
Chapter 182 The Saint and the Past of the Forbidden Land

Chapter 182 The Saint and the Past of the Forbidden Land

Tong Hua felt that there was too much wind outside, so he misheard what Liang Lao said.

After questioning twice, I can only admit my fate.

Tong Hua slumped on the bamboo chair with his whole body boneless, lamenting that he could not escape the fate of breaking into the forbidden area after all.

"How many things are there in the forbidden area of ​​your Palace of Eternal Life?" Seeing what Liang Lao took out from the house, Tong Hua hurriedly asked him what he asked him to go in to find, maybe it was also a skill...

"Anything in the forbidden area may lead to the destruction of southern Xinjiang." Liang Lao took out an ancient book from the house, which was made of silk cloth and bamboo boards.

Liang Lao unfolded the ancient book and asked Tong Hua what he saw.

Pointing to the bamboo board on the right, Tong Hua said that although the things painted on it could not be seen clearly, those four lines looked like long legs with a big head.

Liang Lao nodded: "The spider, the giant spider, is the totem of the Witch King. Ever since the Palace of Eternal Life and the Witch King, the giant spider has been the totem of the Witch King, a status symbol."

Tong Hua: "I've never seen a big spider beside the Witch King, but there is one in Nazan."

Old Liang: "Nazanna is only left by the Witch Queen, it should have belonged to the Witch King."

Tong Hua was confused, so Mr. Liang sat down and explained carefully.

"Have you heard of Torch Dragon Village?"

"I heard from Nazan." I went there before, "It is said to be the most mysterious tribe in southern Xinjiang."

"According to ancient records, Zhulongzhai was already the most mysterious tribe in southern Xinjiang hundreds of years ago. I can't find its origin after searching through ancient books, but there is a sentence written everywhere where Zhulongzhai is mentioned. Dragon now."

"It means that if it's not a catastrophe of extinction, then Zhulong Village won't show up?" It was exactly the same as what Lei Tang said.

"Hundreds of years ago, there was a catastrophe in southern Xinjiang, and there were endless internal strife and foreign enemies were watching. At that time, there was no Palace of Eternal Life and no Witch King. The villages set fires everywhere for their own interests. They knew that the Central Plains was watching, but they refused to let go of their prejudices and defend against foreign enemies. The Central Plains has entered the hinterland, and the southern border is unavoidable. One day, a little girl came, and she was accompanied by two huge centipedes. You don't need to use your hands, just standing there can scare several people to death."

Tong Hua lowered his head to look at the ancient books. On the other side of the bamboo board where the giant spider was painted, it was hard to tell what the pattern outlined by the black stripes was, but after hearing what Mr. Liang said, the more Tong Hua looked at it, the more he felt that the thing was a curled up centipede .She asked Mr. Liang how big the centipede was, and Mr. Liang said that the two coiled snakes outside the Witch King's residence were not as big as one centipede.

Tong Hua: "..."

Old Liang: "The little girl is excellent in martial arts, with one enemy against a hundred, and with two huge centipedes beside her, she finally drove the people from the Central Plains out of the southern border, and then wandered around to quell the civil strife. The establishment of the Hall of Eternal Life has her great influence Credit. Later, there was a witch king who was more than ten thousand people, and everyone felt that the little girl had the most credit, and she should be the one who was above ten thousand people. The witch king thought it was justified, and wanted to make the little girl a saint in southern Xinjiang, and her status was even higher than that of the witch king. Above, but the little girl was unwilling, so she said that she came from Zhulong Village, and was ordered to quell the chaos, and retreated afterwards."

Tong Hua: "She really went back?"

Old Liang: "I went back, I'm back again... Do you know the origin of the Charming Technique?"

Tong Hua: "Senior masters created their own exercises to defend against foreign enemies...it can't be..."

Liang Lao nodded slightly: "The Meiming Kungfu is the martial art created by the little girl back then. It is recorded in ancient books that the little girl was invincible when using the Meiming Kungfu, but she refused to let people practice the Meiming Kungfu. Probably everyone's thinking at that time was reasonable. Well, why should such powerful martial arts be taught to others in vain. Later, when the Hall of Eternal Life was established, the little girl left and returned to Zhulong Village, but within half a month, she returned to the Hall of Eternal Life. The reason for returning was not recorded in ancient books, only Half a year later, the little girl died of a serious illness, and the Meiming Gong was placed in the Hall of Eternal Life, and there was a rule that no one except the Witch King could practice it."

She died in the Hall of Eternal Life, and she had such a special status that she couldn't be called according to the family of an ordinary girl. The Witch King finally named her a saint and respected her last words. The Southern Border always regards the Witch King as the supreme, so there are thousands of girls. The southern border saintess who is above Gu and under one person.

So far, the Palace of Eternal Life has ruled southern Xinjiang for hundreds of years.

Tong Hua still didn't understand: "What does this have to do with the token you asked me to go to the forbidden area?"

Old Liang: "The giant spider represents the Witch King. The token engraved with the spider is in Bai Yuan's hands at this time, and the other token engraved with the centipede represents the saint was placed in the forbidden area." Lao took out another booklet from the chat room, which was obviously different from the ancient books on the table, and put them together, like official history and wild legends, "I got this booklet by accident when I was young, and although there is no textual research on it, it is written in it. Very reasonable."

Zhengshi Tonghua dare not touch it, but wild legends can be flipped through.

It was written in ancient script in southern Xinjiang. Tong Hua struggled to make out a few words, but he couldn't understand what was written on it.

Let's just listen to Mr. Liang...

Speaking of the great war back then, the Saintess was not the only powerful person, there were countless powerful Gu worms and Gu skills. After the war, how to deal with these things was a difficult problem.

If left alone, once it falls into the hands of ambitious people, Southern Border will be destroyed by outsiders as well.

The Palace of Eternal Life recognizes the rules and beliefs of each village, but the evil cannot be allowed to remain.

The person who came forward to clean up the mess back then was naturally the Holy Maiden.

She collected the scourges and sealed them in the forbidden area of ​​the Hall of Eternal Life. The fact that she did not destroy them immediately showed that the Hall of Eternal Life had not acted arbitrarily in those days.At any rate, it is a treasure created by others with painstaking efforts. They cannot be killed just because they are innocent and pregnant with crimes. The saint can't do such a thing...

It is also because of this that the treasure that was taken away back then did not encounter a life-threatening situation, and it was considered smooth.

Tong Hua: "That is to say, taking out any one of the things in the forbidden area is enough to endanger the harmony in southern Xinjiang?"

Liang Lao: "You can say that."

Tong Hua: "Hundreds of years... the saint has been dead for so long, and the Hall of Eternal Life is now saying the same thing, why not just destroy the forbidden place?"

Liang Lao: "There are a few witch kings who have thought about it, but they just can't do it..."

In the forbidden area, there were not only exercise books, but also hard-to-see Gu worms and poisons. After a long time, the seal failed, and things like Gu worms and poisons ran out, fighting and devouring them in the forbidden area. Years ago, it was a more terrifying existence.

None of the people sent in by the Palace of Eternal Life ever came out. Moreover, when destroying the forbidden area and its contents, a poisonous insect was accidentally released, and the outside world will suffer.

Gradually, no one mentioned the destruction of the forbidden area.

Tong Hua thought about Lei Tang's words, that Meiming Gong has its disadvantages, and the practitioner died suddenly. It was him who died, so it didn't count as endangering Southern Xinjiang...Why did he put the second volume of the exercise in the forbidden area?
(End of this chapter)

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