Yu Weng, what are you doing!"

someone is coming.

The one in the front was dressed in eye-catching clothes, the sweet sound of the silver jewelry colliding, and the exquisite embroidery on the clothes instantly made Tong Hua unable to take his eyes off.The big snake embroidered on his body seems real or unreal, moving slightly, like a snake entangled around his body, this embroidery technique is rare in the Central Plains.

There are two people on the left and right behind this person, and the one on the left is the person who angrily scolded the jade thief.

After the three came in, Tong Hua saw Nazan standing up and saluting, and guessed that the person with the snake embroidery on his body was the Witch King of Southern Xinjiang.

"Abba..." The Jade Thief first called Abba, then felt it was inappropriate, and casually bowed to the Witch King.

"Yu Weng, why did you talk to Shaojun? It's not big or small." Robber Yu Weng's father is not an easy-going lamp. He probably heard his son's words when he came in just now, and felt that he wouldn't give up in front of the Witch King. His son was not in a good mood, so he yelled.

Tong Hua didn't hear anything about this sentence except that his voice was louder.

"It's okay, children are playing around, don't be too nervous." On the other hand, the Witch King was smiling, as if he really didn't take it seriously.

Tong Hua took a piece of pastry and quietly stood aside.

Just now, the Jade Robber said that today is the family banquet of the Wu Wang's family. He is a native of Southern Xinjiang and an elder, and his father seems to have a good relationship with the Wu Wang, so he is here, so it makes sense.

And I, a complete outsider, was really not suitable to appear here.

Thinking about it again, Nazan brought her here on purpose, there must be a conspiracy.

The Witch King took the lead, turned his head and began to praise the Jade Robber, and completely ignored his son.Looking at Nazan again, he seems to be used to it.

At this time, another person who came in with the Witch King came over.

"Second brother, you've been away for half a year. Did you bring me a gift?" This man was young, and looked a few years younger than Nazan.

"I was kicked out, and I didn't go on a tour, so I wouldn't be in the mood to pick out a gift for you." Nazan put on his usual smile, "Come to my place another day, and just take what you like."

While talking, the younger brother looked at Tong Hua, who was quietly eating cakes behind him: "This is the savior that the second brother brought back yesterday? Didn't you say there were three of them?"

Nazan: "I took those two, people from southern Xinjiang, who doesn't want a position in the Palace of Eternal Life? They are my benefactors, I can afford to give back this little face. As for this girl, she is from the Central Plains , it is not suitable to walk in southern Xinjiang, so I specially brought it here for my father to take a look at, so as not to cause misunderstandings."

The younger brother looked at Tong Hua curiously, his small eyes flickering back and forth.

At this time, I suddenly heard the Witch King say: "This is Tong Bo's granddaughter?" The Witch King should know about the things in the Palace of Eternal Life, "That kid has such a juicy granddaughter, it seems that the Witch God really likes her .”

Another witch god.

Elder Liang also mentioned the witch god yesterday, and it seems that Tong Bo has a lot of face in southern Xinjiang.

Tong Hua stepped forward to salute the Witch King, following the proper etiquette of the Central Plains: "Meet the Witch King."

The Witch King: "The news about the White Mist Villa has been heard, girl, did you escape to the southern border?"

Tong Hua: "Yes."

The Witch King: "What does your grandfather mean?"

Speaking of grandpa, Tong Hua's heart fluttered for a moment: "Grandpa never mentioned anything about being in southern Xinjiang. It was my own decision to flee to southern Xinjiang after the accident in the villa." I really didn't expect grandpa to have a past in southern Xinjiang.

After a moment of silence, the Witch King asked, "The time between the accident in the villa and your appearance in Southern Border is not right. After you came to Southern Border, where did you stay for two years?"

Not a stupid Witch King.

(End of this chapter)

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